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it`s my life... iN MY OWN WORDS

One day, a small abandoned Aisha was walking around.. whimpering slowly. It's huge watery eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't find her family. She was lost, in this deep dark world. Whimpering on the streets, she was hopeless in finding anyone to take her in. Questions raced through her hurt mind. Who was she? Why was she here? How come this world was so unfair to her? She looked on as the dark starry night, jumped up with life. Children laughing and catching fireflies. Joyous dancing, and festive food. This Aisha was lost, but she wasn't dumb. She slyly crawled under the table, and stole a piece of delicious meat. This Baggasaurus Steak sure tasted good, and calmed down her nerves. A tear formed, and slowly dripped off her dirty face. Why did she have to live like this, everyday? She wished that something good would happen, and she would never have to do this again. Just as the tear dropped to the ground, as by magic, the tear flew up and sparkled. This "tear" floated slowly to her nose. The Faerie Queen smiled and said, "You seem so hurt. I will find a way to fix this." And the Faerie Queen patted down the rumpled fur, and "Poof!", she disappeared.

Huh? What? This Aisha woke up in surprise. Where was she? Had she found an owner? Her groggy eyes opened, and she saw the Soup Faerie. Having had no education, she asked with curiousity, "Are you my new owner?". The Soup Faerie smiled, but shook her head slowly. "I am sorry. You fell asleep right in front of my shop, and I couldn't bear seeing any neopet hurt. I wish I could find you an owner, you seem so sweet." said the Soup Faerie. "Oh. Mmmm.. what's that good smell? Ooh!! Tomato Soup, my favorite! My old owner used to cook this all the time." And then she became solemn again. "Well, maybe I can help."

"Sigh.. posters, posters, and more posters." said another owner without a neopet. "And these are all.. ugh. I hate those! And that!! Can't they just go to the pound?" she rambled on and on. She stopped walking, and stopped at the store she wanted. "Two Chocato Chia Pops please?" "Ok" "Thanks!". "I have so many things to do! I'm so bored, I really need a pet, and soon!" she gasped. "Oh.. my gosh! That is the cutest thing! What's that called?" she asked the shop owner, pointing at a beautifully hand-drawn poster. "Oh, that's an Aisha!". "Aren't they cute?!". Staring at the poster again, she thought `1-8oo-SOUPFAERiE. Hmm.. easy enough!` She took out her Chia Cellphone and dialed the number...

Ring, ring, ring! The phone rang, and rang again. "Ugh! Stupid people! They never pick it up when you want them to the most!"

The Soup Faerie was out buying more ingredients for her soups. This Aisha heard the phone ring, and was about to pick it up when... Clang, clang, clang! The bell on the door rang, showing a new customer. This Aisha pressed the button for the door to open. `Hey! I'm getting the hang of this!`. A sweet customer came, and patted her on the head. "Aww.. !! Hi! I saw your beautiful ad on a poster. I love your fur, and you look so cute! I was hoping to be lucky, and become your new owner!" Purrrrr... this Aisha was enjoying all the pampering petting. Clang, clang, clang! She jumped up. `A new customer?`. It was the Soup Faerie. This aisha was nudging the sweet girl. "How may I help you? Do you have a hungry pet?" "Nope, I saw a beautiful picture on a poster, showing this sweet angel, and I was hoping to take her home!". "Are you willing to take the sacrifice? Take care of her when she's sick?" "Umm... I think so. Okay, okay.. I promise!" "Alright then, she's all yours! But, please promise to take care of her. And... please visit a lot! Sign here, and here." "Okay! Thanks, bye!!". [[ twist in the story, you thought the other owner was going to get her right? I'm not that mean ;P ]]

"Okay, so welcome to my family! You are my first pet, so you will get pampered the most. No sharing, anything!" "Hi! Thank you so much! I got abandoned when I was a child." said this Aisha. "That cruel family! So, did they give you a name?" replied the new owner. "Nope, I'm nameless for now." "Okay, so I'll name you Fluffisha because you are the fluffiest thing i ever saw, and you are an Aisha!"

"Mommy?" Fluffisha had been accustomed to calling her "mommy" now. "Yes?" she replied. "When I grow up, I wanna be big `n strong like that master I saw at the training school yesterday!". "Okay, I'm already starting your training, soon you'll be just like him!". "Okay, mommy!". "Christmas is almost here, I'm going to get you a special present, alright?" "Christmas? What's christmas?" asked Fluffisha in an innocent way. "Christmas is when everybody gets gifts from their loved ones" "Okay!"

So Fluffisha set out to make something special for her "mommy", because she was the one always there for her, even when she got sick with all those colds. And the time she was lost. She would make something for the Soup Faerie, too. And the Faerie Queen! There was so many presents to give, so she started getting a job in playing Scorchy Slots, to win NP so she could buy the perfect gift. Scorchy slots was her favorite game `cause she won a lot. She won the jackpot once, too! She got the Faerie Queen 6 of the bottled faeries evil Balthazar caught. And she made a guild for the Soup Faerie (Sorry people who really made the guild, I'm not taking credit for it, It's just a story. If you have a problem with it then please tell me, thanks!). But, she wanted her mommies present to be extra special. Something she made herself.

She thought of everything, every little gift she could give her, but she just couldn't think. Of anything! She'd have to think of something, and quick. But, she couldn't think of anything still. Finally, Fluffisha went to the Soup Faerie again. The Soup Faerie smiled and said slowly, "I think the best gift you gave her, was you" Fluffisha was surprised,"Me? Truly only me?". The Soup Faerie smiled, and nodded. "Give her a hug, a kiss, make her a heart out of clay." "Okay, if you're sure"

Slowly, Christmas Day arrived. Slowly, but surely. Everyday Fluffisha went to the Advent Calendar to collect their free gift. "Well, it is the month of giving" And throughout this month, Fluffisha told her owner to donate more to the money tree, and give money to the poor neopians. On the day of the surprise, Fluffisha sought under the Christmas tree and found not one, or two, but four boxes of presents just for her! And her owner had four gifts too! Fluffisha tore open her gifts and she gasped. Enchanted Everlasting Tomato Soup from the Soup Faerie. 10 level ups and 10 strength-ups from the Faerie Queen. And.... a Christmas Paint Brush and a Faerie Bluna from her owner!

"zZZzZZZ..." said Heather. "I'm so tired, Fluffisha!! No problem on the present, it's all for you! I'll take you to get painted soon, alright?" "Okey dokey!" Her owner walked slowly to the Christmas tree. Oh, wow! She picked up the first present, from the Soup Faerie. A beautiful drawing of Fluffisha revealed. "Wow!" exclaimed Heather, "I'll submit that to the beauty contest!" As she kept on unwrapping presents, she came on Fluffisha's. "You got a present for me? Thanks!" and she petted Fluffisha on the head. And when she unwrapped it, she gasped. A beautiful enchanted heart pillow with, I <3 YOU on it shown, and glistened in the room. And Fluffisha purred.