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Brooklynn's Diary Page 1

Job #1: A Bed for the Jarl's & Jarla's Babe:

*Please note: there is much role-play that goes on in Kassau, Ar.
My Posts have been edited to take out anything not directly involved
with the making of the bed.

Day 1: 07/06/06

(14:45:13 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR
: Is in one of the numerous Visitors cabins in Kassau

(14:48:58 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~wakes up, knowing there is much to be done this day,
stretching softly and quickly dressing in a long skirt and tunic,
pulling on My boots and lacing them up, deciding to wear the flat heels today,
moving to the kitchen area
and pouring Myself a much needed cup of black wine~

(14:50:34 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~reaching into My pack and pulling out My sketchbook,
laying it on the counter as I lean against it and drink black wine,
a list of materials that I will need for the Babes crib scribbled on the pages~

(14:53:00 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~amber eyes quickly look over the pages,
as long fingers flip another page,
looking at the design carefully to make sure I have not missed any materials,
thinking wood, stainless steel, some soft furs,
nodding as I know that everything is in order,
finishing up the mug of black wine and
then putting the sketchbook back in My pack,
slinging the pack over My shoulder as I move out quietly~

(14:55:57 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~moving out onto the porch, looking at the sun overhead,
thinking it to be another beautiful day and smiling happily,
taking quick strides off the porch and onto a path~

(14:57:39 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~turning and making My way onto a path that leads down to the Bazaar,
knowing that I need to find some raw materials
and possibly someone that can work in metal and/or wood,
long even strides carry Me gracefully towards My destination,
the wind softly blowing through loose chocolate colored curls~

(15:00:07 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Bazaar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~reaching the Bazaar,
trying to see over the shoulders of the Men that block My view,
being rather tall but Torvie Men of course are much bigger,
slipping into the Fair I am in My usual quiet mode that happens
anytime I am working on a project,
that intense look once again showing on My barely sun kissed face,
knowing only the highest quality of goods will do~

(15:01:36 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~amber eyes look around intently,
stopping at a few booths that have furs, shaking My head softly,
as long fingers softly touch them,
thinking not soft enough for a new Infant, moving to the next and the next,
each time not finding what I am looking for,
pursing full lips softly together in thought~

(15:05:42 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~spotting another Merchant's booth and going over slightly intrigued,
Many stand around this booth and haggle with the Merchant,
wondering what about Her wares are so out of the ordinary
that there is a large crowd around Her booth,
soon knowing, amber eyes growing wide as I see the selection that She has,
some materials look as if they are from Earth,
fingers lightly running over a sheet of fabric
and leaning in to ask if this is cashmere,
thinking it can't possibly be,
the Merchant nods Her head in agreement,
telling Her what I am doing for the Jarla and High Jarls new Babe,
listening as She cuts Me a remarkable price for several feet of the cloth,
seeing the furs She also has for sale and nodding that I will take 3,
giving Her My location to have them delivered and placing coin in Her hand,
thinking this is the start of a great day~

(15:11:48 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~quickly spotting a Merchant that looks like He works in metal,
nodding a good day to Him and then leaning a bit over the booth,
reaching into My pack and pulling out My sketchbook,
showing Him the simple schematic,
asking if He would be able to build the track system that is needed,
He nods in the affirmative but questions what it is for,
advising Him it is for the High Jarl and Jarla's new Babe,
                    He nods in agreeance and tells Me He can have it finished tomorrow and will do it at cost,
grinning to Myself,
asking how much it will cost as I pull the schematic from the book,
hearing Him say 2 copper and handing Him the coin,
turning on My heels and smiling happily,
            pulling out My sketchbook as I reach into My pocket and pull out a piece of charcoal,
crossing things off the list~

(15:16:41 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~moving back onto one of the paths,
seeing a Guard up ahead, inquiring where the lumber yard is,
            remembering how the Jarla said that I shall have all the lumber I need with no fee,
hearing the Guards directions,
I nod politely in thanks and head off in the direction indicated,
full lips pressed together as I softly hum~

