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Celestine pours you a cup of Voidberry Tea and sits down with her own. Welcome, guest, to my humble home. My name, as you might already know,
is Celestine. Here you will read about me, and my small life.
For starters, though, I am a Kaupe. The only Kaupe, that I know of, in Neopia.
*she sips at her tea* Well, I guess I better let you read, for time isnt long these days.

+ About + Family + Friends + Selestial + Art + Likes + Dislikes + Leave +

*she chuckles* You want to know about me? *smiles* Okay, I guess you can know how I came to be, along with my stats.

My life began when I was but a wee lass, playing in the woods with my brothers and sisters. Suddenly, I smelled something terrible. It ran through my body, filling it with the evil that was there, clinging to my fur. I howl/mooed to the others, as I saw blazing light destroying trees, right in my path. I heard my sister howl/moo back, but it wasnt happy. It was painful, like she was hurt, then, pain everywhere, my whole pack was crying out loud. I ran blindly into trees, trying to find my mother... but I was too late. Her den had crumbled and nothing was left. Rotted, burnt flesh filled the air of my family, and all the animals of the forest. I couldnt bear the heat, so I ran...

I remember falling down a hill, and my head hit a rock. I woke up, barely, feeling wind against my tail, and my ears. I looked up and saw a concered face of a human. I mooed and struggled, but she held tight. She hushed to me, in a language I did not understand.

That human was Willow, my two-legged. I now belong in The Premafrost Pack, with my family members... *she blushes slightly and hangs her head* Though, at night, I can still hear the cries of my family...*she slooks back up at you*

Age : Old enough.
Level : 2
Gender : Female
Height : 44 cms.
Weight : 53 lbs.
Hit Points : 14 / 14

*she blushes as you veiw her weight* Willow says I need to eat more, but I dissagree. Stripes make me look twice my weight! *she smiles warmly and laughs*

This is my family. *she laughs* They are in a potion format, becuase I didnt really want to put pictures becuase you'll see them by clicking... ah, nevermind. Hold your mouse over each potion to read about 'em.

*she smiles warmly and her eyes shine with delightful love* This is friend and loving mate. He is hard not to love... his height and strong, yet gentle touch, loving heart, and shadowed pelt...*she sighs happily* Hes first...and only love. Moonlight is my brother. He vowed not to talk unless someone talks to him, and his petpage is up, and hes a basic goth...oO;; Anguish is my older sister. She and I are pretty close, but shes not around that much unless she needs be, or she wants to hang out ^^ Willow is my eldest sister. Shes pretty nice, and there for me. She is just recovering from several heartbreaks, and is back with her mate, Blitz. =^^= This is Willow, my caretaker. Shes pretty cool, she is the one that found me *smiles at Willow* And introduced me to Ro...*cough* my pack...

Here are my friends. Since not all of them are available in potions, I put their pictures. *A low, yet playfull growl rises in her throat.*

Glacier is the Alpha Lupess of The Premafrost Pack. She is a wonderful friend and leader, with a great heart, and loving soul all packed in a beautiful, sleek white, and strong body. Ry is the Alpha Lupe of TPP, and, of course, mate to Glacier. He is strong and tall, but Roqearo is taller *sighs at his name*. Ry is our familys cousin, and he has really changed ever since his pups, Larka, Axel, and Khaz were born. ^^ Ryan is a pretty awesome lupe. He is very sweet, and mate to Moonbeam. All over his black and white pelt are ancient markings of an old language he and his family speaks. He lost his wing saving...Roqearo from dieing...*huggles him* You are a hero!! Moonbeam is a sweet lupess. Beautiful, smart, and a wonderful friend! She isnt skunk yet, but some day she will be... her true color...^^