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Forever You.......                

"If I could say one thing to the entire world, it would be.. "your all fucking sick and twisted.".

 I've  found myself to be very fond of hate because it is; easy, fun, understandable and simplifies life.   I see no need to love someone I don't know. I mean,  9 out of 10 new people I meet everyday I imagine  myself brutally stabbing to death within they're first few words.
So ask yourselves, does this sound like someone who gives a shit about what you think of him. Do I sound like I give a shit if you think I'm some stupid kid, a loser, a nobody, a head case, a reject, or a dead beat? Well the answer is no. I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Unless your close to me, I don't give a fuck if you wake up dead or alive tomorrow.
              So go fuck yourselves.......

 "If gratitude was a body part, I would sever mine off and give it to you.".

To those people I care about,  the people who except me for who I am, and the people who love me despite of even my worst flaws. I love you all,  I would take a bullet for everyone of you, and I mean that..
You have become a part of me, and life would be shit without you. Though they're are few of you, We could conquer  the world with our bare fists.


Forever You......