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Chinese Charm

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Spectra Shield Suit; This suit was designed by Rebecca out of a 3rd generation soft armor material, it is about half as heavy as conventional kevlar armoring and by far superior to the heavier and bulkier counterpart. This new age material that has been designed is considered to be 10x stronger then steel, this suit is designed as a trench coat type suit. As it allows more movement and mobility options, the suit was made from layer upon layer of this material and included 2 sets of threat level V titanium plates for the chest and the back which was in between these many layers. This added a substantially large amount of weight to the vest which was restraining in quick snapping movements, rolls, or even allow you to be capable of getting back up if you feel unless you rolled back on your stomach and pushed yourself up. This could be potentially hazardous however the immense projectile protection this offered was well worth the risk, in any regard however this was considered a bomb suit. (( This is an existing material )) Tech Helmet; This helmet is fairly odd, however it benefits are astounding. When taking into consideration with a normal helmet there is the danger that the high impact essentially bullet proof plastic will break. What this system offers is ahead of its time, but comes with problems. The helmet itself has no opening, but provides visual by using two micro camera’s set up at angle. The camera’s are about a little less then the size of a dime, and at the angle they are set up they project an image inside the helmet. It offers, Thermal Vision and is capable of offering normal vision. The helmet has drawbacks, one is that if someone throws a chaff grenade the only thing you would be capable of seeing is static of the screen, and the next is that the helmet would need to be taken off in order to change the visual setting or even attempt to start on medical treatments, surgeries, etc. Its basically used during a siege then taken off, and it offers allot of head protection due to the fact that a large portion of frontal part of the helmet is made of solid threat level V metals and material, if possible I would use pure titanium as the base of the helmet.

Mid sized Ballistic Shield; This is pretty much a siege shield made to withstand heavy assault with a modification on the inside of it to allow her to carry her fairly light medical equipment around by offering 4 slots to allow her to tie the backpacks straps too. The shield also has a collapsible metal beam that can be brought outward to allow herself to plant it and use the shield in its stationary position as a bunker without the use of her hands, this proves to offer substantial protection for both her and her patient when trying to perform a medical operation. But there is a 3rd option, she can essentialy slide a piece of metal open near the essential plastic looking through piece, this hole would offer her the ability to use the shield as a tactical turret.

Her weapons are only going to consist of a Desert Eagle .50 armed with rubber bullets. A Mossberg 500 Cruiser styled shotgun, capable of being loaded with bean bags or .410 shotgunshells or slugs.

And if need be a FN Minimi SPW, or an Hk 21. However walking around with a MG is rather difficult, and somewhat distrusting. So its highly unlikely that she would taking anything like that with her.

Just get back to me shortly What im proposing is not unbelievable and its far from unrealistic. However I will let you decide, my concept for my Medic is to be very durable and capable of setting up a spot where she can apply medical applications quickly and efficiently. Or if if need be, be used as a siege unit that would be capable of pinning an enemy unit down. The weapons themselves are already existing, my worry is with the equip. Just let me know. ^^
