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can soup. 24. 11th Feb. Aquarius. Single. Easy going. Cheerful. Logic Thinker. Taciturn. Weird. Boring. Lethargic. Crappy. Wushu. Watercolour. Arts. Drawing. Friends. Green. Clubbing. Stoning. Pools. Beach. Sea. Chinese pop. Retro.

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Friday, October 07, 2005

woot.. i'm craving for NYDC's Three Amigos.. RoaR~

Can_Soup at 1:45 AM

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sat - Grading.
ah.. yes.. woke up by the phone call from norman asking me to bring stuffs for grading later.
Ulu pandan CC... damn ulu.. and far.. to me that is.. Took a train down, luckily saw a few members there so i jus follow them. Anyway, i wasn't grading this time too.. was helping out Wancai on the coordination and flow of the grading on wushu side. Personally i thought that the grading was rather lenient.. shifu they all passed all of them.. but wancai failed 5 of his students and made them retake. The grading standards of the wushu side still wasn't compromise yet, was also the reason why i can't take grading for wushu.. coz no one seems to know what taolu do i grade for my level.. bleh`.. kb wise bo bian, coz i haven't been going for training there. will definately be back but not now.

Mon - Pot holes on my hands
ya lah, sports injures again.. was practising 'dan dao' when i smack my left hand.. now there's holes on my hand... but lucky for me that i only smack the side of the dan dao.. if it was the blade..i would have gotten a rather deeep cut...

warning, our ally have activated his particle cannon... wei`
Can_Soup at 11:48 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2005

yes.. back after a short hiatus of 10 days..
thought maybe i would close this once and for all, but seems that it's not possible. A channel for me to crap is still needed.
Hmm.. crapping to me is like.. erm.. defecation of my brain..
storing too much crap in the brain is almost equivalent to constipation.. not healthy..
.. resting is to walk a greater distance.. and so.. i'm back..

[amazing race.. amazing grace.]
bout the issue on 3 bloggers posting racist comments online, my say is, though they are youngsters.. their ignorance should not be pardon and they do have to pay the price.. Being a s'porean, they should know the importance of racial harmony and that topics of race and religion is really sensitive here. sometimes, somethings no need to say it out one mah..

[can soup the Vaticinator]
it's time for me to foretell the future.. ah yesh.. i see it.. blur visions.. ah yes...
- [Mankind is building a beautiful world to self destruction]
hmm.. Nice tall buildings.. fast cars.. woo.. nuclear plants.. boom.. all die..

- [Farmers will grow rich]
With all that H5N1 bird flu, mad cow disease, over level of malachite green fishes..
Everybody will turn vegetarian and eat grass.

National Cancer Centre in talks with the Health Ministry in a ban on tobacco products in 10 years.
I can't say it's really a good idea... and i dun see it coming too.. because it'll be difficult to ask those who has been smoking for like 30, 40 yrs to quit. And if.. it really happens.. then we'll be in trouble too.. as i foresee steep tax increase in other areas, such as; GST and income taxes.
- Maybe they can start slowly from the young. like, those who born in 2004 are barred from smoking. and slowly in a period of 30yrs. ban tobacco products to s'pore.
And not
- In 2015, no tobacco products in s'pore.

[Random rantings]
- end to my DotA-ing as i can't update to v1.19 unless i reinstall.. which i dun have the discs with me.
- Bei Quan Dao grading on 24 Sept, Ulu Pandan CC, 12pm - 5pm
- I watch the Survivors and not Lost.

4. Earth Element: Be humble and take advice, never be proud ... wei`
Can_Soup at 10:29 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2005

kk.. hiatus.. at least for now.
Can_Soup at 1:10 AM

Monday, September 12, 2005

[charge ah!!!!......]
charge as in being charge in court ar...
it's been the topic around the blogosphere today, 2 bloggers got charge for their postings in forum and their blog containing racist content.. charged under the Sedition Act.

Actually i've already thought of closing my blog since last week, as i think i've already lost my purpose in blogging..
is it all bout readership? nah.. dun think so.. my blog hardly hit a counter of 50 per day, if it really did. probably coz i refresh the page again and again. much less compared to xiaxue's 10000+ per day.

a channel to crap and bitch? bleh~... what human rights, freedom of speech.. with people being charged so often now.. i don't know what right to blog and what's wrong le..
ahh.. might as well ask the gahmen to set up a branch to monitor all bloggers.. list all the rules and regulations on blogging here. like the [Speaker's Corner].. duhz..

even better.. since there's so many campaign here, like "Speak good English", "Jiang Hua Yu Campaign", "Road Courtesy Campaign"...blah blah blah... let's just start a "Blog Right Campaign" or what "Don't get charge when blogging Campaign"... bleh~

the real reason when i started blogging was to let my friends know my happenings and what i've been busy with as i was in camp and i could hardly meet up with all my friends during the weekend. again.. actually not much people read my blog so.. might as well end it. may be the last post.. not..

yours sincerely,
Can_Soup at 7:08 PM

we walked past each other, she was with her bf. it's been 6 yrs since we last saw each other.. still the same except her hair is longer now, i prefer her hair short but then again it doesn't really matter now..

-woohoo new songs~-
thankz to eugene T, i've got 100 new songs to listen to. :D

The Observatory - Killing Time...... wei`
Can_Soup at 12:46 AM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

basically probably partly got influence by sis ba.. i like cats..
i'll probably get a cat if i have my own place next time..
erm.. k, and a dog too.. but only maltese... :p

[escape from Alcatraz...]
Haven't heard news from kaya? wonder what she's been up to?
Ya.. i can sense it.. she's planning on a big one this time..
kaya; she's now the size of my wallet.. like the size of a block of soap... she's half the breadth of the tank..
and yes.. she's planning on her escape..
when tip toe on the piece of rock, she can almost freaking touch the top of the tank lor..
it's just a matter of time.. till then.. i shall keep an eye on her...

paint wei`...
Can_Soup at 2:39 AM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

[Accident.... almost..]
Mizzling and i was late for work.
yesh.. almost met with an accident this morning..
Traffic light just turn red, the green man was up. So i started crossing over to the other side, then there's this cab on the middle lane slowing down and stopped on the line... *BEEP!!... crash.... a white honda ESI horned, screech and crashed onto the cab, which then moved abit forward and nearly hit me.. nb..
anyway, thankz to my reflexes..

yes, i took a glimpse of the cab's no..
and yes, i bought 4d for that.

still snowflakes... wei`
Can_Soup at 11:54 PM

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days to X'mas
about days to Chrysalis
days to Blank Walls

Mood: The current mood of can_soup
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