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Saturday, 28 June 2003

I haven't updated in a while..oh yeah, the date's on here are wrong..and i dunno how to fix it.

(The date is now the title..yay)

So since Wednesday-

As you read I had a water fight, but I fogot to mention the fire on Buckley street..that was quite interesting, Me, Felicia, Matt, and Coco were being nosy and sat outside of her house and watch it all in action.

Thursday I went swimming with my cousin Kim and Alex and Kim's boyfriend Russ. It was fun, but I got a little sunburn on my shoulders.

Later on at evening I went to my little cousin Alex's kindergarten graduation ceremony thing. It was cute, all the little kids sang songs..aww.

Yesterday I didn't do much, just went to Kelseys and walked I guess.

Today I'm going to the movies, well..tonight. With Melissa and Coco, I think to see Charlies Angels dos. Not sure..


Posted by blog/chamness at 4:34 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 June 2003 4:42 PM
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Thursday, 26 June 2003

*Note the correct date is the Title.

I haven't updated in a while..since Friday I think..

Anywho..Saturday my family from Florida visited and then I babysat with Ashley. She slept over.

Sunday I didn't do anything til' around 5, I went to youth group and we went to Boston Bowl and bowled..I've never used big balls, it was fun.

Monday I went over Kaiti's and chilled with her and Dan..

Tuesday we were supposed to go on a Whale Watch but we didn't. Instead Jess and Biff picked us up and we went with Kaiti to get her Tarot Cards read..then we went to Wendy's and then into Boston. Good times. We picked up Joanna and went to Nantasket was fun.

Today I didnt do much besides have a water fight with Matt, Felicia, and Coco..but I had WHITE PANTS ON!! Argh!

Tomorrow I might go swimming with Melissa at her uncles..but I dunno..thats it for now..


Posted by blog/chamness at 12:58 AM
Updated: Saturday, 28 June 2003 4:34 PM
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Friday, 20 June 2003

Yeah, I like this diary thing better. Mmm hmm, thats right.

So yeah, yesterday I went to Ashley's and hung there for a while and then Shannon came, we played basketball..and talked and all that good junk. Ate dinner then walked down to my house.

We listened to music and attempted to use the karoaoke machine, but we just read the lyrics off the screen. A few minutes after, Melissa, Felicia, Matt, and Sam show up at my house. We all walk around then I asked if Melissa could sleep over, so we walked Shannon home, and then we went to Melissa's to get her stuff, then we walked home and met my mom half way, she picked us up, dropped off Ashley, and then we went home.

Melissa and I stayed up til like brother came in a little after and was in the greatest mood ever, Melissa was so surprised she could understand everything he said, she say's that he mumbles when he We were all talking, making fun of this certian someone..hahahahaha.

Then today, Melissa went to Germantown to her grandmothers, and I cleaned..woo yeah, that's my day so far..woo


Posted by blog/chamness at 5:27 PM
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Thursday, 19 June 2003
I changed from Diaryland, to Angelfire/blog..
So yeah, I got a new thing, was being all shitty..

Umm, I haven't wrote in Diaryland since Saturday because it wouldn't let me, the site was too busy or something..

So..since Saturday..

Sunday- I went hiking with Kaiti, Marsha, and Gary up at the Blue Hill's..we ended up taking the wrong trail and hiked 4 miles..then we came home, and my dad was sorta pissed at me because I wasn't home earlier to spend Father's Day with him, all I would have done was watch him watch tv..oh

Monday-Last day of School for the Summer, last day of finals 'til next year. We left early, I met Loren around the school, we went to the Library got Summer Reading books, then went to Sterling.

Tuesday- Went back to Sterling with Coco and Melissa to help Prendi move her room, even though we really didn't, we just ran around school seeing everyone. After that I went to Ashley's to her party, had a billion water fights, and then played Basketball with Jeff and Sam..I so won, but they deny it..

Wednesday- Didn't do much 'til around 3 when I met Felicia at the corner and then we walked to Coco's house, then I played some extreme foosball with Melissa, and kicked her ass..then we walked around and went to Fe's house to watch Scary Movie 2 and kick the shit outta her lil sister..damn that girl is annoying..

Thursday- Today..argh..I dunno what I'm doing yet..I think I might hang out with Ashley and Sam and maybe Tia..but I'm just assuming..

Well yeah, I'm gonna go finish making this look pretty, so ttyl.


Posted by blog/chamness at 2:01 PM
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