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[:-:] This Layout was made and Copywriten by Chris Michaels. All rights are Reserved; The Layout is Locked with maximum security and a Right-Click IP Address Catcher. So Fuck Off... [:-:]



      Scene-      Sitting With Madam Frazier


(. Camera's come on and in vision, it appears to be after dark outside. The time is in between eight and nine o'clock at night, after a long days rain, the myst is seen rising from the street high into the air. A small house is seen on the corner of what appears to be, Fourteenth Street and Laurel Avenue sitting on a small perched hill with dead grass all around it. The lights are on inside the small house but the dark colored curtains are covering anything that could be capable of being seen inside through the windows. The name, Madam Frazier is seen in neon lights sitting inside of the window cell. It appears to be a Psychic's house of some sort. Camera's fade to black, and then come back on and Madam Frazier an Chris Michaels are seen sitting on the small back porch steps. Camera's suddenly then begin listening in on their Conversation. .)

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" I believe I already know what you are here for..."

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Is that so? "

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" Yes...That subject can wait though. How have you been? You have not stopped in to visit me lately. I thought you disappeared for a moment..."

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" I guess I could say, I've been around sort of speak. Things have been going on a lot in my life..."

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
"Understandable...The visions you have been having of your mother have left you pretty messed up huh?"

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Well, its strange because I haven't been having them a lot as much as I use to have them before I left wrestling a few months ago. It has calmed down a lot since then."

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" I am glad to hear that. I remember the time when you fell off of that back patio trying to fight some other guy when you were in that Hardcore Wrestling thing, you nearly killed yourself. Had everybody all concerned about your well-being. You had us all at a near glance that you would end your life doing what you loved to do, an the funny part about it, was you got right back up no matter what kind of injury you sustained an you kept going. Eventually we all just said screw it, and let you go your own path. Now look at you, ready to end your career so soon? You are closing the book of what you made a dream for another Hardcore wrestler looking for somebody to idolize. "

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" I guess...I didn't turn my career into a book for somebody to read through a think about and use as their footsteps if that is what you are saying. The things I have done in my career are remembered, and the people whos careers that I have ended are remembered as those who lost everything to me. Count me down as the bad man, but I don't care, not anymore anyways. "

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" Sweet heart, there is nothing you can do now to repay yourself for the careers that you ended a long time ago, but take this from me, every career that you end from this point forward, you will carry on your shoulder like the skin covering your bones. Chris, you came to me tonight for advice on the Legacy of Champions Tournament; you've made it to Roun Three an now you've become frustrated. Am I correct?"

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" As always..."

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" You see, I still have not lost my touch. Now...You and Shawn Hunt. From what I understand there have been words from him about you since the first round in this Tournament, you have got an awful lot of things to think about facing this man Chris. You need to be very careful, and become very aware of your surroundings when you and him go against each other. "

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" I know. I am ready for this, you know I spoke to Alex Rodriguez, the ERWF's President and he told me that at the end of this Tournament, he had something more than just special to announce about me, what more than to successfully thrash through the Legacy Of Champions Tournament, become the World Heavyweight Champion and be thanked for some certain task I had performed to get a great acknowldgment. I can do this, I know I can. Defeating Shawn Hunt is going to be simple, I know the mans weakness just by watching as he defeated Rayn in the First Round and then went on and defeated The Unknown two weeks ago. His little supremacy is soon coming to a complete close. Like his little comment that he made back in Round One when his opponent was Rayn, the man he should have been focusing on instead of myself. He hopes I don't make the mistake of getting to the Quarter Finals? I surely do hope that Shawn Hunt does not have any high expectations for this match between him and myself, becuase for the long amount of time that this man has been thinking about facing me, and battling with the ERWF's number one wrestler since WXW, now he will finally get the chance that he has been longly awaiting for. He spoke about not trying to label me as some sort of a "nook" wrestler, and you know, I don't label this guy as a "nook" wrestler myself, but I am far from such a rating. I have beaten guys such as Shawn Hunt in my dreams, I have beaten guys like him every time I turned the other direction. A typical guy who has nothing better to talk about but other guys who don't even make a difference in his upcoming match. He spoke of power to follow up with all of that, unleashing some sort of power that he claims to have that nobody in the history of the ERWF would ever grow to have. You know, I have seen guys who claim to be capable of teleporting, but never guys who says that they have unbeatable power when it comes to being a great technical wrestler. Guys with such characteristics as Shawn Hunt have no reason to even be in a wrestling ring, they belong in the circus with the rest of the monkeys that enjoy hobbling all over the place. I bet that man feels very goo about himself for taking out one of the members of Nightdyne Incorporated..."

