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Today is Feb. 10, 2004 its been a very long time since I have last updated. Things kinda got messed up when the whole new computer deal came into effect...or is it affect?...I don't know and its besides the point (wait is it "its" or "it's"....God I'm really confused now). Anyway, the state tournament for wrestling is the weekend after next and regions are this weekend. Meaning that I have like 2 more practice left because unless all of the 103's don't make weight then I am NOT going to state. Surprising isn't it?! I should be reading about Mr. Jay Gatsby right now but this is actually more fun. I am sure I'm going to have to work out some kinks in the site....oh wait the whole site should be revamped since it sucks pretty bad. But anway... I'm going to work on another part of the site right now....so have a good morning/day/night (depending on what time you are reading this.... isn't this fun? It's like a choose your own adventure book....except that they all lead to the same place...and that place is me telling you bye).

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