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mY iNfOrMatiON((:

SCHOOLS I ATTENDED: MINS, LittLe AnGeLs, DaY cArE >>sHoRt TiMe... SLU-LES (gr.2-6), SLU-LHS (1st aNd 2nd YeAr SciEnCe StUdEnT), T.D.B. (NiNeR)
SKILLS: CaN sPeAk 2 LanGuAgEs (TaGaLoG aNd EnGLiSh), gOiN tO sTuDy SpAniSh ThiS sKuLYeAr, I CaN dAnCe, SiNg AnD dRaW... i Can SEw ToO, mAnUaLLy AnD aUtOmaTiCaLLy...
ACHIEVEMENTS: I bEcAmE aN HoNoR stUDeNt (1sT, 2Nd pLaCe OvEraLL, GraDe 9),
i WaS oNe Of ThE tOp 10 oR 15 iN cLaSs...
i TwiCe BeCaMe A cOnDuCt AwArDeE, I aLso PaRtiCiPaTeD iN qUiZ bEeS bEfOrE aNd I wOn AwArDs,
i WaS eLeCtEd 3x as ThE oFfiCeR oF tHe cLaSs,
I wAs A sCiEnCe StUdEnT dUriNg My HiGhSkUL yEaRs iN tHe PhiLiPpiNeS (2 YeArS)
AnD nOW iM tAkiNg IB( HaRdEr ThAn ThE reGuLaR cLaSsEs= SaMe As SciEnCe SeC. ) iN mY 1St YeAr Of HiGhsKuL (hErE)...HaHa...WaT a NeRdEE... ((:
HOBBIES: i LoVe WaTcHiN ShOwS (LiKe "ThAtS sO rAvEn")... I LoVe EaTiNg fOoDs... hAhA..gEtTiN fAt 4ShO! LaLo Na SuMmEr!! HaHa...BuT sTiLL i KnOw mY diEt NaMAn Eh... HaHa I LoVe ShOpPiN ToO... I aLsO sUrF in ThE iNtErNeT...DuH wHaT aM i DoiN nOw?!!! hAhA....
SPORTS: BaDmiNtOn, i aLsO LoVe To pLaY bAsKeTbaLL!!!! ShOoTiNg iS mY bEsT!!! wELL, i LiKe VoLLeYbALL, bUt Kc MaSaKiT uNg BaLL,HaHa... ThEn BeCaUsE oF sUmMeR sKuL, i LeArNeD a LoT oF sPoRtS, LiKe SoCcEr (GrRr,,,nTmAaN aKo Sa BrAsO aT sA sToMaCh NuN, oUcH), AnD GoLf!!!!! HaHa..EsPeCiALLy BOwLiNg!!!!
MOVIES: LoVe HoRrOr MoViEs EsPeCiaLLy ThE mOviE "FiNaL dEsTiNaTiOn 3".... I DoNt ReaLLy EnJoY cOmEdY mOviEs.... I DuNnO wHy...MaYbE cOz iF tHeRe's ThiS fUnNy ScEnE, eVeRyBoDy WiLL LaUgH aNd i DoNt,, gEtS kO nAmN uNg JoKe DuN,pRo Di AkO NaDaDaLa Eh, CgUrO mAsYaDo Na AkOnG sEriOsO... hmMmPpH.... i lOvE tO wAtCh ThOsE mOviEs AbOuT dAnCiNg (StEp Up= CnT w8!! aUgUsT11), iT iNsPiReS mE kC... I LoVe To WaTcH mYsTeRy MoViEs!! AnD sOmEtiMeS aCtiOn/ tHriLLiNg(PoSeiDoN)..
part 250.jpg

im 14.... i am a flip (filipino)!!! proud to be one
i am short... 5ft is my height but SO WHAT!!!
i am a shy person..thats why im always quiet...
but i know myself,,, im quiet when im with friends (not so close friends)
but im loud when im with my bestfriends/ close friends and close family...
my prob is,,, im not an outgoing person (to people around me)....
many pipz think that im 12 or 10 or younger than that....
im happy to hear those words but u know, its kinda mean coz im already 14 turning 15
and im already matured and serious....but they treat me like a child.... :(
coz of my height kc
i love listening to music!!!!
SOBRA!!! my hobby kapag bored!!!
fashionista din,,,lol
i love the color red, white, black and pink
dami noh..hahaha
I love to dance, sing and draw!!!
i love to sew too...

