cross your T's and dot your lowercase j's

Hey! ive updated some. I really really like this layout but i didnt make it so if you like go to "thanks" oh yeah and my old layout is now on the layouts page so go go go!! lol all right so i need some new websites for the website of the moment so if you wanna be chosen please PLEASE go to the website of the moment page located in the menu. I only have one more website and unless i get any more after that one i will most likely shut it down FOREVER! :-O now we dont want that do we? well expage started acting weird so i had to switch to angelfire. I dunno if i like it better or what, this is just a trial but i doubt ill change websites again because that was way too much work. I finally added a guestbook... I haven't done like anything in forever. Well fyi, i got a job and i prob. wont update very much, although i havent been updating alot anyways. haha well i'll probably add more stuff... check out the menu for anything new. payce! --colleen
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