Hmm.. Heavy make-out scene? No ramming something into something… YET? Anyways, just skip/don't read this chapter if you don't like little lime.. BAWAHAHAA! Okay I'm scary.. Well thanks for the reviews people! YOU MAKE ME HAPPY! Plus no POV here!! You get to hear all the characters thoughts here!! WEE!! Okay, I'm stupid…

Plus.. It's my FIRST lime.. YUP! Bah.. So if I did bad (Which I know I did), I'll change it.. Or write a better one next time.. Anyways, enjoy this crappy piece of alphabets together.. Hehe.. Bah.. This story sucks.. Bah.. The lime ain't hard to read.. So, you'd probably miss it when you're reading it… Heh.. Plus, is it alright if I ask anyone that wanna beta-read my work? I'm getting tired of doing it.. Takes too long.. It's just a favor.. That's all haha…..


Chapter 4: My kitsune

"Goodnight Naruto-Kun," Kakashi said quietly as he planted a kiss on little Naruto's forehead with a smile after that. Naruto just blushed.

"Goodnight Sensei," Naruto replied as he was still red. Kakashi ruffled his hair.

"So.. Cute.. Well, oyasumi nasai.." After the farewell, he then walked off. Naruto fumbled around as he gotten his keys and was now inside and saw the apartment dark and isolated.

'Did he leave already?' Naruto then gave out a tiresome sighed and went to find the switch for his lights. As soon as he turned them on, he saw Itachi was sitting at one of the chairs in the kitchen. He was hitting his fingers on the table like he was impatient for something. Naruto smiled.

"Yo Itachi!" Naruto starred at Itachi and felt his cheeriness has faded. Itachi didn't respond for a while.

"Naruto," he finally said with a cold tone. Naruto froze a bit then, he knew something was going to go wrong. "How was your day?" His tone still didn't change at all. "Should I tell him what I really did!??!" Naruto thought nervously. '… I guess I won't mention what really happened..'

"Answer me my kitsune," he hissed.

Naruto gulped. "I.. I trained today.." Itachi then looked up and was giving one of his death glares again, which made Naruto shudder and turn his head away immediately.

"Look at me," Itachi demanded. Naruto however didn't obey, which got Itachi a bit more upset. "Now.." Naruto shook his head lightly.

"Look at me kitsune!" He growled loudly. His mood was hardly different today, and Naruto felt a bit angry as he struck his head to Itachi's direction.

"What are you, some kind of mom?? It was just GODAMN training," Naruto snapped back. Itachi shook his head in disbelief.

"I followed you today, Naruto-kun.. It wasn't just training boy.." Naruto's pupils turned smaller, as he was in shock. He even fell to the floor as it had overwhelmed him. 'He… KNOWS?' Then bits of memory came to Naruto; the embrace of his own Sensei's, and the demanding kiss which made his day

"Why…?" Naruto managed to say.

"Because.. My jealousy erupted.. You're mine kitsune.. Remember that young one.. No one can touch, or hold you unless it's me.." Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'I'm property now!?'

"You're weird.." Itachi smirked. "It's called love, little one.." Naruto flushed pink. Itachi suddenly got up from where he sat and walked over to Naruto.

"You know I'll be the only one that will care more than anyone else." He then put his arms around Naruto. "Even if that Sensei of yours seem to want you, you'll ALWAYS be mine.." Naruto started to breathe a bit heavy.

'Is he serious..? Am I bound to be his?' Naruto felt uncomfortable. The fox boy had apparently not fallen in love before. 'However, did Itachi actually tell me the truth of the past about Itachi and me?' Naruto didn't know, he was a bit confused. A chunk of his own memory was erased thanks to him, or so Itachi had told him. Everything suddenly goes confusing. After the troubles are over, a bunch of new ones come over.

' I wish everything would just go away.. Go away…' Naruto thought bitterly as tears started to form at his eyes. His vision blurred. Itachi noticed the wetness at his shoulders and loosen the hold.

"Daijoubu desu ka, Naruto-kun?" He asked. His voice was soft. It comforted Naruto but didn't stop the flow of tears.

"… Nothing.." Itachi eyed Naruto curiously and moved his face closer to Naruto and gently licked off his salty tears. Itachi's tongue was warm, and the little kitsune shivered a bit when the warm tongue licked his tears, hungrily. However, he stopped and pulled back a little, facing him. "

"Don't cry anymore kitsune…" Itachi edged over a bit to get closer to Naruto's face and touched his pink lips to his own. The kiss was shocking to Naruto, it made him feel nervous but wanted more of Itachi's comfort, which would result to this. Itachi felt like he understood that Naruto's mouth begged for more and he too hungered for more in the kitsune's mouth. His tongue slithered like a snake as it found an opening to go through and Naruto's mouth opened a bit wider to giving a 'yes'. Both of the shinobi now have their tongues exploring one another, and making the tongue wetter and wetter. Then Itachi gently and slowly pinned down Naruto of the floor, him on top, and of course Naruto on bottom. It made Naruto moan inside, causing his tongue to move and fool with the older boy's tongue more eagerly, trying to touch and find what was most comfortable in his mouth. His tears had finally stopped as the source of his pleasure from his mouth moved around wildly had cured his confusion. Nothing was there except knowing there was someone comforting and yet showing him the things a 'lover' would supposedly do. This made Itachi smirk.

