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It's All Pointless...

The only thing that matters anymore, is the way he thinks. He believes that the only thing possible, is for him to reclaim his title of being the best. His whole stable, failed to achieve victory. They failed their main goal, and that was to defeat Sting on Voltage, but did they? No. They failed miserably, and for that Black Flame will never forgive them, that loss will forever be in his mind, his head, his heart, his soul. His conciounce will continually eat him away, until he gets the revenge he seeks.

He feels as if it's all a dream, as if reality has completely escaped him. He believes that nothing is possible anymore, that everything's going to go wrong. He can't believe anything-anyone anymore. His whole stable, losing to one man. It's as if- as if someone overcame him. As if the whole match was setup from the start. How can one normal man defeat a legend, such as himself that's been a world champion in numerous federations? A champion worth of the title 'legend'. Will anyone ever realize, that Black Flame is a legend in the making? Will anyone realize why people have fear struck into their heart, when the name Black Flame is spoken of? No, of course not- not now. He lost to someone insuperior to him, he lost, no only himself, but he had 5 other men alongside him. Sting may be, or may not be undefeated, but Black Flame, he's something that not many people can say they've defeated him. His brother, yes he's worthy of that title. Not the so-called Morbid, but his actual brother, his brother that taught him everything he knows now, to this day. He longs for his brother's great return, he longs to see his brother's face once more. He knows thought, that that will never happen. This thought, as it strikes his mind almost as if he becomes crushed on the inside. Nothing can hurt him, as much as that soulless thought haunts him, day in and out.

As Black Flame paces back and forth, ready to make his long-awaited entrance he begins thinking of thoughts. He ponders what he's going to say, and that millions of people will be watching him. He's never actually talked in the ring, or discussed anything. He usually talks to his crew, or his stable of his upcoming matches though this usually prepares him mentally, making a public announcement might have the opposite effect. Willing to take a chance, he bows his head down right before making his entrance...

The lights dim down, and a flame appears on the titon tron. The flame's surroundings are completely white, but it's a dark black on the inside. As the flame rushes back and fourth- throughout the wind, it's almost as if a spirit is full of anger. It's as if the flame is under control by a spirit, a thoughtless spirit full of rage. As the flame blows roughly, it's the only source of light for the fans, but as green, eerie glows enlighten the arena, fans notice a figure standing in the middle of the ring, thus until the dimming of the green, eerie lights the figure is no longer noticeable, as well their other source of light (the flame) is completely gone. The fans sit there, cluelessly of what's to happen next. As the lights begin to enlighten the arena once more, Black Flame stands still in the ring. He looks up at the crowd, noticing the millions of people staring down at him. The crowd isn't sure whether to boo, or to cheer, but once the crowd quiets down they listen onto what Erik (Black Flame) has to say.

Black Flame] Dann Lee? What kind of expectations should I have from a person like this? He's nothing compared to me, and this time I will be able to prove my worth. I will be able to fully prove what I can do, by myself. Without my stable, the thoughts of the gauntlet match, those sheer thoughts will probably haunt me for the rest of my life. The match was completely pointless, yet I- no, my whole stable lost. We lost to one man, in which he disgusts me now. As well as the other members of Slave. I've got to say, that has to be the most dissapointing match I've ever had. I've beaten people who can actually prove themselves, people who were once World Champions. I've ended many winning streaks, and quite frankly I've beaten many people that are much... Much better than Sting could ever dream of becoming.

(Crowd Boo's)

Black Flame] What? You don't believe me? Well, it doesn't really matter. I've been in many federations before, and I always become the World title holder, at least once. Usually my reigns are quite long, and I won't lose the title for awhile. Though this federation, it may be different. I've seen people walk around, people such as Christian Masters, and people such as Sultan of Sacrifice. As I look at people like this, I see right through them. I notice the type of things they posess, the type of strength, agility, everything. Dann Lee, you'd better watch out. I'm not a person to mess around with, and if you think this is going to be another walk in the park? Well, you're completely wrong. Oh, and another thing. Did you actually beat Ozz for that title? If I truly remember... Oh well, it doesn't really matter, all that matters is I'm going to be taking that title from you, and for you to keep it would be pointless. It would be utterly pointless. It would be utterly pointless to let someone like you keep the title- someone insuperior like yourself. I'll try to let you walk out of that match walking, but if I don't it's not like I'll have any regrets.

Black Flame lowers the mic, remembering something. As he thinks about it, an unexpected expression comes across his face. An unhappy expression, almost a frown filled with anger. Almost seconds after this happening, he raises the mic to his mouth, with the expression still on his face.

Black Flame] This non-title match, it's completely pointless. I see no point to this match, other than getting a title shot, and that's only if I win. I really can't see anyone in this match winning but myself, but I still can't see this match a necessity. The utter point of the match isn't known, I highly doubt even for the person who booked the match, but once I burn my opponents to the point of where they can't think anymore, it will be completely over. Then, when I get my title match I won't stop, I won't stop until you can't stand anymore, Dann Lee if you think this is a game, you're sadly mistaken. I've heard you come out to this ring, and personally I really didn't pay attention. You're of no interest to me Lee, and I'm much more skilled than you. You've never been in the ring with me before, and if you think that the match between you and Ozz was intense, just wait. Just wait until I rip you limb from limb, hell I'm not even worried about the other person in the match, quite frankly I don't even know who it is. My only target Lee, is you and your title. I can't even believe how someone of rookie standards could grab something so high, something that's actually worth talking about. Lee, I've had enough, I've had enough talking about you. Well see what you're truly made of come tomorrow. The 12th, when I beat the worthless piece of scum that you are. You'll understand why I've been the World title holder in many other federations. You'll understand why people fear me, why people should never underestimate me. Dann, winning this match will just be another walk in the park, and if you don't believe me, why don't you ask around? I'm quite well known, I'm more well known than you could ever be, you're just another rookie. Another worthless person, that doesn't even deserve the title of being human. I'll wait for you in the ring Saturday Lee. Let's see if you can stop me. Oh, and as for JDawg? You really don't mean anything to me, nor will you ever. You're about as bad as Lee, and if you even think of comparing to me, I'll slit your throat, just like my untrustworthy cousin who stole everything from me. My life, my personality, my home, everything. Am I insane? Maybe, but I wouldn't expect you to worry about something like that. If I were you, I'd just concentrate on staying alive. Good luck, you'll need it.

A grin streches across the sickened face of Black Flame, as he stands there the lights slowly dim down to nothing. The fans, shocked with what they just heard are completely speechless. Once the lights are completely gone, the flame doesn't even bother to appear, the lights off for about ten seconds. Once they reveal the ring, Black Flame's gone, but his words still linger the area. The effect he had, cannot be explained with words, but Lee had better make sure he's prepared, as well as JDawg, because Black Flame never backs down from anything. He's a legend in many other places, and soon the UWW will be no exception.