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It's A Blonde's World
Tuesday, 10 February 2004
..........................b o r e d............................
I am sooo bored I swear. It's so hard for me getting into this room to get on the computer so mostly I sit around watching tv with my stupid foot propped up. I was in the kitchen earlier today getting a banana and low and behold I ended up falling and warpppp went that foot on that hard ass floor. So the knot that had started to go down is right back with extra. I'm so sick of this.
Guess that's what I get for saying I just wish for once that something different would happen with me instead of the same ole thing. Don't think I'm gonna say that again anytime soon.

So ok, I went to the doctor Friday and he told me that not only did I break the bone, I also sprained it badly and stretched the tendon. He called it a dancers break and said that if the tendon doesn't heal within 4 weeks that he will probably have to do surgery. Happy happy joy joy huh. Got this big ass boot thing that goes plumb to my knee and damn I swear its gotta weigh 15 pounds. Damn thing is heavy as hell. Of course I had took it off when I went in the kitchen and I cussed myself cause that would have cushioned it a lil.
Yeah I'm a dumb ass no doubt.

Mom and dad are still into it. She's still wanting my medicine. Damn I need to sprout wings and fly the hell away from here.

Atleast tomorrow night American Idol comes on.
Dreading this weekend...its the last for Sex and the City.

Hugs to you all
I'm still alive, haven't kicked the bucket yet...I couldn't if I tried lol

Misty Jo

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 12:21 AM MST
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
I wanna new drug
Wow I need some drugs lol. No no I ain't hooked on drugs. But oh man I need something.
Actually I go to the doctor tomorrow so thank God.
Went a whole week with a broken foot and this was as soon as I could get in to see a doctor.
Ain't that some shit. Well I think it's bullshit.

This is so frusterating. I've fell all over this house using these crutches. Fell last night and actually cried. Ended up tripping over Asa once again and fell into a pedistal that I have an arrangement on. Well that in turn fell into my big oak entertainment center and it shattered everywhere.
So needless to say I layed in the floor and cried because number one, I bout broke my fool neck and number two, I scratched that damn cabinet and my pedistal went into about a million pieces.
I ended up crawling back to the couch and of course I'm out of pain medicine because I have a mother that begged me for some of my pills so anyways I didn't have any when I needed them.
Oh well doesn't life just suck ass.

So atleast I go to the doctor tomorrow and I kinda dread it but I don't. I just hope he doesn't go to mashing on it cause me and him will have it out. lol
btw, my foot looks awful. It's like twice the size it should be and about every color under the sun.

Hope everyone is having a better week than me.
It's suppost to snow tomorrow...ohhhh won't that be fun. Me on crutches in snow.

Stay tuned for my funeral listing.. I'm kiddin bout that btw.

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 6:00 PM MST
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Friday, 30 January 2004
what a day
fell n broke my damn foot and now i gotta walk around on these crutches from hell. ever saw a blonde tryin to walk on crutches? lollll this coming from a blonde that cant smoke and chew gum at the same time and they expect me to walk on crutches.
i already told them at the er that i'd be back with the other foot broke lolll

and now i gotta crawl my ass back in the living room. this is gonna be a trip... oh wait i already did that today .. lol damn dog trippin me

wont be around for a few days
i feel like a dumb ass loll

hugs to everyone

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 12:18 AM MST
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Monday, 26 January 2004
Kickin ass n takin names
Hell yeahhhh babyyyyyyyy lol. Ok well Alex has me totally addicted to Yahoo Pool. Smacks him for that.
That is just so much fun and we have a blast playing it together. It's so funny to see him get his pants beat off him by a girllllllll. lmao!

I'm in a really good mood today. It was pretty warm here this afternoon but it's starting to cool off and suppost to have snow showers coming in sometime tonight, with it snowing all day tomorrow.
Yay for me, big woop. lol
As long as it don't rain all winter I don't care what it does.

I gotta go to a new doctor in Nashville next week and I'm pretty nervous about it. My meds aren't working for me anymore so I think I'm finally being faced to have surgery for the last time. I'm scared shitless over this. Gonna be a big life alterning thing for me because life as it is now will never be the same after that surgery. And I don't know if I'm ready for it, but something has got to happen cause I'm getting to the point were I'm so sick to death of being sick all the time and in pain.
So maybe it's for the best, I'm sure it is...I'm just gonna have to get use to the idea of being different.

Hugs to all my sweet friends.
that is, if any of you still read this.

xoxo misty jo

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 5:48 PM MST
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Tuesday, 30 December 2003
As the world turns...
Well my Christmas didn't turn out like I expected.
Didn't go to my aunts...didn't do anything. Guess thats what happens when families fight.

People do what they have to do, but I refuse to let it bother me.

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 6:48 PM MST
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Thursday, 25 December 2003
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
Woooooooo omg can you people believe that it's December 25th? Wow where did this year go?
I must admit I had a really good year. Met some really wonderful people - Laurie, Alex, Shan, Dennis, Mark, and many others. All of you are truely amazing and I'm so thankful to have good people like you as friends. Hugs to all of you!