'Naruto… You taste… Better than ramen,' was all Itachi thought when he played with the little one's tongue but pulled back, gasping for a breath of air. With enough oxygen in him, he started on the young one's ear lobe. Biting and fooling around, making Naruto utter and moan more. Sucking a bit more, this made the ex-killer excited and quickly pulled off the delicate one's clothing, by pulling the zipper by his mouth and quickly tossed the orange jacket away. As Naruto observed Itachi's doing, he saw the look he gave Naruto changed, it wasn't gentle nor nice, but seductive. He carefully removed what's left of the little one's top, and Naruto just watched him work because Naruto had suddenly gritted his teeth to find out that Itachi's hips were grinding on his. Which showed the excitement their manhood had become as he still continued this until Itachi stopped for a moment to look at the little kitsune's body. Naruto's body had traces of scars and the seal was where it was suppose to be, however the blonde's body is still built nicely.

"Your body is pretty…" This made Itachi to take off his sleeveless shirt, which showed the fine built of his body, as Naruto's body was feminine like, making the blonde more desirable. Itachi started to caress one of Naruto's nipples by hand, making it hard and plump. He made the other one hard with some nibbling, and frolicking by the tongue. This aroused little Naruto as he breathed harder, when Itachi continued with the foreplay.

'Oh god.. Am I gonna lose my virginity today!??!' Naruto's head was rushing. He was between two emotions, anxiety and pleasure. Both did not mix because the pleasure that Naruto felt had nearly taken over which made him afraid. He didn't want to lose his virginity just yet. He wanted to keep it.

'Ugh.. Must stop Itachi…' Naruto tried to speak but Itachi's work was impressive. Every kiss, touch, was desired to make this prolong until it was over. However, Naruto wanted him to stop. Itachi however, continued to play with the kitsune's body, he thought Naruto's moaning was music to his ears.

"Stop.. Itach, please," Naruto pleaded softly. Itachi didn't hear, as he got worked up on what he was about to do next. Naruto squirmed and Itachi stopped and looked at Naruto.

"What is it.. Kitsune?"

"I.. I don't want to.. Lose it," he replied breathlessly. Itachi looked grim and got up.

"Alright…" He left Naruto there as he walked into the bathroom. Naruto got up from his position and gave out a huge weary sigh.

"Damn, I need sleep," Naruto murmured bitterly and walked slowly to his bed. However, he realized that his manhood was hard. He sighed and knew what he should do, while he cursed under his breathe about his body.



As soon as Itachi went in the bathroom floor, he quickly shut the door. He felt a bit eager of today and resulted to have his manhood hard. He breathed out quickly to find anything in the cabinets that was smooth, or oily.

".. Vasoline," he murmured under his breath when he saw something useful. Quickly, Itachi unscrewed the lid and had his hand ready by rubbing both hands filled with the vasoline. After that, he swiftly pulled off his pants and looked at the bulging crotch of his. He then used both hands and rubbed vasoline as he began to get rid of the semen.

"Naruto," he moaned, as he fondled with his manhood, causing cum to slowly flow out of his crotch, but he wasn't at climax just yet and continued working.


After a while in the bathroom, steams of water had slowly flow out of the room. Itachi hair was wet and had only but his pants on, forgetting that he took it off earlier. From his observations, he saw that Naruto's shirts were still around the floor. After looking satisfied, Itachi went to where Naruto's room was and saw the kitsune sleeping.

'After all that, he can still sleep…' Itachi smiled. Today was an unusual day. However, Itachi clenched his fist as he thought of Kakashi with Naruto. The anger still resided in him. He now had a feeling which he thought would prove he is truthfully in love with the kitsune by thinking he would kill anyone just to have Naruto. As Itachi gave a small peck on the Naruto's forehead, Itachi dressed up and decided to give a word of advice for his koibito's Sensei.


Boo.. It sucks.. AHH!! Okay.. It didn't make up the last chapter but whatever.. Umm, I'm reading Naruto manga right now so this got me sidetracked so yeah.. I needed inspiration.. Okay.. Don't FLAME me because of this chapter.. Okay? XD

The author: Did you like that Kakashi?

Kakashi: *mumbles* You're just trying to get me jealous, are you? *Suddenly shows sharrigan*

The author: AHH!! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!

Naruto: *Laughing* HAHAHA *Suddenly was grabbed by The Author*

The Author: *Holds a kunai at Naruto's neck* You better put your eye away before this kid gets it.. Itachi: *Appears behind author* If you do, you'll get it..

The Author: Mutiny!! You evil evil.. *sobs uncontrollably*

Naruto: *Pats back of author* There there…
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