Lost (December 2001)
Diego finally asks Christian out. Depression follows.

Risks (November 2001)
Life's just full of them. Why should my life be any different?

Buzzing Around (September 2001)
Diego examines the concept of 'gaydar'...and meets Christian for the first time.

Red-Haired Lad (August 2001)
Behold!!! The power of fire-engine red hair!!!

The Writing Life (July 2001)
Post-21th birthday, what do I have to show for my writing life?

New Perspective (June 2001)
Thanks to the rave scene, Diego starts to come out again.

Square One (May 2001)
Junior Year finds Diego...a closeted gay in a group of straights??? What???

The Man and the Kiss (February 2001)
Once upon a time...


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