It got brought to my attention that I should myself, make a New Years Resolution. I may end up having a list of things I want to do or change about myself, but usually those get forgotten after what, a week or so? Well one that I refuse to forget or just let it slide by is this -

My first and foremost New Years Resolution is:
No longer will I let people run over me. I do this too much. And it's gonna come to a screeching hault starting right now. Wait even before Jan 1st.
So ok, starting Jan 1st I will make SURE that no one runs over me anymore.

Also, I'm gonna make damn sure that I don't let people upset me so bad. I seriously think people do this to make themselves feel better about their own lives. Whatever the case may be, I'm tired of always feeling like the bad person.

So anyways...I'm so looking forward to this coming year. Christi and myself are taking another trip to Savannah and I get to see my sweetie, Alex.
Possibly two trips....that would be even better! =)

A person that I once cared about is being deployed to the Gulf next month. And altho I was told to forget he even exists, I will still be praying for his safe return home. Because that is my God given right and my right as a human being to do so.
So you know who you are...I wish you nothing but the best, even tho you compaired me to someone that I am NOTHING LIKE! Like I once said about someone else, if it gets you through the day to think that and believe it, then go right ahead because people that know me and love me know better. So go ahead and say your words and hurt me all you want...I'm not letting it hurt me. Because for once in my life I am growing a backbone and letting things roll right off my shoulders.

I feel so good today. I haven't had any sleep and later this afternoon I will be around my entire family for Christmas dinner. Wow lol maybe I should run for the hills while I still can. Oh wait, I'm already in the hills.
I'm actually looking forward to this. This will be the first year since my mother got sick that the entire family will be together for Christmas so this is one that I will always cherish.

SO Merry Christmas to my online family...Lori, Kamron, Twiz, Dio, and Killer.
May you have nothing but a joyous Christmas and the best of health and happiness in the coming year.

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 6:24 AM MST
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Saturday, 20 December 2003
I didn't really know what title to put on this post but I figured that was the best thing.
It's been snowing here since Thursday and it's gotten down really cold. Been a lot of wrecks here.

I'm in a blah mood right now. Not really in a bad mood. Well yes I am actually. Such a shocker for me huh. I just read on an article that was writen Nov 12th and it has me highly ticked off.
Can't believe I hadn't heard about this before now.
National Guard Pay Delayed, Denied - GAO report: 94 percent of those in six units had pay problems.

I can not believe that. Oh it makes me see red!!
There they are, over there fighting for us, and they are worried that they won't be able to feed their families or pay their bills. I'm sorry but that is ridiculous. Pure down right disgusting.

I know most people sit back and think, well what can I do about it? People get mad when they read and see stuff like that and arent sure what they can do about it, or even how to go about it. If you live in the United States and you are 18 years or older, you have the right to vote. Use your right to vote. Don't just sit back and complain all the time cause you don't like what you see. Meanwhile not bothering to go cast your vote. That is your right. Use it people! Because I can tell you one thing. I will be one of those people voting. You may not think your vote counts, but it does.

Ok well after taking a few deep breaths I think I calmed down a little.
Me and Christi are going Christmas shopping later on today. Going to the mall and ughh it's gonna be so packed but as usual, I waited till the last minute to do anything about it. YOu'd think I would learn right. I'm stubborn, takes a lot to make me learn anything.

Well I better try to go to sleep cause I have a feeling I have one heck of a day planned out for me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Ohhhhhh one thing I am sooooo exicted is I heard from Shawn today. He's a very good friend of mine and I've missed the crap outta him.
It was so good to hear from him.

Hugs everyone

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 12:43 AM MST
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Wednesday, 17 December 2003
It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas
It snowed here last night. That wet snow too, the kind that sticks to everything. If it's gonna snow thats the kind I love to see. Right now it's 27 degrees- windchill is 20 degrees. So yeah it's colder than a well...I'll just say it's cold.
Ok, I just looked and the high here today is only 34.
Wow that's a scorcher lol. It was suppost to snow today and tomorrow, but I see it's been changed to tomorrow and Friday.

I so need to do my Christmas shopping. I bought dad and mom something, I still need to get Christi a gift and I can't for the life of me think of what to get her. I picked her up a lil somethin while we was in Myrtle Beach, but it's small and I wanted to get her something else. I gotta pick Bobby something up too cause I know he'll get me something and well it would make me feel bad if he did and I didn't get him anything. I gotta get Patrick's gift too.
And that's a hard one cause I havent a clue what to get him. Maybe a blow up doll? lol Guess I'll go to Knoxville this weekend and shop. And I dread it too.
Cause I know the mall is gonna be packed with it just a few days before Christmas.

I can't sleep again. Ended up staying up all night.
I made a web page, surfed the net a lil, folded some more towels, and watched That 70's Show.

I'm sitting here looking at my pine trees with all that wet snow all over them and I can't believe how much those tress have grown since we set them out.
Nothing is prettier than white pines hanging down with snow.