I really love ART!!!
doing things and stuff...
i actually made this layout
the drawing above....^
remember my OLD ACCOUNT...
pareho cla ng format.... dba?
pinalitan ko lang ung pix and ung mga details....
im just bored thats why...
like i dunno..... wala to sa plano ko
i was just surfing in the internet
and then i saw a picture
i really love it
i got the idea from it
the picture was all about the movie "mean girls" and my fave book "gossip girl"
so yah,,so i made my own version
i browse some pictures in the internet (google)
and then save pictures.... and stuff
and then nagcmula na ako... :D
saglit ko lang siya un
i really love it!!!!!

when i was a kid...
i started dancing....
i won nga awards before eh.... lol
i was dancing macarena at that always
and then.... pagdating sa La Union
im always with my cousin SADE
as in lage kming sayaw ng sayaw...
lage nio siyang makikita dun sa slu
love na love ko cuzzin ko!!!
ngaun naman,,i stop dancing na
pero cguro,,,pagdating ng high school (ULIT,,haha)
i will join cguro..(sana sa "barangay"!!! )
kaya yun..
sna kasama ko cuzzin ko!!!!

singing??? it was my secret talent...
and not that PRO noh...
kumakanta me sa bahay...
pero di ako kumakanta sa labas
nagstart me kumanta,, uhmmm..grade 3
i joined a contest in class
xmas party kc.... eh wlang gustong kumanta
eh officer kc ako nun...
kaya yun,,,ako nalang daw.. haha
tapos un..nung kumanta ako...
pumalakpak cla,,,sbi ko sa sarili ko
"ngek..i was just playing around...."
kc naman,,di ko nga alam dba???
so un...after nun... i started singing na...

i know that im a good person,,,
never been in a fist fight or anything
i never do drugs, cigarettes, drink alcohol
di ko hilig makipagaway
if i need to protect my friend or myself
i know im not that palaban but i will do the right thing naman eh
mas magandang di nalang patulan kaysa humaba ang away
sometimes, im a snob, kc naman pati kau snob,,, haha
and if u read my testimonial, 1st impression nila sa akin, mataray daw ako
well,,, yah becoz of my eyes, my mother told that to me too
but im not like that..... di nga ako marunong magtaray eh
ung taray mata effect??? hahaha...
soft hearted poh ako... :P
and may sense of humor poh ako,,,, ndi ako tanga!!
nakakaramdam ako pero di ko lang pinapakita! magaling ata to magtago
and i creep pages!!! everybody does!!!! not only me!!!
member po ako ng AERON...
and the ASIAN CREW
i treasure my friends so much!!!! miss na miss ko na kau (philippines)!!!!

well.... i think that's all.... check nalang ng mga testi ko.....
and sana naman,,,bigyan nio me ng testimonial.... :( pleeesshhh
i think thats all....

aNd YaH i4GoT, ChAt On Ym!!!
SomeTiMeS, nAkA mOBiLe AkO Sa YM...
KaYa iMeSsAgE niO NaLaNg AkO
Kc NaReReCeiVe Ko NmaN Un Eh Sa CeLL kO...

if u wanna add me...
here's my email add...

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?? Shoutouts
Hi!! ThiS iS cAsHmErE...

JuSt WaNnA sAy ThAt i ReaLLy ReaLLy MiSs My FriEnDs!
GrRr.... fEeL gUiLtY tHaT
i sToPpEd cHaTTiN wiT u GuYs iN yAhOo MeSsEnGer
BeEn BuSy Kc FoR tHe WhoLe MoNtH - -juLy
BuT tHiS aUgUsT, iLL tRy To StAy Up LaTe
JuSt To TaLk To u GuYs On Ym

WeLL... hErE...hApPy To mEeT nEw PiPz
ThE aSiAn CrEw Hu 1sT aPpRoAcH Me iN sKuL
DaNg.. OcToBeR 31...BiLiS NmAn Ng OrAs... HaHa ((:
AnD bRaZn,
BeCoZ oF sUmMeR sKuL, i BeCaMe cLoSeR tO sOmE oF mY FriEnDs FrOm TDB, i TaLk tO tHem AnD sTUfF nA, nOt LiKe B4
AnD tHeN nOw, iM So HaPpY i ReGiStErEd FoR sUmMeR SkUL
BeCoZ i MeT a LoT oF nEw FriEnDs
WhO aRe GoIn To NaLLy NeXt SkUL yEaR! yEpEe :))
So MuCh FuN wHeN iM wiT tHeM :D

OmGh LoVe ThEm aLL
i WiSh i cAn PuT mY fRiEnDs In ThE pHiL anD iN hErE
ToGeTHeR, PaRa Ok DbA? hAhA
I LoVe YoU gUyS so So MuCh!
DoNt 4GeT mE kEi!?
KeEp iN tOuCh

SpEciAL sHoUtOuT:
GiRLfRieNdS: AeRoN (KaThLeeN dytiApCo, PaTriCiA bRaVo, DiOaNnA GaLeS, JaMaiMa AtiLaNo), cOrEeNe, KaThy, GrEtChEn, kAtRiZe, SaDe!
GuYfRiEnDs : jAsPeR D., mArK U., NiKo D., EdBeRg A., OmAr

My CoUsiNs AnD mY fAmiLy
HaPpY bDaY vOn VoN!! My iNaAnAk... :))