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Free Man Laws
1 ~ All male citizens will be registered with their Caste.

2 ~ All male Warriors will practice with arms. And be prepared to defend the City at an instant's notice.

3 ~ Any man who can not pay his debts may offer his
daughter for sale as a slave to pay off his debtors. If he has no daughters, then he shall report to the Administrator for HIS decision on what must be done.

Free Women Laws

1 ~ Unmated, unescorted Freewomen must wear the
Robes of Concealment on the City streets. Mated Freewomen are given the freedom of wearing Kirtles and Northern attire, and veils only if their Mate approves of such things.

2 ~ Any Freewoman not paying her debts will be enslaved to the City. And her price will be paid to those she owes.


3 ~ Any Freewoman who couches a slave NOT her own without permission, shall be enslaved herself and given to the Owner of the slave used. If not wanted, the new slave becomes City property.

4 ~ A Freewoman may of course submit herself to slavery. But once done, it may not be revoked.

5 ~ Any Freewoman acting like a slave in public may be enslaved herself by the City. Disputes over this are judged upon by the Administrator.


6 ~ It is illegal for any Freewoman to walk the streets of Besnit without proper escort after dark. ~ Besnit is not the safest of cities~

7~ Unless a Freewoman companions to a Higher Caste she may not raise Caste. But must remain in the Caste of her Father. If wishing to change Caste, she must seek admittance to speak with the Administrator.

Slaves Laws

1 ~ All slaves are considered animals, property. In the eyes of the Law, any slave may be punished by a citizen of Besnit. But remember this is property of another and may not be permanently marked, maimed or slain. If this occurs, the price for said slave and or damage must be given to the Owner. The ONLY exception is if s slave should strike a Freeperson.  That in itself is immediate death. It is recommended that all offenses are reported to the Owner along with what punishment was done.

2 ~ All slaves will show respect to the Free. A slave does not argue, or correct the Free. A slave may beg forgiveness and inform the Free person any instructions and or orders given to the slave by his/her Owner.

3 ~ Any Free person ordering a slave to do anything their Owner does not approve of must show just cause and pay damages to appease the Owner. Judgment will be given by the Administrator if needed.

4 ~ All Free persons of Gor are skilled in perceiving facial expressions and any thoughts posted into a room will be considered readable and subject to repercussions accordingly. The ONLY way a slave's thoughts can be concealed is if the MUN behind the character keeps them unposted

5 ~ A slave will always address a Free person as *Jarl* , *Master* , or *Mistress*. They are never to use their given name unless told to speak under questioning. To do so otherwise courts swift punishment.

6 ~ Slaves are not legally permitted to own anything. This includes their clothing, name and or collar. Gifts given to them still belong to the Owner.

7 ~ The property of a Free person that has been reduced to being enslaved is passed to the closest male relative. If no male relative exists, the property will be passed onto the closest female relative, or to the City of Besnit. If that said person is freed at a later date, they can not try to claim any former property.

8 ~ A slave may not touch or handle a weapon in public without being ordered to do so.  A Pit slave must have written permission from his Owner if he wishes to train in the arena when his Owner is not about. This does NOT apply to things such as cutlery being used to prepare food while in the servery, as in the case of the En'safora handling a whip or goad for the sole purpose of training another slave that is on their Owner's chain.

9 ~ Running away is a serious crime. A first offense will result in a heavy beating. Punishment for a second attempt is hamstringing and or death.

10 ~ A child born to a slave is automatically considered a slave in the eyes of the Law. The child becomes the property of the birth mother's Owner. Just because a collar is removed from the birth mother during labor and replaced after the child's birth does not make the child Free.

11 ~ If an Owner wishes their slaves to be reserved, they must wear a belt at all times, or else they will and can be used as any Free person sees fit.

12 ~ Male slaves MUST be dressed in reps, or leather pants. Vest and or slave tunic. Loin cloths are for private rooms ONLY.

13~This is a city in the North part of Gor. Well guarded and not easily accessable,slaves would not be able to get on a tarn and fly to another city or Kajira place, meaning waterfall, cliffs, hot springs, gardens, meadows, etc etc, as those places are of Ar unless otherwise stated as some cities room, so realistically, slaves can not be out of Besnit without a Free person ,no hopping from room to room in time travel seconds