(15:18:59 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

-sees You there... waves-

(15:19:58 )

rhiannon{property of MAUL}
Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

*waves also to the lovely Mistress*

(15:20:32 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Mill District - Lumberyards]
                       Is in one of the Temwood or Kalana wood lumberyards dotting the northern areas of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~reaching the lumber yard and looking about quietly,
seeing One in charge, or sort of anyway asking if He can be of help,
letting Him know the Jarla's instructions,
He nods and asks how much lumber I need,
reaching into My pack and pulling out My sketchbook once again,
advising Him how much I calculated the job would take,
He nods His head and advises that He will send more,
    smiling warmly to Him as He orders a thrall to get the order ready and quickly,
thinking when One throws out the Jarla's name things get done,
    thinking I should have this done by tomorrow morning if all goes well or quicker,
depending on how long it takes to carve the wood,
amber eyes sparkle as the 3 thralls come back carrying the wood order,
nodding My thanks to the One in charge~

(15:21:02 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~peeks over and waves~ Tal Maul! You are well this day?

(15:21:16 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to rhiannon{property of:

~calls out softly~ greetings beauty!

(15:22:17 )

rhiannon{property of MAUL}
Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

*she dropped back down onto Your back..
tendrils of dark hair swishing over Your leather clad ass*

(15:22:28 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Aye... What happened with the Visitors last night...?"

(15:23:06 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

    well Wolfe and I had a long talk and then I dropped Him off at the Inn ~nodding~

(15:25:17 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"The Other... Trei did not stay...?"

(15:25:49 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hears Yer words and shrugs~ I did not meet Him...

(15:26:06 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Well Hell..."

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~just nodding to the thralls with heavy armloads,
pointing out My cabin in the distance,
informing them My name is on the door~ aye a Friend of Yours?

(15:27:27 )

rhiannon{property of MAUL}
Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

*she occupied her time hanging over Your shoulder
..scouting the patch of ground she could see for dropped coin*

(15:31:27 )

rhiannon{property of MAUL}
Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

*suddenly her hand appears over her Jarls shoulder
.. as she feels for where the hem of her tunic is..
making sure her tushie isn't showing as You are speaking to her Jarl*

(15:32:06 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to rhiannon{property of:

~looks to you and smiles softly~

(15:33:05 )

rhiannon{property of MAUL}
Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

*wiggles a bit on Your shoulders.
wondering if You are having a psycho motor seizure or something*

(15:33:39 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~seeing the thralls busy on the porch of My cabin
and calling out softly for them to leave all the lumber on the porch,
thinking it they go into My cabin I will bust some heads,
watching as they nod and drop off the lumber on My porch,
carefully stacking it in even stacks,
nodding My approval and watching as they walk off back to the lumber yard~

Day 2: 07/07/06

(14:49:57 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~waking up and getting ready for the day,
looking over My wardrobe,
looking outside and seeing that it must be warm,
pulling out a skirt and a tunic and getting dressed,
pulling on My flat boots and lacing them up,
pulling long dark curls into a tight ponytail
and then grabbing My pack off the counter,
moving out ot the porch swiftly~

(14:54:24 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~moving out onto the porch,
        amber eyes look at all the lumber stacked up that the thralls delivered yesterday,
crouching down a bit as I look over the pieces delivered,
pursing full lips together as I look for the right piece,
a soft grunt can be heard as I move pieces from one pile to the other,
seeing that there is lumber of all different sizes and thickness',
                pulling out a long sheet that is quite thick and dropping to My knees in a tower position,
dropping My pack to the side as I pull out a piece of ribbon
that has been measured and has little markings on it,
much like a measuring tape of earth,
carefully drawing the thick railings for the side of the Babe's bed~

(15:00:04 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~working diligently, that intense look upon My barely sun kissed face,
amber eyes scan the length of the board as I move a bit,
drawing out another rail, and then another and another,
                        thinking once this is done I shall take it to the trade district with the measurements outlined
and the schematic of the Babe's bed,
rising to My feet and looking at My work as I step back a bit,
                     thinking the edges of these rails will need to be rounded
to give it it's over all soft appearance,
yet not feminine,
crouching low once again as I look for another piece of thick lumber,
spotting the one I want and laying it a top the other,
long fingers softly grazing the surface as I work diligently,
        once again rising to My feet and looking over the width of what will be the railing,
knowing that Someone with saw tools will have to cut out the spaces I have indicated,
reaching into My pack and pulling out My sketchbook,
scribbling a little note,
seeing a thrall come onto the path and calling out to him,
advising Him to get this to the Carpenter that I spoke with last eve,
handing him the schematic and watching as
another thrall hurries along to help him with the lumber,
taking a seat on the porch, watching as the thralls hurry about~