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" I was just getting ready to ask you if Rayn was in Nightdyne once before..."

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Yeah he's still there. Hunt feels pretty damn good about himself I bet, but one thing that he doesn't understand, is Rayn was not an active member to the wrestling world, the man hopped from Federation to Federation and couldn't be in one long enough to even become champion. If Hunt wants a real challenge like he claims to have been waiting for, well damn it, I am going to give him more then just a challenge. I am going to be the best thing that has ever happened in his life because as of right now, I have met hundreds of people that simply just say, "Who the hell is Shawn Hunt?", but after I get through with him in the Third Round, everyone will recognize him as one of plenty who has lost to the Hardcore Icon in this business, The Living Wreck Machine, Chris Michaels."

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" I enjoy hearing you say that..."

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Yeah I know, and can you believe that Hunt mentioned all he wanted to do was make my life a living hell?"

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" *giggles* Like it already isn't?"

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Yeah, that is exactly what I thought. My life is already a living hell, I have been through so much bullshit in my life, that I can practically predict a problem without looking for one to pop up out of no where. Being a Hardcore Legend is a living hell, dealing with people always looking at me like they want to try and test my patience is a living hell, Hunt wants to make my life a living hell? I laugh at that statement because of how much of an idiot this guy is. He has no possible idea what it is that he can do in a hardcore match, because his only opponents thus far in the LOC Tournament have been two bumbs. Two grease monkeys from off the corner who couldn't defeat an opponent on a video game. You know Ms. Frazier, it takes an awful lot to sit there and say you have "beef" with someone. For an individual who expects great things out of this Tournament, to walk around and say you've got "beef" with someone is a bit intellectual to me don't you think? I wouldn't give two shits who wanted to have "beef" with me, as long as I beat them within every second of their life and put their asses out of this Tournament, I wouldn't care too much simply because for one, I'd still be here, and two, they'd be on their way back home to further watch my proceeding into the Finals from their living rooms. It is guys like this who make Federations look their worst; turned inside and out...From what I have heard, Alex is not very much relieved that Shawn Hunt has made it thus far, he seems very eary about even looking at his profile. "

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" Strange...You should use that against Hunt, The President of this Comapny wants you to defeat this guy, that should be somewhat a little bit of motivation toward you don't you think? "

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" I don't need motivation, I just go out there and defeat my opponents. I have always had a thing for outsmarting them, whether their big or small, hardcore or high flyers, I have always outsmarted them one way or another. There is something about me that I know is going to be apart of the Finals in this Legacy of Champions Tournament. Shawn Hunt is a nobody, a has been who's action figure you won't find in stores because nobody cares about him anymore. Hasn't he figured that out already? Obviously not, and that must be the reason why he has found himself here, in Round Three against myself...Yes, that has to be it! I have found my solution to use against him, and you know what it is, don't you?"

[:-:]"Psychic" Madam Frazier: [:-:]
" Of Coarse I do. You are more than ready for this, the time has come Chris, it is your turn to capitolize and become the best. Not Shawn Hunt's, not Mastermind, not anybody but you. "

(. After a few brief seconds pass by, suddenly the scene changes and Chris Michaels is seen jumping up out of bed coming out of another one of his dreams. He is seen sitting there covered under a very thin sheet wearing a black shirt and also seen sweating. He brushes his face off and then lays back down as the camera's fade to black. .)

      Scene-      What Is Wrong With Me?


