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Liz's Blog
Thursday, 7 August 2003
Oh funny...
*laughs to self* My new nickname is Kung Fu Sloth!

Posted by blog/cherrisundae at 9:02 PM CDT
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Well, because im bored...
***Part 1 - About You

1. Name: Elizabeth Anne Idontsaymylastnameontheinternet
2. The name you write on homework or whatever: Liz
3. Nicknames: Liz, Lizzy, Lizard, Elizabrat lol
4. Most commonly used nickname: Liz, Lizzy
5. Birthdate: May 6th, 1990!
6. Birthplace: Green Bay, Wisconsin
7. Current Residence: Appleton, Wisconsin
8. Age: 13!
9. Grade: I'm going into 8th
10. School Attending Currently: JRG
11. Previously Attended schools: I dont remember their names...
12. Pets: Cody, Zack, Bailey and Jett. Zack and cody are cats and Bailey and Jett are dogs.
13. Siblings: One sister.. Becca
14. Parents: A mommy and a daddy!
15. Hair Color: Dish Water Brown is the name of it :P I know, isn't it a horrible name.
16. Eye color: Usually Green
17. Height: 5"2 i believe.
18. Weight: None of your beeswax :P ... Less than 1,000 and more than 10.
19. Nose: Erm, i smell with my nose :D
20. Skin: Right now its tan..
21. How many fingers do you have on each hand: Maybe 5 or 6? I don't know.
22. Peircings, how many and where: One on each ear.
23. Tattoos, how many and where: I'm tattoo-less
24. Shoe size: Anywhere from Kids 6 to adult 8 or 9.
25. Hair length: A little lower than my chin.
26. Sex: I really hope you mean Gender...
27. Screen names: cherrisundae, HYP3R6IR1.. and many others i dont remember.
28. E-mail address:, or
29. Religion: Catholic.
30. What are you wearing right now: An old tank top like dress from Old Navy that looks like a beach scene type thing..

***Part 2 - Choose 1:

31. AOL/Snail Mail: I wouldn't want regular AOL and i don't know what Snail Mail is but it sounds bad..
32. Britney/Christina: Britney
33. Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi!
34. Salt/Sugar: Depends what im eating it with... But I'll say sugar.
35. Glasses/Contacts: Contacts..
36. Chocolate/Vanilla: Yumm, Nilla!
37. Rain/Shine: Shine! Duh.
38. Tornado/Hurricane: Tornado... i think.
39. Hands/Feet: Hands you can do more with..
40. Hanson/the Moffats: Hanson *breaks out in song* Lol, even though i dont like them lol.
41. KoRn/Limp Bizkit: Neither.
42. Smile/Frown: Smile
43. Book/Magazine: Hmm, depends
44. Asleep/Awake: Oh i love to sleep!
45. Butter/Margarine: I can't believe it's not butter!
46. Reduced Fat Food/Full Fat Food: Hm.. Reduced fat things taste bad... FATTY FOODS!
47. Diet pop/Regular pop: Ah, Regular!
48. Pop/soda: Soda
49. Bomb/Dynamite: Dynamite! It's fun to say :P
50. Eminem/Kid Rock: Ahh, "/"
51. Ricky/Enrique: Enrique....
52. Spanish/French: Spanish is more useful
53. Shorts/Pants: Depends on the weather and if they are cute or not.
54. Leotard/Unitard: I'll pass.
55. Sponge Bob/Square pants: Sponge Bob!
56. Water/Fire: Water.
57. Purple/Green: Both if they are pastels.
58. white/Wheat: I don't care.
59. Rosemary chicken/Teriyaki beef: Whatever tastes better.
60. Tossed salad/Caesar salad: Tossed i Guess
61. Dolly/Girlfriend: Girlfriend?
62. French fries/Onion rings: Yumm, McDonalds French Fries... *mouth waters*
63. Tape/CD: CD.. who listens to tape now?
64. Steak knife/Butter knife: Muhahaha Steak Knife.
65. Smoking/Non: Non
66. Fast-forward/Rewind: Fast-Forward xD
67. Pen/pencil: Pretty Colored Pens.
68. East coast/West coast: Never Been to the West coast..
69. North side/South side: I don't care.
70. Tray table up/Seat back in the full upright position: Seat Back!
71. Live/die: Live..
72. Barbie/Ken: Barbie Barbie
73. Aquarium/Ocean: Ocean! 'cept for the seaweed part.
74. Hanky/Panky: I don't care..
75. Ren/Stimpy: The Fat one!
76. Popcorn/Un-popped corn: By unpopped do you mean corn? Because i love corn on the cob!
77. Kleenex/Handkercheif: Kleenex
78. 7-Up/Sprite: Sprite usually.
79. Bike/Rollerblade: Whatever im in the mood for.
80. Black/White: White?
81. Headphones/Surround Sound: Surround Sound!
82. Big Bird/Elmo: Elmo! Duh.
83. Black&white/Color: Color.
84. Cordless/Wired: Cordless. I hate cords
85. Bottle/Can: I like the bottles cause i can screw the top back on
86. Eyes/Ears: Eyes
87. Jeans/Khakis: Jeans usually.