(15:02:35 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~amber eyes sparkling softly as I see My plan starting to come into action,
seeing one of the thralls try to take a piece of lumber that I have not specified,
shaking My head softly,
yet swiftly the other thrall comes and corrects him,
explaining to Me to please forgive him as he is not to bright,
laughing softly and nodding as the right lumber is thrown over their backs
as they move off to the trade district~

(15:05:46 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

            ~thinking I should go see the metal Worker and see how the track is coming along,
rising to My feet once again and bounding off the porch,
thinking what a glorious lovely day,
long strides smooth and gentle as I move towards the pathway~

(15:08:04 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~turning a sharp right onto the path,
hearing the soft noises of a quiet afternoon,
the wind gently ripping over My form,
full lips pressed together as I concentrate,
moving towards the trade district quietly,
something is apparently on My mind,
not that I would share it with Anyone that asks, except maybe One~

(15:10:35 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~slipping quietly into the Bazaar,
eyes wandering over large Torvie Men,
before moving to the booth where I met the metal Worker a last evening,
He is no where to be found,
but His Woman is manning the booth,
                        asking Her if She knows anything about how the track for the Babe's bed is coming along,
hearing Her saw that He is working on it quite quickly
and hopes to have it finished sometime this eve,
nodding My thanks and turning to walk out of the Bazaar once again~

Day 3: 07/08/06

(12:21:46 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR
: Is in one of the numerous Visitors cabins in Kassau

(12:25:35 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~waking in My cabin,
looking about as I rise to My feet and wash up,
then picking out a pair of leathers a tunic,
quickly dressing,
tying long chocolate colored curls into a pony tail with a piece of leather,
then lacing up My boots,
amber eyes look out the window for a moment,
thinking it is a beautiful day~

(12:28:06 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~slinging My pack over My shoulder and moving out onto the porch,
seeing the notes tacked up to My door,
grinning as the Carpenter has left a message
saying that the pieces for the Babe's bed have all be carved,
another note tacked up by the metal Worker saying that track system is done,
quickly striding down the steps~

(12:30:47 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~quickly moving onto a path and moving towards the Bazaar,
long even strides carry Me towards My destination,
hips swaying softly with each quick step,
seeing the large Torvie Men in front of Me as I make My way into the Bazaar,
being tall of stature Myself but still having to look over Their shoulders to see
as Torvie Men be the massive Men that They are~

(12:33:02 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to ALL:

~moving in and moving to the Metal Workers booth,
seeing Him flash Me a grin as I advise Him that I got His message,
asking if He has a moment to install the track system on the Babe's bed,
He nods His agreeance swiftly, and heads out of His booth,
a bright smile forms upon lush lips as We move out of the Bazaar
and make our way to the Carpenter's shop~

(12:36:05 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

~moving down the path swiftly,
the only sound the sound of My boots crunching the soft earth beneath Me,
that serious intense look on My face once again,
yet amber eyes sparkle softly, adjusting the pack on My shoulders~

(12:36:50 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he moves to the path and is not long on it when he encounters
the beautiful young Mistress.
quickly he kneels on the path at her feet, his eyes lowered in respect.
-- greetings, Mistress.

(12:37:42 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~looks to you and smiles softly,
seeing that Falcon didn't kill you~ greetings slave.

(12:39:37 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--such is Gor. once he would have stood, dressed in high caste scribe's robes,
before this young woman while she asked his advice or paid for his skills.
now...collared, nearly naked, he is a slave kneeling at the feet of a FW.
-- how may Shava's slave serve you, Mistress?

(12:40:18 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~looking you over~ you have a strong back yes?

(12:41:59 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--once he would have felt only shame at what he now does but...
he is slave. he lowers his body to the ground so she can see
his bronzed slave flesh and flexes his muscles
to show her the power she may choose to command.
-- yes, Mistress.