(. Cameras come on and in vision is the front building of what appears to be a mental institution. Coming closer toward the front doors, the sounds of screams are heard in the background from other patients. It is very dark outside, the only light around are the sidewalk light posts seen glaring over the small wooden benches below which sit next to numerous pots of dead plants. As cameras get more and more closer to the large wooden doors, the entry to this insane assylum of mental patients, this gateway to a hell that no normal man has ever seen before. Walking up the steps slowly, the two doors burst open and there is nothing but a large black area, with no light at all in the main corridor. Camera enter the lobby area, turning to the right there is a small narrow hallway with door on both sides of the hall. As cameras begin moving down the hallway, the doors are large steel doors with a small rectangular opening with bars inside of the opening. Some light is seen coming through these opening, but not enough to get a good, descriptive look at each of the patients. As cameras continue their quest down this long, narrow hall, one individual door is seen cracked open like the guards forgot to lock it. Slowly, it opens and cameras make their way into this large room with pillow cushioned walls, and no windows. There is a small table sitting in the middle of the room with a candle on it which lights the entire room and a man is seen sitting in the corner wearing a straight jacket with hospital pants and no shoes or socks. He is seen cudled up into a small ball with his head between his arms very calm in the corner. The door slams shut seconds later, and the man raises his head looking directly at the cameras. .)

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Who are you?!? What do you want with me?"

(. Chris Michaels quickly jumps up and he looks concerned. Is this really what he has wrong with him? Is Chris Michaels really a mental patient? How can this be? The ERWF wouldn't allow him to apply with the Legacy of Champions Tournament if he was psychotic, or would they? Of Coarse...Alex is setting up a perfect score, getting in contact with the most psychotic wrestler in the history of this business, to take out each and every single person in his path and become the very best of the business. This is unbelievable, Alex M. Rodriguez wants this psycho as his new World Heavyweight Champion? Michaels then makes a sudden movement toward the wall running up and throwing himself at the wall in a rage. .)

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Listen, I know what the deal is, I know what I am served to do here in a couple of long, awaited days. Shawn Hunt and myself, in my favorite match of all time. One that put me into this position in this first place, the match that gave me what purpose that I have got to serve now, and forever more until the day that I will die. I was made to live my life in a hardcore match, a Househeld Wreckless Endangerment match. Think about it, lets make the comparison from the match to myself; an empty house, an empty life; hardcore rules, hardcore legend; massive bloodshed, massive suffering caused by myself; can very well end careers, has ended several careers. What more can you ask for in such a heart attack style wrestler? "

Inside My Mind

Sitting here, alone and all to myself, I think about a lot of different things that go on in this world. When I think about the match that I made, however, I begin to get a bit "overboard" with the plans I guess I could say. I have several tendencies to want to assault my opponent more then necessary. What is wrong with me? Have I like, seduced myself into a min stage of never letting go? When I defeated Iron Lung in that Cage Match an advanced into the semi-finals of this Tournament, I knew that something was going to happen to me inside of my mind. Ever since the people of this company have begun mentioning Chris Michaels versus Shawn Hunt, I knew right then and there, things were going to begin heating up, a lot...Now that everything is official, Shawn Hunt sits back at home with wife and kids pretending that everything is going to be alright. Everything will be smooth sailing for him, that the Living Wreck Machine of this company is some sort of walk over. Little does he know, I am going to make the biggest impact in his career, since the day he became known as a professional wrestler.

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Hey Hunt, have you ever slit your own wrists before? Have you ever tried committing suicide? Tieing your legs to a tree branch and letting go only to hang upside down for hours on in until someone found you and rescued you when you really did not want to really be rescued? Have you ever been threatened? Literally, threatened? As in being told you would be killed with a knife to your throat, and you taunted your enemy by taking his knife and inadvertally causing a small scratch along your neck line? See Shawn, you may have claim to have seen everything that there is to have seen in this business, but really, you have not seen anything. You have only seen what your eyes will allow you to see; you have not seen what goes on when your eyes are shut. For the last five years of my life, I have lived through hell, and that is probably why I am the way that I am right now, possibly psychotic, a little mental, and a bit crazy if you ask me. It all boils down to being the same thing, if you think about it in the right mannor. One thing that you fail to realize though, is I am not going to be just like your other opponents that you have faced in this Tournament, if that is what you thought, I apologize, but you are sadly mistaken. I have taken paths in the hardcore world that could only satisfy the devil himself. Hunt, place yourself in a extreme kind of match for just a moment, the pain that you get when you feel that steel chair being smashed over your skull, the pain that you get when someone punches you upside the skull with a fist full of barbed wire, or even the pain you get when you know for sure, your spine has been cracked in three different places, that is not only pain. That is a sign, it is a sign that is suppose to be telling you what is coming for you later down the road. That road is soon coming to a dead end Shawn, you are steeping into the ring with The Living Wreck Machine, the best Hardcore Wrestler to walk the face of this Earth, and to be completely honest, I am looking forward to seeing you bleed from the inside, out..."

