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Name: Maricela
NickName: Mari
Age: 14
Birthday: Sept 23
Location: Tampa, Florida
Status: single but crushin
Hair: Curly Brown
Eyez: brown
Embraces: *Someone*, Justin Timberlake
Despises: Rapists, hoes, hatters, jerks
Dreams: of finding that *someone*


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5-22-03» Today I finally got my site started up again. Its still needs some work like on the visitor part and all but oh well. Atleast I got started. Saturday is Rochelle's party and I invited *David* to go. YEE HAWW. I got this shirt that says "Holla Back" in blue and its really cute so imma wear it to the party. :-D Cant wait Cant wait cant wait!

5-27-03» I spent my day at carens house for most of the day. I got my seventeen magazine today! Yee haw. Later I'm gonna work on the visitor part of my site.I'm kinda sick and tired of my site being, well, how do you say....BORING! I'm thinking of re-doing my room to either bright colors, minty green and purple, or maybe even pink or something.