(12:43:41 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~looks you over as the Metal Worker stands beside Me,
noting your features and your muscles,
nodding My head~
you will do...take those pieces of metal from Him...

(12:45:24 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--obediently, submitting to the Mistress's will,
he rises and steps to the metal worker,
bowing low to show respect and takes the hunks of metal.--

(12:47:28 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~watching as you take the pieces,
smiling and then turning to walk down the path once again,
making sure not to walk to fast as you are handling the pieces of stainless steel,
looking back to the Metal worker and asking if He has the brads and wheels,
He nods affirmatively~

(12:49:26 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--so it is; once she would have paid well for his skills.
now, she sees him as merely the nearly naked and collared slave he is,
of interest only for his strength.
he hefts the pieces of metal, feeling the cool metal against bare slave flesh.
        the metal is heavy but manageable and once he has the pieces over his shoulder
he offers the Mistress a bow and steps to one side,
awaiting her further commands.--

(12:50:03 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~motioning you forward as W/we move towards the Carpenter's shop~

(12:51:40 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he bows in respect and follows her up the path;
she is indeed beautiful but he has been slave too long
to think anything except that precisely
...she is mistress, he is slave.--

(12:53:44 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~reaching the Carpenter's shop and smiling as I make My way inside,
motioning for you to keep up,
My boots flat boots softly crunching the ground beneath Me,
waving to the Carpenter as He appears busy,
watching as He grabs My arm excitedly and pulls Me over to a corner,
brows furrowing a bit but then realizing He means Me no harm,
He is just excited,
He pulls back a drape and there is
the Babe's bed fully assembled aside from the tracking system,
walking around it as I look on in amazement~

(12:54:48 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he steps to one side;
no Free wishes to have his or her route impeded by a slave,
and waits outside the carpenter's shop until the Mistress
should choose to command him.--

(12:55:52 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to ALL:

~walking around the bed,
completely amazed that this was My design,
the bed resembles a sleigh bed of earth,
yet with railings on both sides of the bed
so that at a young age the Babe will not fall out,
tugging on the railings a bit,
looking to the Carpenter as I make sure that the railings are removeable
for when the Babe is old enough,
watching as He pulls the railings off then reassembles them,
crossing arms over My chest as I nod,
the Babe's name carved into the headboard~

(12:58:18 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he does not know what the young mistress is doing in the shop
and to express any curiosity would, of course, be folly.
once she would have paid silver for his time.
now...perhaps she will give him a copper for Shava but if
she wishes to have him serve her in his Owner's absence
simply because he is slave and she is mistress,
then he has no choice but to submit.--

(12:59:29 )

male property of the Huntress

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he keeps his eyes lowered as Free pass,
glancing up from time to time to eye the pretty slave girls.
he draws no attention; a slave, naked or nearly so, collared,
awaiting the pleasure of a FW, to serve her...hardly unusual.--

(13:00:20 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~nodding to the Metal Worker as He takes the steel from you
and motions for you to come inside,
    watching as He carefully lays the bed on it's side and installs the tracking system,
it takes about 10 minutes as He works the brads in place,
then the wheels,
looking over the deep stain of the bed,
thinking it is just truly marvelous,
seeing the Metal Worker finish His task
and moving to the bed to make sure it does what it should do,
pushing it from side to side gently with ease,
so that it does a rocking motion~

(13:03:52 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~nodding My thanks to the Carpenter,
asking if He has any other thralls about to help with moving the bed,
hearing Him yelling for two strong lads
and knowing with the help of the other slave boy
that they should be able to move the bed easily,
looking to you for a moment as I examine the bed~
what do you think boy?

(13:05:17 )

male property of the Huntress

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

very ingenious, Mistress, and no doubt the little mistress will sleep well in it.

(13:06:46 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~nodding and watching the other thralls picking up the bed with ease,
advising them to deliver it to the Jarla's and High Jarl's cabin
and place it on the porch,
looking to you~
heel you are coming with Me back to the Bazaar..
I have furs that need to be carried...

