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_______* beautiful collision body,table,tr,td{ scrollbar-3dlight-color: red; scrollbar-arrow-color: black; scrollbar-base-color: red; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: red; scrollbar-face-color: red; scrollbar-highlight-color: red; scrollbar-shadow-color: red; scrollbar-track-color: red; }
she's just a beautiful collision  /Intro

This is a new webbie I made for myself.Ive joined tons of forums and fanlistings.And I soon realized that I had no where to put up all my things.I had a previous site on geocities, but over time stalkers & annoying mail became too much for my nerves.I'm not a fan of angelfire.And I might even switch over to brinkster.So dont be suprised.

all about

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