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This is my rant, rant, rant...LOL. I am aoirokaze, a huge baseball fan and a terribly loyal Padres fan. This blog got up to bat on 6/13/03.

laura; 16; ca; love family; friends; baseball; Padres; football; Chargers; Lord of the Rings; Harry Potter; Gladiator; Bull Durham; Braveheart; The Pianist; DBZ; Rurouni Kenshin; Yu Yu Hakusho; Trigun; Big O; Cowboy Bebop; Final Fantasy; Xenogears; Legend of Dragoon; Legend of Zelda: OoT; Chrono Trigger; Tekken; food; sleep...

current layout
Another Padres layout. Again the images were from Yahoo! Sports. I wanted to make another Padres layout but a lot better. The plain white was boring. This one is tables and a bit confusing when trying to edit. LOL. Used PSP, frontpage, and notepad. Best viewed in 800x600 in IE.

Credit goes to Kenekila.Net for the background you see poking out up there and Snow-Pixie.Org for the blogging table tutorial. You can find the font for the title here. It's called Kilroy Was Here. I did not intend to steal from any of these sites.

past layouts: v2 , v1


Frodo Sam Merry Pippin

Lord of the Rings Fan Occlumency Fan Trigun Fan


blue breeze © aoirokaze. all rights reserved.

fre. september 26, 2003
Whoo-hoo! Great night tonight. It's cold though... Still I went to the Padres game! I'm tired but it's a happy tired. The Padres won, the Chicken was great, and the fireworks were the best! I had so much fun. Eaton pitched a great game and the defense behind him was solid. Love Khalil Greene, he's good. The Chicken was so funny, you see it on TV but when you see it live it's great. The stadium was rocking. The fireworks... so loud. Me, my mom, bro, and sis were at the very top. It was a great show, very pretty.

Aighty I got to get some sleep. I'm going to school tomorrow. Yes I know it's a Saturday but I'm helping out with layout for the newspaper. Whooppee...

Oy. Just found out that varsity football lost today.

aoirokaze disappears @ 11.30 pm

wed. september 17, 2003
Oh ho ho! I decided to stop by =D I'm in the middle of my calculus homework. Kind of stuck... Man it's barely Wednesday, this week is taking forever. Tomorrow I'm going to be busy studying for 2 tests. Whoopee.

My mom asked me if I'm going to be busy next Friday and I said I didn't know because I just go with it. LOL. But then I kind of got the hint that we might be going to the game. I hope so! It's the night when the San Diego Chicken makes its return and I think they'll be giving out bobbleheads, too! I don't want to get my hopes up but if we go I want to try and buy a jersey. I'm probably going for the home whites.

Padres trail the Giants 3-5 in the 5th =( They were leading but... homers can do amazing things. LOL. Plus Schmidt got into his groove after the first few. Whoa. Bonds hit a splash ball but it was foul hehe. Aighty, got to get back to work.

aoirokaze disappears @ 8.40 pm

sat. september 13, 2003
I got a lot of homework this weekend but (me being the lazy person I am) I'm not going to do it til tomorrow =D

I was very busy yesterday. Went to the football game, came home for a little, then headed back to school to go to the dance. The football game was a very good game. Unfortunately we lost, 16-22. The team is definately much better than last year. The dance was real nice. Theme: Shipwrecked under the Stars. I was tired by then though and left an hour early. I had to take pictures for the newspaper and I promised my friends to go to every dance.

Padres not doing too good in LA. They got shutout yesterday. First time in a while, too. Tonight, Padres trail 0-3 in the 4th. If they score one run I'll be happy. LOL.

aoirokaze disappears @ 8.15pm

tues. september 9, 2003
Aha! I've returned! I try to blog when I can but I'm just swamped (sp?) with homework everyday. Have this thing with blank verses today... have no clue what to do so I'll do it during 2nd. It's calculus but it's where most people get their unfinished work done. LOL. Oh yeah, we have an exchange student from Estonia. He's real cute, when he walked in the girls were like "whoa." LOL.

Saw the Chargers vs Chiefs... the offensive line and defense needs some work. I forgot who made the interception for the Chargers but that was preeetttty. I saw the SDSU Aztecs vs. Ohio St. Goooooood game. All they needed was a win to top it off. Should be a good team this year. Oh yay! Roddick won the US Open! I'm so happy for him! Varsity football loss 16-43 (or was it 14) Friday but still it looks like a better team this year. JV won 22-6 though . Yay!

Padres won the last game against the Astros 7-1. Good game. Peavy got his 11th win =D and Giles got his first homer as a Padre =D Tonight they're trailing the Giants 1-2 in the 7th. A good close game.

aoirokaze disappears @ 9.10 pm

fri. september 5, 2003
Yay! Phil Nevin hit 3-run homer so now the Padres are leading the Astros 3-2 in the 4th. Khalil Greene is starting tonight so cools for him =D

I watched the Skins-Jets game yesterday and I thought it was boring. Maybe it's just me being a west coast team fan or whatnot. Today our football is starting its regular season. Hope we win! It was an embarassing year last year.

It was only 4 days of school and it seemed long. I got a lot of homework this weekend. Not too hard just tedious. I have 4 unkind books. They're very mean to my back and I also have to carry books that don't fit in there and drag around the camera bag, too. Fun. LOL. Let's see the AP English exam has 3 essays (a multiple choice section too of course) so today we were praticing with a past exam... damn it's gonna be a tough test.

I'm reading Harry Potter 3. Yeah I know, it's just that I have the 5th book but haven't read 3 or 4 yet. LOL. I'm halfway through, a classmate let me borrow it yesterday. Okie, I'm gonna go back to watching the game and reading the book. Buh-bye.

Darn Bagwell got a 3-run homer. Astros lead now 5-3 =(

aoirokaze disappears @ 8.30 pm

tues. september 2, 2003
Whoa I hadn't update in a while but I'm back. I was at my cousins' for the weekend like I said. It was nice to see them again. They were giving me driving lessons. They have automatics so compared to the stick it was pretty easy. LOL. I also got to play Kingdom Hearts. So coooool. Leon (Squall), Cloud, Sora, Riku,... I can't wait to play it again. When I fought Cloud I just ran away from him and had Donald and Goofy attack him. He's quite scary when he uses the Sonic Blade but when he does the Braver I got a few whacks in because he was pulling his sword out of the ground. Can't wait to continue the game.

The Padres won the series at Houston. Yay! They lost the middle game but won the last game. Didn't see what happened. But cool! They're leading the Dbacks right now 5-1 in the 6th. Plenty of baseball still left but things are going well. Howard gave up a homer in the first but has settled down since then. Nevin got a homer. Oooh, Trevor's warming up in the bullpen! Yay!

Anyway, got the first day of school over with. It was good to see my friends again. We had a weird schedule today. 10th, 11th, and 12th graders didn't have to come to school til 10am. We got our schedule, had an assembly, had lunch, then went to our classes (30 min. each), and went home =D That made the first day a lot easier. My classes for this semester: Government, AP Calculus, AP English, and Journalism. The last 3 are year classes. It's gonna be a loooooong year.

aoirokaze disappears @ 9 pm