(13:08:21 )

male property of the Huntress

[Trade District - Trade Buildings]
Is in one of the buildings for the trading of larger amounts of goods.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

yes, Mistress.
--he watches the other slaves carry the bed...
one, tall, very strong, bears many whip marks on his flesh,
probably a onetime warrior who had trouble adjusting to the collar.
he bows to the Mistress and follows her,
heeling like an animal,
not too close lest she decide to halt and he run into her.
he would be taken quickly to the slave post for that.--

(13:09:40 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~making a sharp turn onto the path and moving out to the Bazaar,
making sure that My strides are even
and not to long so that you can not keep up,
smiling down at you for just a moment
as W/we make O/our way to the bazaar,
boots crunching once again on the soft ground beneath My feet~

(13:12:28 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he is careful not to heel the mistress too closely,
for she stops occasionally to look back at him.
he wonders why, although of course he would not ask.
is she thinking he might not follow her as commanded?
or perhaps she simply enjoys the sight of a strong, handsome male,
naked, collared, subject to a woman's will.
he hears her boots crunching on the path as his bare feet pad along after her.--

(13:15:25 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                    Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~I watch merely out of curiosity to make sure that you can keep up with Me,
knowing that My stride is too long sometimes for some,
pushing My way into the bazaar to a booth that I ordered furs from,
paying the Merchant quietly and then grinning
as She slips out of the booth with three furs,
yet the three furs are wrapped much like an earth mattress would be
and wrapped in the softest black cashmere,
loading My arms as this is quite heavy,
She also includes a cashmere blanket,
nodding My thanks and draping the blanket over My shoulder,
handing the "mattress" to you~

(13:18:41 )

male property of the Huntress

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he is careful to bow to the merchant,
then to the young Mistress,
feeling the soft cashmere against naked slave flesh...
carefully holding the "mattress" until he has gauged its weight.
this, at least, is lighter than the steel rails,
although bulky and he must use care lest he drop it.
he bows to show he is ready and steps behind the Mistress,
ready to heel here. a passing FW calls out,
"Lady! I need a strong and handsome male slave like that. Is he for sale?"--

(13:20:17 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Trade District - Baazar]
                Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~brows furrow as I hear the Woman's call,
shaking My head softly and calling out~
I do not know as He is not Mine..perhaps find His Mistress and speak to Her
~knowing that something is always for sale possibly,
not meaning that you are, but simply that you may be,
not knowing either way,
turning and making My way swiftly out of the bazaar~

(13:22:30 )

male property of the Huntress

[Trade District - Baazar]
                    Is in the open bazaar where small order northern and southern traders cry their wares.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he follows her from the bazaar, feeling ambivalent.
on the one hand a slave is always pleased to know
that some woman would like to own him.
on the other hand,
the FW who called out was tall, solidly-built, and this is the north...
he can imagine what it would be like
to be summoned to her furs for her pleasure.
still he is a slave and who owns him
and what his mistress requires of him are not his concern.
he feels the Mistress closely,
the bundle held securely against bare slave flesh.--

(13:24:14 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~moving swiftly onto the path that leads towards the residental Cabins,
looking to your torn expression for a moment,
brows knitting,
usually not keen to asking a slave what is on their mind
as I don't really care much for slaves,
however there is something a bit endearing about you~
speak what's on your mind slave
~thinking at least conversation would be good on the journey~

(13:27:20 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--he is startled and does not respond for a moment,
unused to a FW caring what is on a slave's mind.
and watching her form,
what he has been trying not to think of is what it would be like if this
FW, young, beautiful, but stern, summoned him for her pleasure.
-- only how best to serve you this afternoon, Mistress.
and, if this one may be so bold,
how he is glad to be called to serve in some way other
than serving refreshments and such.
he thanks you for allowing him to attend you
as slave as you go about your business.

