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Stuff So I Wont Forget...
Saturday, 13 September 2003
i started a new one cuz the URL for this blog was a bloody damned pain in the ass to write...anyways, my new blog is at ight den, im out fuh shizzle, so we holla...

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 10:21 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003
wht^? ut2004 info...
wht^? today was a long day at school...i only had one class though...i had to go to the bio lab before math and that took friggin forever...ive forgotten how tedious and lame biology labs can be...i dont know how i survived last year...literally...i almost infected myself with a strain of e coli bacteria last year, but thats a different story...after the bio lab i had math...i hate math...we had a math test today...we've only had class once prior to today...i just love the fact that in college, you pay thousands of dollars in tuition just so you can teach yourself.....its bloody horrible...anyways, i came home and fixed myself a pizza...i be hungry...there aint no place for food on campus...iv been playing games most of the day since i got starting to get a little better at ut2k3, and i decided to have some fun with q3a ao i turned the difficulty level up to "nightmare!" ....suprisingly enough, i pwned the bots...i had a 10 kill lead...q3a must be a rather easy game...either that or i really am getting a wee bit better......i still dont like using the rocket launcher though...thats the weapon of choice for most gamers who play q3a...i prefer the lightning gun or the shotgun, but thats just me......anyways that brings me to my next thing which is info for ut2k4...yes, 2k4...not 2k3...for info, go to the game looks sounds and looks a lot like a unreal tournament total conversion mod for Halo...but it still looks badass...well im out...we holla....

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 11:06 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 2 September 2003
man today was a long day...i couldnt even get up out of bed this morning...i felt like classes were so damn boring today...i officially hate sociology 101...that class is soooo boring.....i could really care less about some dead guy's views on race as a factor of suicide...i mean, damn.....english class is a little better, but i still dont like it....its way hard...we have to write a lot...for example, ive got an essay due pretty soon on the topic of trust and betrayal....i guess i could conjour something up, but whether or not it'd be college level material is beyond me....i also have a few friends in english class so it aint all that 103 is way easy cuz its the same as the AP biology class that i took last year in high school...i already know everything we are learning.....tomorrow i got math though...ive got a test that'll take me all of 5 minutes, and when im done i can its all to the gravy...i went to band after class again today...they were learning the pregame show...they suck at it too...i mean, damn...its horrible......well im out...ive got a bio lab to work on before i go to bed, so we will holla...

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 8:25 PM CDT
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Monday, 1 September 2003
what^...its been a minute since i said anything...i a just start with friday....i woke up at 3 that day...after i woke up, i went to the school cuz i help the band at football games on friday nights...the game was jumpin as hell...i think d-high won like 18-0...they shoal do have a worse kicker this year than they did last year...anyways, i gotta give props to andy and stephen for their solos in the halftime show...they kicked much ass...i couldnt never play solos in high school...i'd always get scurred.....anyways, after the game, we invited a bunch of folks over to my house for cheeburgers...that was jumpin...we dont never have folks over at my house for anything......on satuday, i played games a lot and installed a new patch for bf42, but i ended up corrupting my copy of the gonna have to reinstall at the lan on saturday...i guess this means i have to go to the lan for real now...dammit.....i stayed up all night that night tryin my hardest to find me a no cd crack for the new aint happening...on sunday, w0lf? told me that he wants to fight me 1v1 ut2k3 DM on saturday at the lan...the (not so) great 8@+70(_)$4! accepted....btw, 8@+70(_)$4! is leet for battousai which is my gaming handle......w0lf? is quite possibly one of the best gamers in really scurred bout that DM...thats why i pretty much spent the rest of the weekend playing ut2k3 and trying my hardest to get a little better...i know he's gonna pwn me...i just dont wanna act a fool...well im out...i got an english 101 essay to write before tomorrow...we holla...

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 9:57 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 26 August 2003
! PHl_lX!l\l6 #8 l\/lY 1!l=3.....
man today was bad....i had class all sociology class got cancelled this morning so i just hung around campus for an hour until english 101...that is going to be one bitch of a class....80% of my grade is based on writing...i havent written anything good in years....the only plus side to this is that we have to eventually do a narrative essay about anything we want to write it just gonna turn in part of my fanfic...anyways...i went home for lunch, had a pb sandwich and some cheetos and then i ran back to class....i had biology this afternoon...i think im gonna like is full of #07 6!l21$....cha its gonna be an interesting semester......i didnt feel like stopping by band practice after school cuz i just wanted to go here i am....i gotta go...dinner calls and then after that is math HW....#011@

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 6:16 PM CDT
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Monday, 25 August 2003
today blew...
man today was lame...i got up at like noon....i didnt have anything to do, so i just watched tv for a while...of course, with 900 channels, there's never anything on and the only things worth watching are on the spanish channels........why oh why didnt i take spanish instead of french?......anyways, i got bored this afternoon so i went to band practice to watch the band...that show is falling apart so hard...i mean, aint that hard to march in cut time....there aint no way its gonna be ready for a competition in a month....hell, i dont how theyre gonna get through the game on friday....they seriously need the seniors from last year back...we were the heart and soul of that could put the 12 of us on the field by ourselves and we'd still kick the shit out of the other bands.......well im out...we holla

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 10:49 PM CDT
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Sunday, 24 August 2003
the lan i went to yesterday sucked balls...big waste of my 10 bucks...anyways...i aint got class tomorrow cuz my teacher aint gonna be ive got another day of doing i cant wait until season starts....bout damn time....i be loving me some football....i get to go to all the games for the free this year cuz im helpin the thats all to the still having my regrets about staying here and goin to the houn and not goin off to bama or thinkin it wont be that bad though...all my friends are still around here.......well im out....we holla

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 11:03 PM CDT
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Thursday, 21 August 2003
messed up day...
man today was weird....i started college yesterday, which strangely enough, is pretty much like high school...except i only have class 4 days a week and only for like 3 hours a day.....anyways...all 3 of my classes didnt even last 5 minutes today...i would have gone home, but my car wouldnt i was stuck on campus from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm....when my dad showed up, my car ran just fine......when i got home, i decided to go to the jamboree....the jamboree is a preseason football game.....d-high's game was in t-town, so i went to austin's game at the stadium here....besides, their band was playing and i wanted to see their halftime show...its nice, but it needs work......anyways, my ex-g/f from my freshman year is in the band there, and she came up to me and apologized for breaking up with me.....she thought i was mad at her or something...i didnt ever have beef with her...from what i understand, she broke up with me cuz she thought i was immature or something...i told her not to worry bout it and that it was no big deal, which it wasnt...we just talked about stuff for a while...just like old times was kinda nice actually......well im out...ive got to get about 2 more hours in on desert combat and trying to get ready for the plethora of LAN parties in the coming weeks...holla

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 11:36 PM CDT
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Monday, 18 August 2003
i aint posted in a long damn time......havent used the comp in a while either...been playing games.....lots of 1942, q3a, ut2k3, pinball.......i got my car back.....she aint dead yet....dono if thats good or hungry......i havent eaten in 3 days.......why the hell am i even typing? one reads this shit.....

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 12:08 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
what up.....
been a long weekend...i jsut got home from indiana yesterday...we had to leave right after band practice on friday was a long weekend...i got me a new pair of chucks and i relearned how to write in it wasnt a TOTAL loss...i was starting to have quake 3 withdrawls...that wasnt cool...not cool at i cant wait until i get internet in my room...then i can just stay in my room all the time and not have to deal with the outside world at would be so much better that way...

Exeunt Omnes

lil joe

Posted by blog/battousai411 at 12:01 AM CDT
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