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Cast.. in order of frequent appearance.

Jacques: (jac, jacqui, shack, jax) There is no doubt that Jacques is the most referred to person in this journal. This is the person that I choose to share my life with. I don't tell him this in these exact words because 'share my life' generally has a very permanant sounding tone to it, and I don't want to freak him out (but looking at 'babyware' on ebay doesn't help a lot, either..). I hope I continue to share my life with him, or at the very least, remain on v.good terms with him. He's an incredible person who's willing to listen to you cry until there's no more left.


Kaz & Simey:Kaz is my sister, 6 years my senior. In getting a perspective on how close we are, think about this: if I were pregnant, I'd be at a perplexing struggle to figure out whether I tell her or jacques first. Basically, they're both my soul mates. Simey is of course Kaz's husband. I couldn't have picked a more apt groom for my sister. I just discovered recently that Simey once thought I didn't like him. I don't know why this is, or whether this is, but I'm still trying to work it out. These guys have a bub together: Callum. He's such a champ!

Meagan: (smossages, smoss, meags)My best mate. Meagan and I met on the first day of prep, when I was 5 and she, 6. Apparently when my Mum came to pick me up that day from school, I started crying because I didn't want to leave Meags. I still feel the same way.

Anna & Tammy: I met both of these people at school. They're two of the only people I still understand from school, most of them are now either fake, wierd or extremely immature. Ironically though, these are the friends that I see the least of..

Em, Soph & the gang:Also schoolians (or Wesbians). I still see these guys a fair amount. They can be great to hang out with but I often find myself in a bit of different world to the one they seem to be in, not always easy to relate to.

others:of course there are other people, but they're just going to have to wait until they make an appearance in my life before they appear in my journal!!