(13:31:09 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~hearing your words and nodding quietly,
making My way down the path towards the Jarls and Jarla's residence,
moving swiftly and looking down at you with amber eyes,
thinking you do not tell all but no matter
as I don't want to delve to personally into your affairs,
reaching the Cabin quickly~

(13:34:13 )

male property of the Huntress

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

--glancing up he catches an expression on the Mistress's face
...perhaps realizing he has answered truthfully but not fully but,
most likely, he is only a slave and she doesn't care.
he follows her as they head towards the Jarl and Jarla's residence,
halting a few paces behind her as they reach the cabin,
stepping to one side and again waiting for her will to be known.--

(13:35:49 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Arako/Sophia Katoc - Porch]
Is on Arako/Sophia Katoc’s Porch.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~stepping up on the porch and motioning for you to come forward,
the bed having arrived just before us as
I see the thralls that carried it here sauntering down the path,
moving around the bed and examining it,
thinking it is a fine piece of workmanship,
rocking it gently from side to side~
boy..put the cashmere covered furs into the bed please

(13:37:42 )

male property of the Huntress
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

yes, Mistress.
--he bows and steps past heronto the porch and kneels by the bed.
carefully he unwraps the cashmere silk,
well aware that if he tears it...
well, it is worth more than he is.
he carefully spreads the furs on the bed,
making sure that they are even, soft, and comfortable.
the cashmere he folds up, places on top of the bed,
and then kneels on the floor, a slave waiting for the Mistress to command.--

(13:39:51 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Arako/Sophia Katoc - Porch]
Is on Arako/Sophia Katoc’s Porch.
Says to nubias[Shava]male pr:

~looking to you for a moment
and then taking the cashmere and tucking it over the furs,
thinking this Babe will truely have the best,
then taking the blanket draped over My shoulder and laying it over the furs,
amber eyes just looking at it intently for a moment,
hoping the Jarl and Jarla like it,
reaching into My pack and grabbing My sketchbook,
pulling out a sheet of parchment
and then digging in My pockets for a piece of charcoal,
scribbling a quick note that simply reads "My gift, Brookynn",
then quickly making My way down the stairs of the porch~
come boy

Job #2: Going over plans for Marlina's Warehouses

Day 1: 07/10/06

(20:18:23 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~moving out to My porch once again,
holding a cup of black wine and My pack,
propping Myself up on the railing of the porch
and taking a long drink of the black wine
before reaching into My pack and pulling out a sketchbook,
reaching into My pocket and pulling out a piece of charcoal
and making little notes as I take another sip of black wine~

(20:20:21 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~raising one long leg a bit and bending it at the knee
and putting My sketchbook there,
the other leg hanging loosely on the other side of the porch,
leaning My back against the railing as I dust something off My leathers~

(20:23:14 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Maul - Porch]
Is on the porch of Maul's cabin
Says to ALL:


(20:26:03 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~tossing long chocolate colored curls over My shoulder
as I look down at the sketchbook,
crossing out some items that are no longer needed,
seeing some thralls coming up the path
and seeing all the left over lumber from the Babe's bed,
calling out to them that if they are not busy to take this back to the lumber yard,
watching as they climb up the steps
and start to cart off the extra lumber~

(20:29:14 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~looking as the dawdle and shaking My head
and yell out "harta",
peeking up from My sketchbook as I notice that they think I was watching,
yelling out that I am always watching and to get their asses in gear,
watching as they scamper off with armloads of lumber~

(20:29:58 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hears a noise and looks about~

(20:30:45 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Maul - Porch]
Is on the porch of Maul's cabin
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

-ponders throwing tiny rocks-

(20:31:10 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~looks over and nods~ Tal Maul!

(20:31:56 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Maul - Porch]
Is on the porch of Maul's cabin
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Tal Brook... What's new...?"

(20:33:06 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hears Yer words and laughs~
nothing...I finished the Babe's bed and
now there is absolutely nothing new ~nods and shrugs My head~
I am bored..

(20:34:41 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Maul - Porch]
Is on the porch of Maul's cabin
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Well... You are in luck then..."
-nodding slightly... gathering up a fairly large bag and stepping off My own porch-

(20:35:03 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to ALL:

I hurried down the path the basket
over my arm held firmly humming softly as I stepped

(20:35:09 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~watching as You gather up a large bag, eye brows quirking a bit~

(20:35:44 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[General - Paths]
Is on one of the many dirt paths crossing the village of Kassau.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

*turning the corner and seeing you ..
hand raised in a wave as I made my way to your porch

(20:36:16 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

~spotting You and waiving as You make Your way to My porch~ evening Essa

(20:36:38 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

-grins... seeing You going up the porch... nodding slightly-
"Well Tal Essa..."

