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Nate's Blog
Monday, 11 August 2003

My dad got his knee all messed up, too, so that's cute. My uncle has taken him to Binghamton to a rehab, but he can't go into it until his stitches come out. I must say I have very little hope for this rehab because he's been to so many, but I guess only time will tell, right?

Summer school is almost over! *sigh of relief.* Tommorow is the last day of class and then the Regents Exam is on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm very confident, I think I'll do really well. I suppose we'll see.

Posted by blog/caffenated5 at 2:31 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
*First Entry*
Well I'm trying out this blogger after a long time on Xanga, so I better not be dissapointed! :-)

I just got out of work to the lovely news that my dad had his head busted up in the city from a pole or crowbar or something. He got 16 staples in it at Strong, and of course called my grandma. She and my uncle went out to see him, but both of them know that everyone here is going to the Holiday Inn if he comes home. It's a harsh reality, but no one has time for druggie assholes, so face the facts. >.<

Despite all that I'm really in a lovely mood, except a little ticked that " Anything Goes " ended this evening instead of tommorow afternoon, and I was really looking foreward to seeing Marina, Will, and Amanda. Oh well, life goes on.

Peace out, kids!

Posted by blog/caffenated5 at 8:47 PM EDT
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