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23rd July 2003
Last night I stayed over at my aunts house. She got a digital camra that doubles as a webcam so I started making faces at myself on it and then I took a picture. My hair is so shiny, it looks like plastic at the top. Seriously.

I don't know what I'm gonna do today, I feel like going somewhere, but I doubt that anyone else wants to. Besides, it's storming. Grr. It's always raining!

I took some quizes the other day and decided to put the results in The Real Me section. I love taking quizes! ^.^21st July 2003
Well, my dad came over yesterday. The reason that he didn't come over on Sat. was because he was sleeping...

My scanners working! I scanned up some pictures that I drew and I'm going to post them up. Soon. Yeah.

Well, is working, yay! Turns out, the person writing it hasn't updated after the last chapter. Hopefully she hasn't quit...

19th July 2003
Today was pretty cool. Mom showed me a beautiful stone house that was for sale that she might ask about and then took me to see the country club that I hadn't seen.

There were surpisingly a lot of people from my school out today, a lot of them at Cardin's (little drive in food place). I thought I saw the whole football team there. How could I tell? Everyone of them wore their jerseys. It was weird.

Well, turns out my dad did NOT come over today after all. Didn't even call and cancel! It was a good thing that we (being mom and me) didn't wait on him to do anything. We went on about our daily stuff, lol.


Well, I did some drawing today. I've decided to do at least one drawing everday, so I'll hopefully fill up my 70 sheet notebook in ::counts:: 63 days. Or 133 days if I use front and back. One picture was of someone I made up (anime character, pretty sucky), the second one was of the monopoly guy (it's ok), and the third one was of Harry Potter (I can do better, but it was only my first try). I wish my scanner was working, then I'd scan them up! Sucky or not. I'd let your eyes suffer... lol

Well, I think that's everything... I think...

18th July 2003
What better day to start blogging than on Friday (maybe Monday, but that's not the point...)

My day was actually pretty good. I talked to my friend the other day and she asked me to spend the night with her tonight. I couldn't go though. Mom has to work tomorrow and then my dad was coming over, the first time I've seen him since the 4th.

I did get my classes for next year though yesterday in the mail. I'm pretty excited about that, though no one else has gotten theirs yet.

I'm so mad! I was reading this really interesting story (fan fic) yesterday on about American Mcgee's Alice and I couldn't get to it at all today and read any of it. Grrrr...

Well, I'm going to go work on more of the side items of this now since there's nothing more interesting about my day. Pretty sad for a Friday night, huh? lol, Oh well!

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