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Problem Solved

Yeah, I got a few problems solved . . .finally huh? Just keep them coming, please and thank you very very much! Dear Yumiechi, I am a little unsure why the heck I am sending you this letter, but here it goes. Some people think that I can't be serious about things. I mean, I only act a little hyper most of the time because I just want the people around me happy and in a good mood. What should I do? Signed,seriously~hyper ****************************************************** Dear seriously~hyper, Well, there are a few things that I would suggest. 1.You could try talking to some of your friends one on one and tell them what you really feel about the situation and tell them how much you dislike the fact that they treat you like such a child. 2.You could just lower the level of hyperness you have around people. You can have your strong moments and you can have your regular moments. Just take it slow and see what happens. Signed,Yumiechi ****************************************************** Dear Yumiechi, I don't know who to go to, so I decided to come to you, since you give out fairly good, no great advice. I have a lot of siblings and I never seem to own anything of my own without sharing it and I never have privacy and it is driving me mad!!!! I can't tell me sibling or parents because I am afraid that they will be diappointed or offended or not even pay attention. None of my friends have siblings, so they don't know what I am going through. Help! Signed,Tired-older-sibling ****************************************************** Dear Tired-older-sibling, I can almost relate to your problem. I used to be surrounded by cousins and sometimes still is. They can be a pain and they can be a joy. You just have to work things out. Like find what they like to do or why they may be fighting and try to pre-occupy them. That may give you an hour or two of peace and private quiet. You could also just talk to your parents about how you would like to go out and just get something like a diary or something that can be considered personal and keep that as your one time thing that won't need to be shared. Or you could even talk to your parents about how you feel privacy drained and they may be able to take the troublesome sibling to you somewhere for a short time or send them over to a friends house for a weekend or so and you can have your privacy that way. Those are only a few ways you could handle it. Good luck all the same. Signed,Yumiechi

More Problems Solved

Dear Yumiechi, I have a slight problem of putting myself down alot. I usually put myself down every time I mess up. I think it is mostly because I can never get a boyfriend. I keep asking and asking, but I never seem to get one. I even dress totally different. More girly and I wear makeup and exercise to stay thin and look good. Still no results. Could you help me out? Signed,boyneedy ****************************************************** Dear boyneedy, I am very sorry you feel this way. Just do not go over the limit. Maybe you should just stick to flirting just a little and smile. Make some eye contact, a little conversation. Then you should be able to atract them. But always remember that it is better to make friedns first. So make friends with all the hotties and just learn about them first, before you ask the question of dating. And never put yourself down over a guy. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Signed,Yumiechi


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