***Part 3 - Have you ever...

88. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Nope lol.
89. Needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Ah? Not that i can think of..
90. Tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Lmao, i guess so.
91. Slept in a cloud? I have taken naps on planes..
92. Been in an airplane? Plenty of times
93. Jumped out of an airplane? Heck No
94. Heard of rhythmic gymnastics? o_O No?
95. Read a book? Yes.
96. Broken a bone? noooope
97. Had braces? No, but i might have to..
98. Made a shirt? No
99. Eaten sushi? No Yuck.
100. Done the splits? Ouch, tried but failed.
101. Seen the space needle? Whats that?
102. Seen the real Titanic (the actual boat)? No
103. Said WOOOOOOOOOOOO?: Probably Yes.
104. Penciled your eyebrows? ahh, no
105. Been to Jerry's Bait Shop (you know the place)? Heard of it but in it no.
106. Been to Victoria's Secret? Yea, not that i go there to buy stuff.
107. Accidently told Victoria's secret? Yes! *cries*
108. Gotten in a car accident? No.
109. Done something your parents told you not to? Lol, NO COMMENT...
110. Seen a ghost and lived to tell the tale? no
111. Lived la vida loca? Lolllllllllll No
112. Done something stupid?: When aren't I being stupid?
113. Dyed your hair? No
114. Pierced your butt? No.. and I don't plan to either.
115. Had a good time? YA!
116. Screamed "STOP" extremely loudly? Lol yea.
117. Scremed for no apparent reason? Probably.
118. Acted really wierd in a car (dancing obnoxiously, singing > loudly, blaring music, etc.) and gotten strange looks from people in other cars, and just waved back at them? LMAO.. yes but it would take to long to tell the stories.

***Part 4-Who...

119. Is your best friend? I don't like that term casue it makes people feel left out.
120. Do you hate? Lmao, who doesn't?
121. Hates you? Probably.
122. Is the most hyper person you know? My Self?
123. Can make their booty go duh nuh duh nuh? Lmao.. i don't tend to stare at peoples "booty"
124. Rocks? I have a pet rock :P
125. Says WOOOOOOOOOOO? Happy People!
126. Is the best? To many to write..
127. Is the worst? Well that wouldn't be very nice now would it?
128. Is in the middle? To lazy to type.
129. Has fab abs? Not me..
130. Is the most creative? Dunno
131. Is the most responsible? Myself.
132. Is most likely to scream "GO REGION THREE" for no apparent reason? Lol, Me.
133. Is a bad, bad girl? I don't Care
134. Really owns Joe? Who is Joe?
135. Beats the odds? Maybe an Odd Beater beats the odds.
136. Brings the consequences? My mom and dad :P
137. Was the 1st President of the USA? Good Ol' George Washington..
138. Is Bella? Pretty people are Bella@
139. Says "se fwey ah New York Citay": What the heck?
140. Is the Real Slim Shady? Everyone ^_^

***Part 5 - Deep Thoughts

141. What is the meaning of life? *pulls out dictionary*
142. Do you believe in reincarnation? No.
143. Why? Because.
144. If so, what would you come back as? A person?