Inside My Mind

I wonder, does Shawn sleep well at night knowing that his wife and children are well tucked in? Does he feel good about himself to wake up and see the same female laying next to him every morning? What would happen if suddenly, they were not there? Would he bound himself somewhat the same as I do? That would be a great sight to see, him waking up thinking he is going to be a great husband and a great father, only to be surprised by his wife and kids turned up missing. Disapeared off the face of the Earth, and no possible place to be found. Now that I think about it, that idea gives me a bit of laughter, I smile at things like that; seeing people become furious about their loved ones. He'll quickly jump up and begin tearing in and out through his home, in search of answers, reasons why it is that he has nobody to cuddle with at night anymore. What reason is it that they are no longer there? Maybe because Shawn Hunt has found himself in the same position that he is going to find himself in, come our match that we shall have together in just less than two weeks.

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]

(. With those words said, two men quickly appear in vision trying to grab ahold of Chris Michaels to ware him down to the ground and calm him. With Chris Michaels being bound inside of the straight jacket, it should be fairly simple to tackle him down and ease his pain for the moment, but something has gone wrong. One guy dodges toward Chris Michaels and he moves out of the way and the guard falls right into the wall at an angle to where he breaks his neck up against the wall from Chris Michaels tripping him. The other guy, however, tries wrapping his arms around him, but Chris Michaels is fully capable of manuvoring our with his movements, and then is fully capable of nailing a Bling Shot on the secon guard, rendering him unconcious on the floor. Seconds pass as Chris Michaels tries catching his breath, and as he looks back up toward the camera, he moves himself while inside of the straight jacket and flips himself out of the straight jacket. How this is possible, nobody really knows, but afterwards, he begins to speak again. .)

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Now I feel a bit better now that I am no longer in that stressful thing. "

(. Chris Michaels cracks his neck and rotates his shoulder blades around a bit, seconds later he looks back at the cameras with an evil look on his face, he then begisn to speak. .)

