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Basic Info on Deco

This is a webpage that I've created dedicated to my dog, who is named Deco. Deco is not looking for any romance or friendships. He doesn't need any friends. He has me. But Deco wants a webpage. So this is the wonderful DecoDog Website. Find out more than you ever wanted to know about DecoDog!!! Also, Deco's Song of the Day is Lady Stardust by David Bowie XOXO - Deco and Company

Deco Central

Basic Description
Hobbies and Interests
Message to You All(read me)
Sexy Images of Deco, the cultured, worldly dog
Deco's Links
Deco's Song of the Week
New!!! Take the Deco Dog Sobriety Test!!!
New!!! Join Deco Dog's Fan Club
horrible disgusting crap