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The Captain's Journal
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Shifting with the wind
Mood:  not sure

My first blog that people may actually read. I thought since I'm going to college for English, writing art etc. that writing blogs and showing my art online would help further my career.

lets start off by mentioning whats going on right now with me and my current events. I have been looking for a job for almost 8 months now. Here in Michigan, Monroe county has the lowest job openings in the entire state. The chances of nailing a job here are slim and none..I may be lucky though. I gave my local sears a ring, seems like I may be what their looking for but with my luck, ill probably be shafted.

Things are rough without the money flow working smoothly. I have a girlfriend, possibly wife within the next year and without the money coming from my side..things won't click. If your reading this and you so happen to be in the same position I'm in then take my advice **:::Get a damn job:::**. It horrible i know, no one wants to work for half ass wages but unfortunately..we will become half ass ourselves if we don't decide to take the job option. Think about how men and women survived back in the late sixties, then compare the same work ethics to modern day jobs; we have it made and should not complain about anything what so ever. I sit back and watch these people who surround my neighborhood, most of them are lazy, no jobs, 12 kids, food stamps, bridge cards, and depend on welfare every month. Some people really need welfare service but most are physically capable of getting a job and working to get what they desire.

If I could make one wish regarding this blog it would be..

People, take the time and look around you, look what your missing, look for the signs of life, look for whatever may help influence your life. Some where in this world theirs an answer to all your problems. Not working and supporting yourself could easily drown your dreams away. Time keeps ticking, it will never speed up, it will never slow down. Time ticks at the same pace every day and night but time will run out. Take advantage of what you have and what you are capable of doing...the lord will guide.

You will feel the ''Shifting in the wind''

- Captain Crosman
- 9/23/06

Posted by blog/crosman at 1:48 AM EDT
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