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" Shawn Hunt, my apprentice for the next week and a half, let me ask you something...Do you feel good about yourself jogging through the morning sunlight, getting your daily exercise in to keep up your motabolism? Do you feel pleased with yourself every time one of your little fans runs up to you with an every day simple excuse as to why they claim to like you? If you ask me, I think they are trying to warm your heart up seeing how they know what kind of messiah you are headed toward. Those people are not your fans, they could care-a-less about you or even myself. They all want to see us beat each other until we fall and cannot move another inch, that is what they call, their entertainment for the evening. Don't you understand? after you retire people are going to forget about you and everything you've claimed to have ever accomplished, so why bother pleasing them in your private jogs through the park in the early hours of the morning? You carry on bragging about how you did something major by defeating Rayn in the opening round of the Legacy Of Champions Tournament. The last time I checked, the last match Rayn won was a tag team match and his partner was Enigma, another person to whom I thought would make a difference in thous Tournament, but upset me in different ways. You crown yourself like you are a king because you defeated a pion to this organization, someone who could be defeated while I am blind folded with one hand tied behind my back. I always knew that Nightdyne Incorporated used me in different ways, I carried that stable on my back and I didn't get any recognition for it, what-so-ever...Every big name that tried to attack this group, who was it that took them out? It sure wasn't Zero or Ace, it was me...Oh, but Ace can go face some skepticle loser such as Brian Pearlman or someone like that and win the World Heavyweight Title, and call himself the best...The following round came some indian named Unknown who claimed to know me from back in the day. Where that man came up with such detailed lies, I have no idea. You feel damn good about yourself right about now for defeating a pion, and an unknown junkie who wouldn't make a different if this company were in a Federation war against another company. You see, I took out an ex-PHW World Heavyweight Champion in the first round, I humiliated Ravnos, a man who I thought had me in the long run by what he was saying in his interviews, and I showed him who was really better. Then, I took out Irong Lung, another big name in the ERWF record book, apparently not bigger then mine, but he's in there somewhere if you look hard and long enough. You apparently do not know me as well as you believe you do, Chris Michaels not showing up for one of his matches? Very unlikely...The research you claim to have done must have been brought to you through your inner thoughts, you know only what you want to believe. You want to tell yourself that I am a nobody, that I may be on your level, but I don't have anything over you when it comes to wrestling and what not, only because encouragement such as that may help you feel better about yourself when the time finally comes. You claim that fear had struck me back then, during this "incident" you spoke of; very humorous, but it is not good enough. You think you can psych me out of my own match? Shawn, you do not realize, you are walking into hell in nine days. You are being admitted into this psycho ward, and you won't be leaving. Unlike these guys here, you will be strapped down, bounded tight, and left for the rats. Nobody cares about you Shawn, which is why you question your thoughts to whether or not your wife is still laying in your bed right about now. I know what goes on in your mind, I have seen your thoughts plenty of times before, you are no different than the rest of these guys. You use your agresiveness in a way unlike them, however, but you are the same. Stereotypical, the same prick that I had always thought you were since you verbally attacked me threatening you would put me in my place when you seen that I had beaten someone who had at one time carried your name. Shawn, are you trying to get people to feel sorry for you because you, just like everyone else in this world, have got problems dealing with politics? Or because you have got different people who want your head on a silver platter? Are you trying to influence the people that we supposively "entertain" to feel a sense of sorrow for you because you have begun to finally realize how washed up and bent out of shape you are? You can sit back believing that your lord is going to sweep down out of the clouds and save you from all of this sorrow and pain, but little do you know, there will be no lord coming to your rescue come the night I end your reign in this Tournament. You speak about playing the role pof a God, somebody who is unstopable and unbeatable, well Shawn, everybody has their weaknesses, and I have oficially found yours. I plan on attacking your heart, a place that you seemingly cannot face or even stare at without having a roll of sweat drip from off of your forehead. You shiver every single time you look at your children don't you? You'd better get more and more comfortable with them, because soon, you'll want to get away from them. "

Inside My Mind

How can this guy seriously believe that he is better then me? I mean, I completely understand that he has been in this business for a very long time, such as myself, but to sit back and underestimate the knowledge of someone who he said is on the same level as he is, is beyond my understanding. I cannot figure this guy out, he seems as if he is trying to keep his source under the table, away from everyone to see. It doesn't really even matter all that much though, I don't care about who he is, what he has done, or where he came from, where he originated or even who the hell he is related to. The man is just another target in my book, and the only difference between him, and Ravnos or Iron Lung, is this target has a reflex of shooting back at me. I will say it like it is, yes, Shawn Hunt has got his points of power in this match, but he is walking right into my world, he is stepping into the gate of where I came from, and by doing so I have got every advantage in the world toward taking this man apart. I know my world like the back of my hand, I have ended several careers with this match, and I don't doubt I won't have it occur with several more again. Hunt spoke about how he is only in this for the money, the lust of multiple zero's at the end of his paycheck that he recieves at the end of every month; so pathedic if you ask me. I am in this because for one, I was born to do it, and secondly, I am in it for the fame. When I end a wrestlers career, they do not remember the wrestler who's career was ended, they take a good, long look at the guy who caused all of the damage. They follow him in his footsteps and try and predict the next move he is going to make.

