Sign My Guestbook!
*im feelin.*The current mood of at [obsoletely oblivious] v1.0 {hot summer nights....}
i am.

silly. that describes me perfectly. welcome to my site. click around wherever you want to be sure to check for updates in the blizog on the right ;) i love this layout and i love the picture its sexy eh? lol yea i know. *put that in ur pipe n smoke it* dont forget to sign theguestbook! most of the stuff is in the [content] part up top by where it says "say hey" "sign gbook" and so on. *have fun
!chaio! ^_^

oh yes make sure you check out my "content" cauze thats where a lot of stuff is.


  • Lillix - Promise
  • Avril Lavigne - Why
  • Mya - Its All About Me
  • Lillix - Its About Time
  • Bobby Brown - My Perogative
  • Anybodys Getaway - Piano Song
  • The Used - Taste of Ink
  • Tim McGraw - Somethin Like That
  • Amanda Perez - Angel

    get linked.

    thelma and louise [bffe page]

    [k e n d a l l]

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