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The Beauty of Pregnancy

The Birth Process : 3 different stages

Some web sites to aid in having a safe and enjoyable pregnancy


(1)This site answers questions about pregnancy and gives great facts on how to get through this wonderful process of starting a family. It gives wonderful reviews and suggestions on what to do if you are becoming a mother for the first time or for a subsequent baby.

(2)This is a great site which explains many different things about labor and the different stages, phases and others questions one might have about pregnancy. It also has many other helpful facts and healthy hints for women on how to eat and how to have a successful birth. Also, gives information on how to get tested for illnesses that happen to women while pregnant.

(3)This site gives great tips for women seeking advice on the birth stages and other unanswered questions about labor. It answers many questions running through a mothers mind that other books and web sites may not cover. In addition to the facts on the stages of birth, it has other things like suggestions on where to shop for maternity clothes and advice on being a new mom.



This article explains the importance of following a few effortless dietary rules specified by midwives. Midwives are advanced practice nurses specializing in women's health care needs, including prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum care for "normal" pregnancies. The most significant tips given contain the importance to consume folic acids in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and to eat necessary fatty acids "for good brain development and the health of the mother." Folic acids are important because they decrease the risk of neural tube defects by up to 70%. "The Neural tube is formed during the first twenty eight days of pregnancy, usually before a woman even knows she's pregnant and goes on to become the baby's developing brain and spinal cord. When the neural tube does not form properly, the result is a neural tube defect such as spina bifida." In conclusion, the midwives have amazing advice and understand the importance of consuming the right foods when it comes to pregnancy and birth as shown in this article.

Vlincoe, Alana Juman (2005). A guide to healthy eating during pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 13(3), 172-175.

This article conveys the magnitude for mothers-to-be to consume at least 400 mcg of foliate every day to not just to prevent neural tube defects but in addition to aid in the formation of the babies face. "Research that compared foliate supplement use by 377 mothers, half of whom had children with cleft lips or palates or both; Report that women who take foliate supplements have half the risk of having babies with cleft lips or cleft palates." Some foods most people don’t know about have foliate in them including liver, dark-green leafy vegetables such as collards, turnip greens, and Romaine lettuce; broccoli and asparagus; citrus fruits and juices; whole-grain products; wheat germ; and dried beans and peas, such as pinto, navy and lima beans, and chickpeas and black-eyed peas. The consumption of these or a supplement pill can be used to protect your new born baby against defects in the brain and the facial area.

McVeigh (2005). Guarantee your baby's smile. Prevention , 57(3), 80-81.

Nurse Kathleen Rice Simpson has spent her career of 26-years working to make labor and delivery secure for mothers. Rice Simpson; a new mother, didn't always seem destined to become a labor and delivery nurse. When she was an adolescent, she thought she would have a career in geriatric nursing. That changed on her first day of clinical nursing classes at Loyola University when she was assigned to help a woman in labor. The patient complained of back pain, so Rice Simpson helped her get up on all fours, a technique she had learned in the sole obstetrics lecture she had attended. I believe this article is a helpful way to learn and understand about how women get through the hard nine months of pregnancy. It tells many interesting stories and gives some helpful facts on how to go about giving birth in a safe and comforting way.

Poliak, Lisa.(2004.)American Journal of Nursing. Laboring to Ease the Birth Process ,104(6),86-87.