Well guess I better get back to watching tv or cleaning or something since I'm not gonna sleep today.

Hugs to all my friends and btw Chuck, where the heck have you been? If you hadn't forgotten, you are suppost to check in with me daily lol.
You know how us southern women get when all our lil chicks aren't all accounted for.

Have a great day everyone.

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 7:20 AM MST
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Saturday, 13 December 2003
Take a look at me now...theres just an empty space
Well where do I start? I can think of a few things to start with but I won't. Cause yeah I've included some pretty emotional and private stuff about me on here, and yes I did talk about one person in particular, and yes I did name his name - my ex husband, Al. And yes I did talk about Lori, my lil twin, about Alex and well lemme think of anyone else that I talked about. Talked about Patrick too, didn't name him tho, didn't think I had to.

Out of all the names listed above only one I talked bad about, and I have issues with him and her as anyone that knows me well enough to know. But never once did I talk bad about anyone else. Never once did I publically talk about someone's personal life other than my own. I never in a round about way ever talked about what they were doing, or what they shouldn't have done ...ect.

I would never do that to someone. Talk about them. Sure I may think thoughts about the issue they are dealing with, but I would never go on the world wide web and air it. Well this was done to me. And I know the person that did it reads my blog. And yano, yes I did get upset about it. But I was like, oh well I'm just cared about. Didn't say anything about it. Just let it go. Even when I knew a certain person would see it, knowing it was me being talked about.


I learned some things tonight that have really bothered me. I guess at age 30 I'm still thought of as a child. That I can't make decisions on my own.
Can't tell people something without it already being told to them. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something that was very private and learn that what you would have liked to have talked to them about was already told to them and that lil info was kept from you? Or would you like it when this info was told to them, that it was done to be hurtful?
Thats every day life I guess. But to me that is something that has hurt me endlessly. I am so very hurt over this. At first I was extremely mad. Now I'm just hurt.

I am a 30 year old woman. I have been married and divorced. I have practually raised myself. Other than a bad marriage (which in it's self is a hard thing)I don't think I've done that bad with myself.
Sure I would change a few things if I could, but hey those mistakes make you the person you are today for the future. All my life everyone has always thought they knew what was best for me, and yes at times I have to admit they were right. But right now I am in the process of trying to make my life better. Trying to learn myself, get to know myself. And in this time I have learned that you can't trust no one really. Only person you can trust is yourself. And that's a shame really. Cause I am very trustful to people I care about. So now I just have to be more careful about that cause that trust has came back and hurt me very bad.

I realize that I am doing the very same thing as what was done to me. But I have to do this. Because if I don't it will eat me alive. Oh sure I could just let it all spill, but what good is that? Only hurts people and I hate to hurt anyone. I realize that I do at times and that in itself hurts me.
But this time, I have realized that I was talked about to be truely hurtful to me. And not only in a emails as well.
When the one person you think you can trust with your thoughts and feelings turn that around on you and feel they have to "let the cat out of the bag" well I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of person. If you tell me something and I honestly know you are having big issues with it, I would never in a million years repeat anything that has been said to me or what I have saw.
I realize not everyone is like that. And I found that out the hard way earlier tonight. Funny thing was I already knew the situation and knew what was a very personal thing that I was dealing with, was told to the one person that I was trying to in my own way tell about. And yes I would have told it, in my own way, when I knew the time was right. Because you see, just because you know you need to tell someone something, doesn't mean you tell them right away. You have to make sure that you know what you are going to say (especially when the subject is so tender to begin with) and then you pick the time you are comfortable telling them. Cause when you start to tell them, you know it's not easy. Well see, I was going to do just that. I knew the right time and place to let this all out and I find out it was already let out for me. When the facts weren't straight no less.

Well I got to tell my secret, the one that has been eating and burning a hole through me. Just would have been nice if I hadn't of been the second person to tell it.

Who knows, maybe I am a child. Maybe I can't make decisions, but yano, I try. And I was gonna do the right thing, and now it turned into a mess. But not for me it didn't. Because you see, I did get to tell my secret...and I wasn't judged when I told it to the person that it was directed to. Unlike the person that felt they had to run and tell something that they knew nothing about.

And I am sad to say that the one person I thought would never hurt me, did just that.

So anyways everyone take care.
I love you all.


Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 2:57 AM MST
Updated: Saturday, 13 December 2003 3:45 AM MST
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Friday, 12 December 2003
The one you love
I'm still sitting here kinda numb. From my previous post I'm ok now about that. But still I hurt someone tonight very badly and I feel terrible about it.
I never in a million years meant to hurt this person. But I did.
For the first time I'm speechless so that is why I posted some of the lyrics to one of my all time favorite songs : The One You Love - Glenn Frye

I know you need a friend
Someone you can talk to
Who will understand what your going through
When it comes to love
Theres no easy answer
Only you can say what your gonna do.

- Your heart keeps saying its just not fair but still you gotta make up your mind. -

heres the link to the song if anyone wants to listen to it

Posted by blog/cattitude73 at 12:14 AM MST
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