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Jessica's World of Poems
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Double Reprimand
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: i miss you friend (my own song lol)
The verses alternate in who I'm "reprimanding"
It's kinda funny actually :D

Double Reprimand

Don’t walk by me as if it’s nothing.
It’s not nothing to me.
When you walk by me, my heart beats faster.
So please take the shorter way.

Don’t choose me as if I wouldn’t care.
I do care, although I pretend not to.
When you say my name, my face grows red.
So please choose someone else for your team.

Don’t talk to me as if I can talk back.
I can’t talk back without looking down.
When you try to talk to me, I try to ignore you.
So please talk to my neighbor.

Don’t point to me as if I can’t see.
I can see you pointing at me.
When you point at me, I keep hoping.
So keep your fingers to yourself.

Don’t help me as if I can’t do it myself.
I am self-sufficient.
When you help me, I think you’re kind.
So let me do it by myself.

Don’t call me as if I’d answer the phone.
I wouldn’t if I had a choice.
When you call me, I can’t form a sentence.
So just go online instead.

Don’t lean toward me as if you’re just tired.
I can tell that you lean everyday.
When you lean toward me, I think crazy thoughts.
So just sit up straight.

Don’t answer me as if that’s what I want.
I just want to forget you.
When you answer me, I become obsessed with your response.
So just ignore me.

Don’t look at me as if your eyes can see through me.
I love those greenish eyes.
When you look at me, I look at you,
So look at the teacher.

Don’t ignore me as if it’s a game.
It’s not a game to me.
When you ignore me, I get worried.
So at least acknowledge me.

Don’t act stupid as if you’re not smart.
I think you’re smart sometimes.
When you act stupid, I think it’s cute.
So act smart.

Don’t go on AIM as if you’ll stay.
I know you never stay.
When you go on AIM, I hope you’ll talk to me.
So block me.

Posted by blog/btv at 4:40 PM
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Tuesday, 13 March 2007
I Need You <3?
A short poem written randomly in a fit of emotion. Warning: it's bad cuz of that xD

I Need You <3?

I need you to be here,
I need you to be strong,
I need you-
to make up for what I'm not

I need you to complete the puzzle,
to fill my thoughts when I'm down.
I don't want you,
But I sure do need you- a lot xD

Posted by blog/btv at 2:36 PM
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[Stop] Cycling
Mood:  irritated
This thing that I follow
This thing called a flow
This thing—a cycle that I know
It’s become too predictable
My fate is too predestined

When will I break this cycle?
When will I stop cycling?
When will the circle be broken?
Leaving me free to run out

Gotta’ stop!
Stop cycling—it does me too much harm
Stop, stop, stop, stop, cycling,
Break the cycle and go, go, go! (x2)

No longer a prisoner I will be
Free to go, to just be freeee!
Not bound to unstable things
Like a noble gas, I’ll have stability
Like the same thing, no worrying
About gaining or losing

[then repeat]

Posted by blog/btv at 2:34 PM
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Mood:  not sure
Ok, I'm finally starting to update. Here's a poem I wrote...2 weeks ago? I'm not sure if the feelings still apply, but I though I'd go ahead and share it anyways. It applies...a little?

by Jessica Selleck

Me liking you, contradictory in itself,
Absurd, abnormal, that’s certainly true,
But maybe all along I knew?
Perhaps I still like you.
Perhaps the admiration still remains.

So unlikely, so unreal,
Contrary to all I feel.
There’s no way that I like you still.
To still have these feelings of my own freewill,
Absurdity in itself, self-contradictory for sure!

Perhaps it expresses a possible truth,
Maybe I’m like witty Lizzy,
And maybe you’re like proud Darcy.
Maybe I’m too introspective,
But to me, this is a paradox!

Posted by blog/btv at 2:28 PM
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Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Dream Series (wow so cheesy lol)
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Know Your Onion!
"The Dream Series" is a new series of poems that I'm writing that are all about dreams I had. These three are all about him, but I plan to write more poems about all of the dreams I have. These are probably not that accurate, given that it is UBER hard to remember my dreams ;]. Ok ppl! Read these poems and remember to check for updates in the Dream Series.


You stare at me,
And I stare back at you.
All I want to do is flee,
Yet standing and staring seems all I can do.
Time is yet wasted, and you start to move on.
You laugh at me, thinking it's a joke,
But I don't care; I'm just relieved that the moment's gone.
For fleeting seconds I regret my idleness,
Until all seems to return to normal,
And with that, I invent the word "weirdomness."

Switching Places

A shared moment of "bliss?"
But then it falls into an abyss,
And you're not there anymore.
You stay in limbo forevermore.
Your evil twin takes your place,
With evil eyes and mocking face.
Then the scream escapes my lips,
And I want no part of these trips.
But as I return to my Waking Life,
I laugh at the person who caused my strife.

Escaping Fate?

As I nod my head and go to sleep,
I find myself with my friends in P.E.,
And one other important person too: you.
As we play a game with footballs and flags,
The whole world turns blank, and I have nothing to do.
Suddenly you're there with me,
And I'm transported to a world of concrete.
Then I start to run, out of instinct,
And, uncharacteristically, you run after me.
As I get tired and my heart beats dangerously,
I overlook a branch and fall to the ground.
Seconds later, you're there, smiling at me,
And, not wanting to know, I wake up without a sound.