***Part 6 - Favorites!

145. Color: Pastels
146. Smell: I love the smell of new basements lol
147. Food: Almost anything Italian.
148. Restaurant: Red Robin!
149. Fast Food Joint: Mc Donalds
150. Pizza topping(s): Cheese, Pepperoni
151. Airline: Whatever my parents put me on
152. Song(s): Depends
153. Brand of jeans: L.e.i., Old Navy..
154. Clothes store: Whatever has something cute.
155. Pharmacy/drugstore: Walgreens
156. Farm Animal: Cow... MOOO
157. Endangered Species: I dunno
158. Sport to play: Whatever i want to.
159. Sport to watch: Hockey, Bike Racing
160. Brand of shoes: Adidas or Sketchers
161. Color of socks: White
162. Magazine: Cosmo Girl, Nickelodean
163. Book: Comedies, Diaries
164. Number: 7 and 3 and 73
165. Radio station: 101 WIXX
166. CD: Whatever in in the CD player
167. Tape: Tapes are dumb
168. Person: Hmm, dunno
169. Friend: I like all my friends
170. Cartoon: Sponge Bob, Rugrats, Totally Spies.. whatever.
171. Commercial Jingle: Meow Mix?
172. Cloud Shape: Puffy?
173. Color of construction paper: Red, Orange, Yellow
174. Brand of pencils: I dunno
175. Brand of batteries: Whatever works
176. Boy band: Hmm, i dunno
177. Girl group: Dunno
178. Male solo artist: Dunno
179. Female solo artist: Dunno
180. Type of music: Anything as long as its a good song
181. Real band: I dunno
182. Season: Spring/Summer
183. Time of day: Afternoon.
184. Car: Anything cute!
185. House: Whatever house i like!
186. Make-up brand: Whatever is prettiful
187. Region: Don't Care
188. Tree: Maple.
189. Flower: Anything Prettiful!
190. Fish: I dunno
191. Bird: I dunno
192. Class: Reading, Art
193. Outside of school activity: Internet?
194. Size bed: Full i think.
195. Precious metal: Gold i guess
196. Holiday: Summer
197. School: JRG?
198. Romanian Folk Song: Lol, i dont know
199. Hairstyle: Anything Cute
200. Man: I dont know but if you know please tell me.
201. Guitar: ?
202. Banjo: ?
203. Latin Lover: I dont have one..
204. Yawn: I don't know
205. Gum: Orbit or Eclipse!
206. Candy: Starbursts, Skittles
207. Chocolate: Hershey
208. Luggage Brand: I dunno
209. Hair gel: No
210. Hairspray: Whatever brand we have
211. State: I don't know.
212. Country besides USA: Italy
213. City: I don't know
214. County: Usa?
215. Planet: Earth
216. Temperature: 73*F
217. Kind of chicken: Yummy Chicken
218. Universe: My universe!
219. Saying: I don't really know.
220. Star: The sun?
221. Letter: E
222. Word: oops
223. President: Bush
224. Drug: ...
225. Golfer: I don't know
226. Infomercial: Lol, they anoy me.
227. Vacation: Jamaica!!
228. Hub cap: ...
229. Computer: Mine.
230. Bridge: Hmm, dunno
231. Casino: I don't gamble.
232. Club: I'm not old enough to go "club'in"
234. Way to lose weight: Eating Healthy?
235. Temple: ...
236. Halloween costume: Little Baby Costumes are soo cute
237. Apple: Granny Smith
238. Watch:My watch?
239. Muscle: Abs?
240. Detroit playa: I don't seem to know any.
241. Shape of ice cube: litle cubes
242. Movie: Not sure.
243. Excuse: Oops.
244. Map: maps that are correct?
245. Hat: Not sure.
246. Backpack: ?
247. M&Ms color: Red, Blue, Purple
248. TV station: Whatever is on my little channel favorites button
249. Shoe: You already asked this
250. Boat: A boat that won't sink
251. Chair: Big soft chairs
252. Room in your house: My Room!
253. Hammer: ?
254. Clock: My Clock?
255. Ice cream: Vanilla!
256. Size of Ziplock bag: Sandwich size?
257. Garden Tool: Shovel?
258. Stewardess: Dunno
259. Dink: Dink?
260. Athlete: Dunno
261. Stuffed Animal: My Moose!
262. Cheer: "GO TEAM GO" Lol
263. Soda: Anything different
264. Dessert: Anything yummy
265. Diva: ?
266. Veggie: Corn!
267. Fruit: strawberries, cherries, watermelon
268. Ghetto: o_O
269. Cookie: Sugar
270. Airline Meal: Dunno, the ones i had on the way home from Jamaica
271. Beverage: Water, Soda
272. Mountain: I don't know.. or care.
273. Wrestler: ...
274. Frosting: Bettercream i think its called
275. Eating Utensil: Fork
276. Salad Dressing: Ranch
277. Musical Instrument: Drums!
278. Meat: chicken
279. Bread: white
280. Howie: Howie?
281. Actress: I'm not sure...
282. Actor: Not Sure again.
283. Play: I really don't go to plays
284. Type of dance: dunno
285. Thong: ...

***Part 7 - The Grand Finale

286. Restate your name: Liz
286. What's your age again? iI think I'm like 98 now
287. Did you enjoy this survey? Not Really
288. Why or why not? It took to long and half the questions i put "I dunno"

Posted by blog/cherrisundae at 2:12 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 August 2003 2:34 PM CDT
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Grrr, Dumb Inklink
Ahh, darn Inklink is frozen and i really want to play it.

Anywho.. tomorrow I'm going to my Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend. I'll try to see if i can update at there house but other wise i will on Monday.. oh yea, and ill try to get some Pictures from Shanty Days Well, ill post more later. I'm going to go find something more amusing to do.. Blog ya later... Lmao, you get it instead of see you later. *laughs to self*

Posted by blog/cherrisundae at 12:47 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 August 2003 9:05 PM CDT
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I'm about to fall asleep....
*yawn* Well its 11:59 pm right now.. and I finally got this dumb thing working. I don't like how it looks but its the only one i liked. YAY, its 12 am now. Well, my mom told me that i was supose to be off the computer by 10 so better go. I'll post some more tomorrow... or rather today. Oh well, im so tired i can't think straight... Buh Bye

Oh yeah, and i know it says Posted by blog/cherrisundae because angelfire is dumb and i don't know how to change it. Oh and leave a comment!

Posted by blog/cherrisundae at 12:00 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 August 2003 12:02 AM CDT
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