[:-:]"The Living Wreck Machine" Chris Michaels: [:-:]
" I find this humorous, you tell yourself how great of a wrestler you are and how you can climb out of any hole you fall in to, but yet if you were so great, would you have fallen in the first place? Shawn you said you remember me being in some company that you had your eyes on awhile back, and I supposively lost a match against some friend of yours, so you claim that I am a failure in all of the right places. Is that really so? Or are you trying to pin your own mistakes on the wrong person, telling all of the people watching you, a bunch of lies so they will fall into your little spell? Is that what you are doing? That is very humorous Shawn, because you see, to me, I don't care what it is that you have got to say about me and what you believe you know, you don't know anything about me and you never will. Except the fact that you underestimated me, and when it was all said and done I was the guy that put you in your place. You come up with more excuses than your own kids when you punish them for their wrong doings. You are your own child, and there is nothing you can do but figure out nothing but a hand full of lies to tell everybody so they will feel sorry for you as to why you know deep down inside of your gut, you cannot stop me. There is absolutely nothing you can do Shawn, nothing...You may have seen a lot in this business as well as I have, and you may have seen a lot of wrestlers leave, but let me ask you this one question, how many of those wrestlers have you put out of the business? How many of those wrestlers that you have seen leave, have you destroyed and put on the shelf? I have ended the careers of multiple wrestlers, and not one time have I ever regretted what I had done. You do what you have got to do to get ahead in this business, even if it means destroying the dreams of your opponents. Even if it means taking the lives of your opponents and every wish and hope that they had, and crushing it right before their very eyes. You know, you've got a lot more things on your table right now then the pronunciation of how people speak in companies or how they carry themselves with their lives, your career is sitting deep into the palms of my hands, and I am the ringmaster Hunt. I am the man who will decide wether or not you will continue or you will be broken and sent back into the box you sprung out of. Yeah, that is right, I am calling you none other then a jack in the box, a pion to this company with nothing more then a mouth full of excuses to tell the world about why you have gotten passed a Nightdyne reject and some seven eleven part time worker. There is nothing that either of us have in common, so where you came up with that lie is beyond my point in thoughts, all except for the fact that we both made it to the finals in the 'D' Bracket...You call yourself elite? A Megastar as you had put it? I have not one time seen your name posted in Newspapers, on Television or broadcasted anywhere all until the Legacy of Champions came about. You were a nobody, and to keep the reputation alive, you still are. Shawn nobody gives a damn about you, because you simply, don't make a difference toward this organization, toward this sport or even toward your own self. You are wasting your time trying to influence the wrong people, when you should be stuck trying to sell people strange object,s you find yourself here in the ERWF telling people a hand full of lies to see their reactions? What kind of crap is that? If I was a ERWF fan, I would have simply changed the channel when seeing your face broadcasted on television. If I were an ERWF fan, I surely would not want to turn my television on only to see some freak like you running on a beach before the sunseat thinking to yourself, what if? I would be looking forward to seeing somebody being destroyed before my very own eyes, and that is why the ERWF is simply stated, The Extreme Revolutionary Wrestling Federation; EXTREME, something you know nothing about. Do you think all of the real hardcore wrestlers wake up early in the morning to go jogging an meet and greet some out of the ordinary couple who has a thing for you because they have seen you on television once or twice wrestling in some off the wall company who don't even have ratings because of how lame they are? When you heard about the Leage Of Champions, you simply saw a way to pay off your car note and another doctors bill, but me in the other hand; when I heard about the Leage of Champions, I saw opportuinty. The chance to become the very best wrestler ever known to man, and make sure that is is well known by going through thirty one other wrestlers. I do not have to prove anything to anybody here, because three fourth's of the roster that once was still here, once was still in attendance of this Tournament are very well known to have undefeatable I can become when I am in my prime. Master Of Disaster who is surprisingly still here, knows very well about me and my prime...I have beaten this guy more times then he has wrestled me, I beat the guy in wrestling matches, and I have beaten the guy in getting the right opportuinty at a bigger chance to become better. If Mastermind is the best thing in the ERWF, then this company has gone to hell and back because the last time I checked, Mastermind lost one of his biggest matches in his career to one of the most pathedic wrestlers that I had ever seen. Yeah, don't get the man wrong, he had been ERWF World Champion once before in his career, but had I ever been given the chance to face him for that Championship? Not one time. If I had been given the chance, I would have beaten him badly enough so he wouldn't have wanted to attend the Legacy Of Champions as soon as he had seen my name under the roster. There is one thing you do have that is correct, I WAS at one time considered a Nightdyne member, all until I got sick and tired of carrying that stable on my back and letting all of the other members get the credit for it. Ace breezed on passed everyone so calmly and somehow got himself under the skin of the current World Champion, whoever that was. "

