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Paranormal Investigations from CSPR

Things to Remember when Reading This Page

Welcome to Paranormal Investigations done by CSPR.

We're a Colorado based Paranormal Investigation group. We consist of 6 members at the moment and we're hoping to grow and expand to where we can go investigate where ever we want.

Our members are Sally, Bekah, Sandy, Heather, Elizabeth and sometimes David. You can find individual short bio's on our group members in my blog section.

If you have a haunting you would like investigated feel free to drop me an email at

I also want to mention here that Sandy is our group psychic and she does personal & group readings.

For people who live out of the state or out of the area and want a reading email me I will let you know the details on how it will work.

Group Readings we like to call Psychic parties. These readings are done with a group of people and everyone at the party has a chance to get a mini reading which lasts about 15 minutes.

Thanks for visiting us here and we hope to hear from you soon!

Also feel free to let us know if you've done some investigating we would love to hear your stories and see or hear some of the stuff you caught!

Places We've Investigated (click to read the information)

Lafayette Municipal Cemetery

The Melting Pot


Another Investigation Group, they have some awesome stuff posted on their site well worth visiting.
Our Myspace Site
Our Blog
Our Investigators