(20:37:00 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

I placed the basket down and looked up grinning..."Hey Brook"

(20:37:33 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

how goes it?
~looking to the basket and then to Maul's bag and wondering what is up~

(20:38:02 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

Turning smiling to you .. "Tal Maul"

(20:38:21 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

*frowning slightly seeing the large bag* what do you have there?

(20:41:07 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

-stepping up on the porch...
I set the bag down... grinning slightly to Essa...
I answer the question to You since... well... I brought them for You-
"These are the plans for all the new Holdings for Kassau...
I think perhaps You might look them over...
perhaps see where some aspects may be improved...?"

(20:42:19 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hearing Your words and nodding as I will take any work that I can get,
brows knitting a bit though~
I thought Marlina was overseeing that project though Maul
~not wishing to step on any toes~

(20:43:59 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Who do You think let Me grab the plans...?"

(20:44:53 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~nodding as I hear Yer words and
holding out My hand for the bag~
You know Me Maul..I will take work wherever I can get it
~smirking as amber eyes sparkle~
I need to speak to the Jarl about that land soon....

(20:45:12 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

I smiled.. watching you set the bag down..
" where do you see things perhaps needing improvement Maul?"

(20:46:39 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

-nodding slightly... lifting the bag back up and handing it over-

(20:47:08 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~taking the bag and planting it in My lap~
these are plans for the warehouses no?
~tucking a stray chocolate colored curl behind My ear~

(20:47:45 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

-looking to You... chuckling slightly-
"That is why I am wishing Brook to look them over...
I cannot make heads or tails of these things...
So I really have no clue..."

(20:49:01 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hears You as You speak to Essa and smiling brightly
as I do not wish to interupt~

(20:49:09 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"Aye... But I believe they are Marlina's personal warehouses..."

(20:49:10 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

I chuckled... " well I am glad you didn't ask me to look at them....
I would probably read them upside down or something "

(20:49:45 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hearing Yer words and nodding a bit~
I thought there was need for general warehouses...
Marlina must have a lot of stuff ~smirking~

(20:51:23 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

-grinning to You-
"What's in the basket...?"

(20:51:34 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s Cabin]
Is inside one of the many well furnished visitors cabins in Kassau.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~listens quietly as I move into the Cabin,
looking about, knowing that it was delivered this morning,
seeing My sketching table that I had specially made,
dragging it out onto the porch and grabbing a chair
and then reaching into the bag and pulling out a tube,
pulling the end open carefully and unrolling it as I listen~

(20:51:57 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

-just... nodding... slowly-
"Aye... She does..."

(20:53:06 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~laughing softly as I hear Yer words,
unrolling the blue print and tacking it in place on the sketching table,
crossing long legs at the knee as amber eyes first go over the measurements~

(20:53:50 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

I leant down the lid lifted off and lifted the pie out...
smirking slightly as I held it ... " I made pie... last night late"

(20:54:22 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~noticing these are quite large
and sitting back a bit as My eyes take in the lines,
designing warehouses not being a difficult thing
however they should be the right size and proportions
for the amount that they are to store~

(20:54:45 )

Lady Essa
Staying in Kassau

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

moving out of the way thinking
how dreadful it would be if the pie fell on the blueprints....
watching Brook with a grin as she switched into work mode

(20:55:55 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

~hears Your words about pie,
ears perking a bit,
realizing I have been living off nothing but black wine since last night,
smelling the sweet scent~
that smells good Essa ~laughing~

(20:56:26 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

-chuckling slightly as Brook gets right to work... sneaking a glance at the pie-

(20:57:22 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hearing Yer chuckle and just gives a sheepish grin,
knowing exactly what that was about~
what can I say...I am a workaholic...~shrugs~

(20:57:56 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

~hearing You and laughing,
knowing that You know where everything is in My cabin~

(20:59:09 )
· · Odin's Rage · ·
Maul Blood-Fist
· Captain of the Harbinger ·
· Kassau,AR ·

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to BrooklynnCaste of Bu:

"I would not say that...
You are... just... very dedicated...
And that is quite refreshing to see..."