Inside My Mind

Why does he continue to categorize me with Rayn like we are partners? Haven't I made myself clear that Chris Michaels is no longer a team player? Haven't I made myself perfectly clear, that I am in this only for myself from now on? Obviously, it has not made its perfection just yet, because he still believes I am one of Rayn's so called, "home boys"...Yeah, his friend A-Rod may have been wrong about him in the first and the second round, but it has always been known as the third time being a charm, but see, this charm will not be a good luck type of thing, seeing how he said himself, this will more then likely be the biggest match in his career. Something tells me that all of this big talk that he stands there and talks about, is going to come back at him to a point that he will not be fully capable of noticing. This Tournament has found its way from thirty two strong and ready souls, ready to pick apart one another, down to sixteen people that are not ready to bash each other skulls in. As the days go by, more and more people have been eliminated for substancially odd reasons, rumor has it, that Ace was kicked out of the Tournament for insubordination, figures...The guy cannot keep a simple attitude and wait patiently for his next opponent, and now, we're down to an odd number. Shawn Hunt versus Myself; as Mastermind awaits the winner, Blizzard to take on Devestator as Stylez is facing Master Of Disaster. Soon, we will only have four men remaining, and then the following week we will only have two. Who will they be? How will this Tournament really end? Will we see the Living Wreck Machine come to a hault when he goes one on one with the biggest jobber in ERWF History?....


(. With those words said, Chris Michaels is seen without a shirt on, due to the fact that he had earlier torn himself out of the straight jacket. Both of the guards are still, unconcious on the floor, an the first is probably dead due to his broken neck and no assistance from any paramedics. Chris Michaels is still, staring deep in the cameras lens with a look on his face that would put horror into the life of all children for the rest of their childhood lives. After a few brief moments, he disappears out of the vision by walking out of the screen toward the right. Cameras then begin focusing in on the straight jacket that had been thrown to the floor very furiously by Chris Michaels an after zooming in about thirty more percent, cameras fade to a black screen and then out into a commercial break. .)

      Scene-      What More Can I Say?


(. Cameras come on and Chris Michaels is seen wearing a red long sleeve shirt, bent over the side of a table with his head dipped into a fish tank completely filled with water. His face is seen in vision completely under water level to a point that he could not be capable of breathing on his own. Is he trying to literally, kill himself? What would drive Chris Michaels to this point? A few bubbles are seen rising from his mouth, all the way to the surface of the water level. As time passed by, secon by second, he blow out more bubbles of air that once again, rise to the water levels surface. .)

Inside My Mind

The time has come, I stand here with no more patience; no more time to waste on this Tournament. I have done what it is that I have said that I wanted to do thus far, and now the time has come for me to finally show these last remaining wrestlers why it is I said I will become the ERWF World Heavyweight Champion. Every single day, I take deep breaths to calm myself down, understanding myself is what I must do in order to capitolize on this mission, this quest for fame and respect. You see, I do not give a damn how much money I will probably make by defeating these great names in wrestling, I only care about the respect. As long as these people know and well understand who I am, they will all recognize me as the Living Wreck Machine, and the next ERWF World Heavyweight Champion. I take a good, hard, long look at my match with Shawn Hunt coming up very fast, and pretty quickly, an I see one of the biggest battles I will probably ever encounter in my entire career; little does he know though, he is not only headed into a warzone, he is headed straight into hell. Shawn Hunt is getting ready to sign a contract with the devil, because as it is already mentioned in the rules, anything goes, but there is not going to be any chance of help where we are going. Does he understand the meaning of this match? The substancial amount of pain that can be brought out and into the open when this match begins to take place? I really do not think he does...The more I think about it, the more I believe in myself. I have made this match by brutalizing my first victim, and finishing the pathedic career that he claims to have had. I won't brag about all of the wrestlers whom I have destroyed though, it wouldn't make a difference because that is what happened then, and this match is what is taking place right now. There has been five Househeld Wreckless Endangerment matches, and I have participated in all five of them and won all of them. Back to back, from victim to victim I have broken, battered and beaten each of them into a bloody pulp all up until they either completely passed out due to the massive amount of blood loss, or gave up knowing they didn't stand a chance. My last victim in this evil minded plot I call home, I completely annihilated Russell Wayne and put him in the hospital for three weeks. All I can remember from the reports, was that the man needed a couple of blood transfusions and surgery to remove about three or four pieces of glass that had found their way through his skin into his back. From the match, I remember tossing the man off of the back porch patio over the porch railing landing on a large glass an iron table below. I really did not know it was there, I thought it was just the ground, I was originally trying to kill the guy because of how tired I had gotten of beating him over and over night after lonely night again. It didn't really work out the way I wanted to, I just won the match and retained my Hardkore Championship though, that is about it.

