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I fall down.You pick me up.
I get hurt.You revive me.
I get lost.You find me.
You're always there.Thanx.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Gpetz is down now. That meant that I had to get a new blog and if I had a new blog then the header wouldn't make any sense so I've made a new header, but I still should make a new button...bah. All final fantasy stuff, then. I think I'll keep the FF8 theme for a while. Then nine, then Digimon. Or something like that. I haven't seen too many Digimon blogs, though. I made one, but I have no clue how to make it work. If you know, please e-mail me at I guess that message proves that I'm an FF geek...well, I'm a normal geek too,'d say more of a nerd. Not a geek. Never mind...

Wednesday, August 13, 2003
I decided to put a tagboard up. So I did! But it took me at least half an hour to find out why it wouldn't show up properly! Now it works! I'm so happy...I always seem to find a problem somehow though...
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