Welcome to the Top Five!!!

This section is set to change depending on my mood. This is just for what is interesting me at the moment.

In another case of a sequel being better than the original, TDK has been riding on the top of the box office for 4 weeks now and shows no signs of stopping. This one features Heath Ledger in his last performance as the deliciously insane Joker, a lot of action and clever plot twists, and interesting commentary for the thinking viewer.

2)Christopher Rice 'Blind Falls'
Rice's latest book is another mystery. This time it has to do with an Iraq vet coming to terms with a mistake he made to another vet to find 1)the vet in question was dead, bloodied, and cut up and 2) the vet in question was gay. That last part was revealed by the Iraq vet accidentally thinking said vet's boyfriend was the killer. From there, the two of them...straight man, gay gay....try to figure out who's behind it.

3)Kylie Minogue
Over the last few days I really have not been in the very best of moods. Then I normally pop in any of her cds and I get better. Whether it's the cute pop of LIGHT YEARS to the sexy pop of BODY LANGUAGE to the electro pop of X to a remix of CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD,' Kylie's brand of pop has been contagious.

For obvious reason. A song that gets you to pick yourself up after a bad relationship and crawl out of the wreckage.

5)Nip/Tuck Season 1 of the bigger haters of the show finally got around to watching the first season. Now that I'm done, I can say I like it. Nothing special...yet, but highly addictive. I expect nothing less of the creator, who brought me one of my favorite shows POPULAR.


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