I feel something different coming toward me about this match though, something odd, something cold. No concerns or anything of that nature, just a different finish in this Chapter compared to all of the others. That is what I compare my HWE matches to, chapters like in a book; because you will never be capable of guessing what is next in the story. I change up my routine in every round of this event that I take place in. First, I become aggressive, battering and destroying my opponent by beating them repulsively over their body with a steel chair or a flex pipe; followed up with tossing them around the house and putting them through walls to soften up their body for when I am ready to become gory. Then, I may pick up a large piece of glass or a line of barbed wire and straight cut a line of horror across their foreheads, causing them to bleed massively and horroficilly. Scary isn't it? I had always thought so. Some things that I think about can be pretty disgusting at times, but that is what keeps my drive going on and on. That is what throws the sigh at all of my opponents and it is what keeps me focused. When they go off point, it becomes my time to capitolize and rebound with a quick and impactful answer. When they blink a single eye lid, I am right there to counter everything, and that is why I have been so dangerous in this contest. That is why I am still undefeated in my own world; not one person has been fully capable of coming in countering anything that I have thrown their direction and proving me wrong. Shawn Hunt is nobody different compared to any of the passed guys, the only difference is the time of day, and how much I have grown as a man. I respect myself enough to admit my own faults, but when it comes to this, I have none...Absolutely not one at all...And the more that I think about my world, my life, my own personal little santuary, the more I want the time to go by so much more quicker and faster. I want to feel the blood flow when the time finally gets here and I make my way through that door and into that house ready to become beaten up and bloody, because that is the only thing that is guarentee'd here; nothing less. I can picture it already, me tossing Shawn Hunt around that hell hole like a rag doll, him being foreced through a wall or falling down the stairs into the basement. How about being thrown out of the second floor bedroom window crashing to the ground below? Or how about the sight of being piledriven through the floor of one of the upstairs bedrooms into another room below? How excrutiating isn't it? Such horror I know, so sue me, not like I really care about anybody else as it is. I am alone in this game, no matter how many people want to side with me and claim that they want to be my friends, when it all boils down to it, nobody is your friend. People will backstab you before you could spell the word, and that is why I made my final decision to insult Nightdyne the way I did awhile ago and part myself from everything and everyone so I can gather myself and figure out what my best interest really is.

What makes a man a man? Is it the way he defends his pride and dignity in a match to prove to each and every other person just why it really is, he is the very best thing? Or is it lieing to people to make them feel sorrow for you and withold you for being a pion and a waste of great talent? Shawn Hunt compares to that final statement I had thought about just now, he is nothing but a waste of my time, yes, I will agree with one thing, he is a great wrestler, I give him that much credit, but to brag continuously about the same topic is unusual. The man needs help, just like myself, but the difference between me and him, is I don't request the help, I don't want it, I need to be this way because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be the Living Wreck Machine. I don't want to make Shawn Hunt feel a sense of intellectual neglectance or anything of that nature, but the truth is the truth. I say, does he really know and understand the aspect of my world? Does he follow through with his research as steadily as he claims to have done? Does he have enough background information on me as he said he does? Even so, it will take a complete genius to understand my world, and that is something that Shawn Hunt definatly is not. The man will become confused the second he takes his first step into my world, my life, my every existance. The hardcore world is what I live for, and hardcore is exactly what Shawn Hunt is going to see and witness out of me. He is going to see a side of me that a lot of people have once seen, but those people are no longer accepted as professional wrestlers anymore to be even considered a good enough resource. Shawn Hunt wants a war, he will get one, because the Living Wreck Machine wants nothing more then to turn this Tournament inside and out and burn every last person remaining in it.

(. The Vision fades to a black screen and then out into a Commercial break. .)