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Daily Rituals
Wednesday, 13 August 2003
Dang the stupid worm gay fag....keeps shutting down my computer... why? i forgot to turn on my application protection... that's why.. =P ...anyway... its break time from ete...really...this draining life sucking piece of !@##$% ....but what to do....its my core module...if i dont freaking pass this shit... i will have to retake this damn subject...hmmm...actually...nothing much to blog also...just came by to waste my 15 minutes...well...isnt that why blogging came about? any how....i think i will be back later... going to take a snooze....

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 1:00 PM
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Wednesday 13/08/03 0714
Ahhhhh...insufficient rest ar..... i am so shagged out.... stressful... just learnt that next week i am having my french test.... theory plus oral....ahhhh die ar.... have been a very stressful week so far... but i think its ok now... since its already the midweek.... tml..thursday..9i wont be bloggin in the morning...cause i wont be bringing my lappy to school...tml is "IS" day... have SW(sports and wellness aka PE) then followed by oral communciation test.... then a 3 hr break followed by IAC.... tml is a shitty long day.... hmmmm but i guess its ok... since i know what's installed for me 5(school ends) i will be meeting my ex classmate.... she will be introducing her classmates to me...wahhhh pretty girls from business!!! only get to see can get to know them..YAY!!!let's see... first lesson for today...MTP (manufacturing technology practice aka DNT) hr's break... the ETE and maths... dang.. i dunno how to do the stupid trigo functions...remind to bring my mopiko in the morning when i come to school this freaking area is a mosquito infected !@#$%$#@! .... those mosquitoes are like having a buffet here.....wahhh sometimes i love wednesdays.... business school's SW day... all wear the pe short until really damn short... free show ar......i think i will sit in one corner...shutup and be a dirty old man...kekekeke... SICK!... i am not that perverse.... i still have pride in end lessons at 5....then got cca...until god knows what time...but i feel very gay taking aeromodelling club as my cca...although its a "must" join cca for aerospaced technology students... i want to take something more physical... i wanted to join dragonboat team..but after i saw all the rowers have the "shape" but inside all hollow...they cant even do a proper push up and for pete's sake.. they cant even do a pull up...need me to go train them anot? =x ...really discouraging.. see such wussies in action... lucky thing i was warned by my friend who is already in the wussy boat team... fencing... wanted to join...but so expensive....need to pay a few thousand for the freaking equipment.... and their trainings are on saturdays...which is my ncc training day.... so..OUT!!! then...archery club... i think they disbanded...cannot find them anyway...arghhhh...forget it...aeromodelling gay club is good enough... got ncc as my main cca...boring...1 1/2 more hrs to lesson!!!! its so shitty... why did i wsant to come to school so early... just because i want to see this RGS girl taking the same train as me in the morning.. and then the NJC girl taking the same bus as me.... i think i will be going now... take a snooze.... tired...

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 6:30 AM
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Damn the system
ahhhhh........ the npnet server got virus... attacking all the systems... and shutting down the systems of all thqat have the computers on... WAHAHAHA.... how you like that!!! lucky i have some hacker friends.... lucky i wont shut up.. i have a firewall anitvirus... so... whiole my friends are busy saving up all their work.. i am here blogging away.... all their computers will shut down in 1 minute time... lucxky thing this protection thingy is kinda safe...must do MOL liao.... brb

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 11:29 AM
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WAHAHAH!!! BACK!!!... actually... could have logged in earlier... stupid np server down... make me wait... surviving the "ams lesson"... i fed on vandalising the lecture notes with some pen options.... hmmmm... cant do much webby design... my brain juices are kinda dry for now... cant find any nice pictures to upload into my website... i think i am gonna design my own background by hand.. then i scan and upload into the page... if anyone have any ideas... please feel free to share your views...but please note... I MAY NOT LIKE IT!!! :D But anyway... have to survive this freaking boring lesson on blogging... nothing nice to surf online anyway...dear nice friends of mine... give me your webby..then i will link mine to yours... so at least your webby wont be as lonely as mine!!! LOSER! :x... hmmmm... i am starting to like this blogging shit.... interesting... never had such a great time writing about what i was doing in my daily life... too lazy to pen it down... i guess the internet age is kinda useful! :) but i am kinda net-stupid..... so dont mind my crazy online ethnics.....wonder if there is any nice webby to vist...... hmmmmmmm... i dont want to go for french!!!! its so sick.... i want to go home!!!! i want to sleep!!! actually i dont want to sleep... I NEED TO SLEEP

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 7:49 AM
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Tuesday 12/08/03 0716
Ahhhhh.... So early reach school....Actually i reach in this at this time everyday.... 44 more minutes till lessons starts...Let's see the first lesson is..... AHH!!!! AMS!!! DANG!!! well..... hmmmm i think i will be alright.... Most likely i will be spending my time doing some blogging or some improvements on my webby...Abnother boring day... i dread tuesdays... longest day of the week... starts lessons at 8 and end at 8.... a total of 12 hrs in this forsaken school.... actually i end at 5.... but got french lesson at 6 to 8... regretted taking french... take up so much of my time.... reach home at about 11....
then must do hmk..... tml... same old thing....but not bad lar... french class got alot of pretty girls... quite excited to go also..
so early... the delifrance haven open... no change to buy "ritz"...hungry!!!then got maths practical later.. ams practical and ete practical... practical day!!! hmmmm still hoping for "someone" to go dinner with me.. :D ....what to do... after come NP...sort of like "reborned" no friends or whatsoever... so lonely...hmmmm... i think i will continue with my website crap... so i will be blogging later on!!

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 6:24 AM
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Monday, 11 August 2003
11/8/03 11.00am
YAYYY!!!! Just started blogging.... What to do!!! So damn bored...Tutorials and lectures... Lectures and tutorials.... What's the diff? Still so strict... Mark attendance for ever lesson...First lesson was AMS(applied mechanics statics)... The most hardcore lesson... Learning about trussess and structure.... *huh* Now i am having IAT(introduction to aerospace technology)... so teacher talking crap... have time to blog.... later then continue... lecturer saw what i was doing...

Posted by blog/daysofafrog at 10:15 AM
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