(21:00:31 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to · · Odin's Rage · · :

~hearing You words and nodding a bit as
I move My chair back from the sketch table,
thinking pie on blue prints is not good~
aye that I am...the Jarla said She was very impressed with the Babe's bed..
which shows Me dedication pays off ..
now hopefully She remembers to speak to the Jarl
about that land that Essa and I need...

(21:02:13 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to Lady EssaPhysicianSt:

~watching You and rising to My feet to a table in the corner
and taking a seat with You and Maul~
seems You found everything all right ~nods~

**Quick break to eat pie and for conversation...okay it was a long break ~LOL~**

(22:03:55 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~leaning back in My chair a bit and then rising to My feet,
knowing that there is a lull in the conversation,
moving back to the sketch table,
reaching into My pack and pulling out a sketchbook to jot down notes,
thinking that the cargo bay should be reinforced steel,
that is where Raiders try to get in and
out the quickest as it it is usually the most accessible,
They don't have time to try to come in from the rear
or side entries and chop things down as it takes too long
and there is too much effort,
thinking definitely reinforced steel,
jotting down My thoughts,
that intense look that always gets on My face when I am working on
or studying something,
head cocking to the side gingerly,
long dark curls spilling over My shoulder as
I examine the rest of this particular design~

(22:10:49 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~seeing the rest of the plan for this particular warehouse to be quite useful,
thinking they are not the hardest thing to design,
they have to be rectangular and fit the dimensions specified,
noting the dimensions, thinking they must be what Marlina wanted,
seeing a note attached to this particular plan that indicates the lot number,
thinking I will need to make sure that this design will fit on that lot,
thinking that is a stupid thing to have to check
but knowing that She has seen it happen before,
the plan to big for the land that was being used,
nodding swiftly and jotting something down in My note book
about the dimensions of the first warehouse
and to check and make sure that it is the right size for the lot,
looking about a bit as I fold up the blue print
and carefully put it back into it's container,
pulling the page from the sketchbook
and wrapping it around the cylinder tube,
tying it off with a piece of ribbon, knowing that organization is key~

(22:14:50 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~quickly reaching into the bag again
and pulling out another tube,
carefully removing the end and
spreading it across the sketching board,
tacking it in place, eyes look over this design,
the same as the first really, but only slightly larger in the dimensions,
scribbling a little note in My sketchbook to
make sure that this structure too has enough space,
and again personally I would still recommend
the reinforced steel on the cargo bay,
thinking it may be more expensive
but it will definitely deter People from stealing One's property,
nodding My head as I work, amber eyes sparkling softly,
brows knitting as I concentrate, making sure that all is in order,
thinking on this particular unit I would install shelving
for certain prized items or breakables,
nodding as I jot that down as well,
long fingers working quickly as I write,
sitting back a bit and then rolling up that blue print,
placing it back in it's tube and carefully replacing the ending,
ripping a page from My sketchbook and wrapping it around the tube,
once again tying it off with ribbon~

(22:19:50 )

Caste of Builders, Architect
Probationary Member of Kassau, AR

[Residential District - Visitor’s porch]
Is on the porch of one of the various Visitors Cabins in the Residential District.
Says to ALL:

~reaching into the bag once again,
feeling the third and final tube in the bag,
carefully opening the ending and
pulling the scroll out of it's cylinder tube,
laying it on the sketch table and quickly unrolling it,
tacking this one up to the sketch board,
sitting back a bit and crossing long legs at the knee,
My boot softly tapping upon the ground for a moment as I look at the dimension's,
jotting them down in My sketchbook to once again make sure
that the lot is the proper size to hold the structure,
this warehouse being about the same size as the first,
nodding a bit as I jot down
that I would recommend reinforced steel on this cargo bay as well,
knowing that will play a huge factor in deterring against theft,
jotting that down in My sketchbook
and then rolling up the blue print, placing it back in it's tube,
ripping the sheet of paper from My sketchbook and tying it off with a ribbon,
then taking all of the cylinders and placing them back in the bag,
reaching into a drawer and pulling out
a modified measuring tape that I have made,
sticking it in the bag before sitting back and letting out a sigh of contentment,
completely loving what I do~