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Dear Deb:

Email me your dating & lovelife questions
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Dear Deb,
I just started college and feel my boyfriend back at highschool is cheating on me. Should I confront him?

Dear Lisa,
You both should be having the time of your life now. But I remember when I was young and know you will disagree with that. I think that if this love was meant to be, that thought wouldn't even enter your mind. Talk with him. If you still have doubt then, then I wouldn't waste another thought on him. Enjoy college and make lots of friends.
Dear Deb,
My husband calls out his former wife's name in his sleep. Should I be concerned?

Dear S.G.,
Heck no. First of all, the poor man's ASLEEP!!!! For Pete's sake. If he could control things in his sleep, then he should be working another job while he's sleeping each night. My exhusband does that too, so I've heard. I hope it's a nightmare, sheesh, God forbid a wetdream. Just don't worry about it. You have no problem.

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