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we*re hot like sex ;-)it all started with is the love food.. TRUE LIFE: i met the love of my life in a pizza line...:) we`re like hot sex!
*eLish*s/*amaNda*s bLurTy*
!boyfriends.!!Manda*s Pic*s!!!Elish Pics!!!ToUch My BuM!!!
!he loves me!!he loves u!!jesus loves everyone!!link!
*ELISH hOTT PaNTs!TouCh My BuM!!*

August 5th biaTCh!TuEEssDAyyY! u> ..thats my survey so go 2 it


Cheeky Girls- Cheeky Song


My Day! every one wants 2 hear about it!!?)

touch my bum. dont be shy. this is life!!
-->eLish HOTT pants!!
-:*:-LiL miss maNda panTs-:*:-
Wednesday, August 6th


Remember To Breathe-Dashboard Confessional


Danielle is a fuck ass

OK yes moving on..:?

*:*--[8/06/03][12:49pm]Tuesday in the park..was probably the stupidest thing on earth...just a bunch of ghetto people walking but we did see a couple people we knew..but basically all ghetto people..yea. Seamo*s party was kick ass tubing was fun..(falling off is funner)even though that lake is hella gross. but heeey its all good. Chindy*s leaving in 2 days!! awww damn i love that kid. lol yep.. Yea and just to clarify things Danielle (my sister) is a big fuck ass. ok then thats all bye.

Tuesday, August 5th


its too early for me to think..fuck.


confused (for no reason)

OK yes moving on..:?

*:*--[8/05/03][9:56am]blah blah blah hi.. yep writing in the thing and really dont have much to say.....but today i ate a lollipop, some gatorade and ice cream for breakfast (ok i hate breakfast foods...can u blame me?!)lol yes ok then...omg i cant believe Seamo is moving!!! aww this is gonna be so sad..!! ok and since im super bored i decided im gonna take this question thingy thingy:


[Name]: Amanda<3
[Born in]: New York
[Resides in]: uhmm..rotter-gay [that would be rotterdamn,ny)
[Good student?]: kinda
[Eyes]: green

*-**-**-**-*Last time you?*-**-**-**-*
[Had a nightmare]: yesterday
[Ate at McDonald's]: about 5 months ago
[Dyed your hair]: 2 months ago
[Brushed your hair]:like..2 seconds ago
[ Washed your hair ]: this morning
[ Cried ]: 1 month ago
[ Called someone ]: like..yesterday
[ Smiled ]: yesterday (nothing funnny happened yet)
[ Laughed ]: yesterday

*-**-**-*Do You...*-**-**-*
[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ] nope
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ] all the time
[ Play an instrument? ]: yea.
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: uhh,,
[ Remember your first love?] kinda..
[ Read the newspaper? ]: not really..
[ Have any straight friends? ]: oh no ;-) lol yes
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: kinda..
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: wouldnt know..
[ Have any secrets? ] lol lots
[ Have any pets ] cats..yes
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: uhm..fuck no (thedyre all gay)
[Wear hats?]: uhm..only if they loook good on me
[Have any piercing?]: 1 hole in each ear
[Have any tattoos?]: i wish!
[Hate yourself? ]: sometimes
[ have an obsession?]: lol you could call it that i guesss
[Collect anything?]: nah
[ Have a best friend? ] yea :)
[ Have any bad habits?] biting my nails
[ Care about looks? ]:uh..when i feel like it
[ Boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: hmm..i unno..
[any secreat talents?] maybe...:)

[ Dress ]:terry cloth mini from Express and white halter from express, w. terry cloth jacket from express
[ Mood ]: preppy!
[ Make-up ]: nope
[ Music ]: Breakin Down- Mest
[ Hair ]:all wet..and down
[ Thought ]: la la la..
[ Book ]:Shopoholic Takes Manhatten
[ Refreshment ]: nothin..
[ Worry ]: if i dont get to Express in time to get a terry cloth halter..
[ Favorite Celebrity ]:every1 in TBA (taking back sunday) & Brand New

Last Person:
[ You Touched ]: prolly Dan-gay (danielle)(sister..)
[ You Talked to ]: uhm.. Rach
[ You Hugged ]: Kim! (swim coach)
[ You Instant messaged ]:Ish
[ You Yelled At ]: My mom

*-**-**-*Who do you want to:*-**-**-*
[ Kill ]: theres quiet a few lol
[ Slap ]: uhm..i really dunno
[fuck]: every1!! especially lish ;) lol jk
[marry] uhh..
[love]:good question..

ok kids thats me love :*

Monday, August 4th


Eve 6-Rescue


uhm..yea..i unno

OK yes moving on..:?

*:*--[8/04/03][10:20pm]uhm yea since im hella bored and have nothing to do (well its kinda late so yea..)and Whose Line is on (which i find incredibly NOT funny..but yea anyways lol) a lotta stuff 2 do tomorrow..going to some party thingy and then Tuesday In The Park w. Rachel..! lol yep..ok then..bye


You're So Last Summer-Taking Back Sunday


tired..but overall pretty happy

Ok so what*s the deal?

*:*--[8/04/03][4:29pm]ok ok so i finally figured out how to do 2 boxes..and so this is mine..and i get to talk about..stuff in it. how exciting is this shit?! haha woo. ok anyways..its raining..and boring and i wanna go shoppping really bad..(ok ye i wanna go shopping everyday so whatever)..i*m free for a month.FINALLy (first day off..ahh i love it)..(no swimming or theatre)so i get to hang around and be out of shape..(grr..) lol ok nothing more to say for now..leave me love

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