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Our Soundtrack Survey

This is the summarized results of our survey data

Most people who took the survey were between the ages of 16 and 17.

Around one half of the people surveyed had bought a movie soundtrack before. These soundtracks were from various movie genres.

Every single person we surveyed said that they had known what was going to happen next in a movie from the music.

When asked what type of music they would like to hear more of on movie soundtracks, our results differed. About 70% said they wanted to hear more rock or alternative. Some said whatever fits and others had varied answers

Most of the people surveyed said they would like to hear less rap, country and pop in soundtracks. These results were affected by the age of our survey group.

The favorite movie genres of people surveyed were from either action, drama, horror or comedy. There were a few results in romance, sci-fi and musicals.

When asked what was worse in a movie, poor acting or a poor soundtrack, almost everyone said poor acting was worse.

When asked what was more important in a home theatre system, audio components or video equipment, about two thirds of people said that video was more important.

About one third of people we surveyed said they sometimes watched TV while on mute. They said it was for various reasons, such as when watching subtitled movies or so they could talk on the phone.

When asked if they had heard of some famous movie composers, two thirds said they had actually heard of some of them though some people didn't know from where.

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