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Inside My Head

My Favorite Things To Do

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
fun games
funny, stupid things to do
stupid shit to do when your bored! like now

Hey ALL!!!! Check Out my page!!!! It's kinda stupid but ya'll can e-mail me and give me advice so it can be super super kool!!! well.... ne way.... Ompa Lumpas Rock!!! MY BLOODY VALENTINE Oh my love, please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life I ripped out his throat And called you on the telephone to take off my disguise Just in time to hear you cry When you mourn the death of your bloody valentine The night he died You mourned the death of your bloody valentine One last time Oh my love please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands And we'll start a new life I don't know much at all, I don't know wrong from right All I know is that I love you tonight There was... Police and flasing lights The rain came down so hard that night The headlines read "A Lover Died" No tell-tale heart was left to find When you mourn the death of your bloody valentine The night he died You mourned the death of you bloody valentine One last time Oh my love please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands And we'll start a new life I don't know much at all, I don't know wrong from right All I know is that I love you tonight Tonight... He dropped you off I followed him home Then I stood outsid his bedroom window Standing over him he begged me not to do What I knew I had to do 'cause I'm so in love with you Oh my love please don't cry I wash my bloody hands And we'll start a new life I don't know much at all, I don't know wrong from right All I know is that I love you tonight ~I LUV That song!!:) This really cool game thing that I really luv cuz it's super super awesome it's called punk-o-matic.... its on it's really fun... you can make really cool music!! cuz if you didn't know that I am like a music FREAK!!!! "Lately I find I'm caught up in these thoughts How will you come to me How will we connect these hearts Are you somewhere near Hidden like a four-leaf clover Are you miles away Are we getting any closer Are we getting any closer I already see us moving mountains I already see us walking water I already see the clouds we're flying Over and under I already see us having babies Walking through the park and being lazy I already see myself falling in love eternally And I think that's just the way it's gonna be And I think that's just the way it's gonna be" "GIRLS WHO ARE BOYS WHO LIKE BOYS TO BE GIRLS WHO DO BOYS LIKE THEY'RE GIRLS WHO DO GIRLS LIKE THEY'RE BOYS ALWAYS SHOULD BE SOMEONE YOU REALLY LOVE Avoiding all work Because there's none available Like battery thinkers Count your thoughts on 1 2 3 4 5 fingers Nothing is wasted Only reproduced Get nasty blisters Du bist sehr schon But we haven't been introduced" ~another really cool song.... by the blur.... you should hear the whole song!