Posted by blog/btv at 12:19 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2006 1:26 PM
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Monday, 11 December 2006
And So the Plant Dies...
And So the Plant Dies…
by Jessica Selleck
[Please refer to “Feelings That Grow”]

Your “laugh” was like acid,
So mocking and cruel.
It produced a smell so acrid,
I could call you a fool.

Only the strong and mighty,
Could resist a laugh like that.
Apparently my plant was only tidy,
Because it drooped, just like that.

Shall I mourn for my plant?
How it gets weaker every day!
Oh, if you would only grant,
The feelings that could make it delay!

And yet you don’t,
You make the plant seem ridiculous,
I won’t cry, I know I won’t,
But I won’t stand for this.

I’m not going to say I’m sorry,
For cultivating this plant.
While I never I thought I would tarry,
I never thought I’d give up this plant.

Yet here I am, doing just that,
Giving up what grew,
Leaving behind the past.
And so the plant dies…

Posted by blog/btv at 5:46 PM
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Now What?
This was how I felt before, but now I've made up my mind. I must kill Jake.

Now What?
[Note: This is a little dramatic, but does not qualify as an exaggeration.]

In the past, I knew what to do,
I knew that I had to hide my feelings from you.
I was always busy, withholding information,
Trying to prevent any confirmation.

I didn’t know then, but that was my life,
It filled my thoughts and caused me strife.
It filled the void in my mind,
And left other thoughts far behind.

Drama caused some sort of excitement,
Never trying to find enlightenment.
I liked it that way, hiding behind the hubbub,
Never (ever) wanting to find a sub.

But all things must end, and you found out,
You found I like you without a doubt,
And now all that worrying, that preventing is gone,
I feel like, without warning, you dropped a bomb.

My life has changed, due to you,
I find myself wondering what to do.
Now there’s no way I can get myself out of this rut,
So I’m wondering…now what?

Posted by blog/btv at 5:46 PM
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Love//Hate [extreme exaggeration]
THIS IS EXAGGERATED! GET IT INTO YOUR HEAD PPLS! ok, i think im good now. ahahaha

~Love?! Hate?!~ [O.o]
//Jessica Selleck//
[A side note: This is an exaggerated poem. I do have conflicting feelings, but not feelings this strong.]

I hate you forevermore,
You ruin all my days.
Oh, what hatred is in store!
Here comes Payback Day!

You fill all my thoughts,
Forever you are in my heart.
I miss you lots and lots,
How can I even begin to start?

BANG! That’s you!
I’d like to thrash you around,
Even make a doll for voodoo.
My thoughts are ones that will astound!

Will you be with me?
I certainly want to be with you.
Oh, then my heart would be filled with glee!
If only we had feelings so true!

Shut up! I don’t want to hear it.
Whatever comes out of your mouth,
It makes my teeth grit!
You’re such a loudmouth!

When the sun rises,
I think of you.
When the sun falls beyond the horizon,
I can think only of you.

Is it love,
Or is it hate?
Shall my heart soar above?
Or shall my feelings be abated?

Posted by blog/btv at 5:44 PM
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Feelings That Grow
ummm I have another poem. It's kind of confusing, but- oh well. I hope the value doesn't go down, or I shall delete it.

Feelings That Grow <3

My feelings for you are complicated,
And can best be described like a plant.
The plant is infused with a bit of hatred.
And others I don’t wish to tell – I can’t.

And yet here I am, telling you what’s in my heart.
How the plant keeps growing taller and taller,
How this is just the start,
How I am afraid it will fall over.

For each time I dream of you,
The plant just seems to grow,
From a tiny seed it started anew,
And with thoughts of you it towers all below.

There have been times that the plant is neglected,
These were the times I ignored you.
But now that I have reflected,
I realize that these were times a few.

Now I’m hoping beyond hope,
That this plant is not immortal.
Otherwise I don’t know how I will cope,
Because my efforts are always futile.

Maybe this plant will wilt,
Never seeing the sun shine.
But then I’d be filled with guilt,
If this dear plant were to die.

So now I have two conflicting feelings:
I want never to see the plant again.
This plant is a blessing.
And now I’m wondering when.

When will I stop refuting what’s in my heart?
When will I stop hating you?
When will this plant come to a halt?
When will I stop liking you?

I’m not sure, but for now this plant grows.
I’m going to have to live with it.
I dealt with it when hatred arose,
So why not now- why can’t I just commit?

Posted by blog/btv at 5:43 PM
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My Marionette
//My Marionette//
By Jessica Selleck

{o.o} I’ve done something,
That I cannot forget.
You see, you were my marionette.

I pulled your strings,
And showed you to my friends to make it clear,
But you were just a part of my veneer.

I convinced myself I liked you,
But in truth, you were just my marionette.
Perhaps a sliver of my <3heart<3 for you is in debt.

Truly, though, I like another,
And I tried to deny feelings unmet,
By using you, my marionette

By now you’re probably wondering if I’m mad,
What do I mean pull your strings?
I used you to refute my feelings.

As I write this poem, I’m racking my brain.
What is it I mean to say?
Now it is starting to sound cliché!

I guess two words are all I need,
To express feelings you would regard with languidness.
Two words: I’m sorry. Will you offer forgiveness? {T.T}

Posted by blog/btv at 5:41 PM
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