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Brae's EQ Site

Everquest "Life"

Brae's EQ Site
Why do I even have this website up still? What, are people supposed to be like "hey I wonder what Braeleana is thinking today, let me see if she has updated her blog"... Hey guess what.. it was my Birthday yesterday (Nov 13th) and you know what I actually wanted for my birthday? bleh! Doesn't matter..

I am so sick of everything right now. My life is a total disaster, I can't even have what I want in my freekin game that I play which is SUPPOSED to be an outlet to my stress and day to day life. I guess it just comes down to the fact that life sucks no matter if it's real life or your fake online game life. Grrr >:o(

Maybe it is because I am a Shaman, lately they seem to be crawling out of the woodwork, and I don't like that. I mean, shammies are great and all but I am getting just a tad bit chlausterphobic here! Maybe I should just start to play my Cleric more and get her leveled up...they seem to be wanted a whole fucking hell of a lot more!

But it was all worth it, EVERQUEST was the best game I've ever had. Then in the end you find out that no one really cares...