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She came from Planet Claire and she came from there
She drove a plymouth satelite
Faster than the speed of light

So I'm Meagan and I can be described as a peace disturber with a weird (seriously) sense of humour. I like bright clothes intertwined with black and my music tastes are simple. The Beatles and B'52's are my faves. I work in a bomg store and live with Rob. I live with Rob and sleep in his bed. I live in Truro and I like everything but the people except they are an amusement. There is a list in fact. I shop at Louis , it's a hot spot. Since I'm in the mood to say it I'll tell you right now, I hate a lot of least I have a strong feeling of irritation right now. It's mostly because all of Rob's friends are here and it's a little easier to be looked upon as weird when you have another weirdo hangin' out with you. More about me eh? At least recently I find I have a really unfavourable talent of making people awkward. Oh well their problem haha. Do I sound mad? I must have they tried to cheer me up.
this is the infamous Roberto he love you long time

I'm gonna write some more now. I am sick and i got my yearbook today. It wasn't that exciting as it only contained three pictures of me. i had no write-up and i wish i had've for some reason. i don't feel i'm making a lot of sense as i still feel pretty high from all of those pills i took. I had cramps is why.

JUNE 7TH, 2003
So it's late at night and everyone is drunk and high at the store and i'm not and i'm trying to find some way to deal with all of these idiots. They wouldn't be idiots if i was on the same level as them but i'm not. so i want them to leave..but a drunkard is not understanding. They just sit there and cuss and say you eat the cock.

June 8th, 2003 So it's the day afer the partee i told you about last night. tODAY IS GOING WELL. Rob's parents didn't hassle us. I guess we were responsible this time. It was so nice this morning. I think i'm falling in love with rob. Seriously. This afternoon was so amazing. I had uncontrollable feelings for him and kissing him felt so good. I just can't tell if he feels the same way about me. I'm going to feel mighty sad if that is the case. I think he's probably just as scared as i am to say "it". I came so close to saying it though. I guess i'll tell him later. Like when i told him about having sex and wanting to scream it basically. So much emotion kind of pouring out and you really have to hold back. You practically can't . You just hope for the best really. Well not like it would be bad for the recipient. You're loved well shit what a problem. so i will wait it out though cause i want to just be sure. I know my affections are growing now and they're not just neediness or obsessive or infatuation

November 21st, 2003 1:14am
So I haven't updated this site in a few whiles. I only remebered when my mother kindly reminded me that it had been a (in fact) while. I don't think she's seen this site...i can't imagine so..if in fact she has ..there's stuff she should remove from her memory. nuch . So..let's update shall we? I live in a dainty little apartment with robert now..i work at the glengarry as a banquet is as meaningful as ever and well rob's business is slightly going to shit.Regardless.. if this needs catching up with..i am in love and love rob now..he loves me..but i'll always doubt it as i haven't had a self esteem since my step mother called me chunky and my grandmother said i was going to end up like her. "But she's got one hell of a singing voice Larry."My bestest friends are Rob, Krystal and Kate for sure. I like the others..but as hopefully they feel as well..we connect on no kind of a level..we just are tolerable...and laugh sometimes..and well we all have our quirks now don't we? hmm? I like Geoff a lot...far more than Kolter mind's just that i haven't known him as long.Kolter is what you would call an irritant. Like him and all but at the same not.If he didn't have interests i would like him more but only in an old man liking kind of way...i'm just not into his ways..his likes...mainly his DISLIKES. meh..he's a character..and his face is so charming. And Rob's going to be selling toys now..SEX TOYS! He's already working on the site and has a lot done..he took a break today as his creative juices were not flowing.I saw Kathleen again after not have seeing her for three months..News? She cut her bangs. i didn't really get to talk to her but i'm not all that interested anyways cause i don't really want to do the same things she does and she's not the person i used to enjoy so. It is rather sad now looking back on it..because kathleen was my first true awesome friend in Junior High..everyone else sucked..majorly Michelle was entertaining but we grew out of each other ..which i see now ..Kathleen and i have done the same..Rachel and i use to have awesome times together in Junior High as well but she's more focused on her self now..not necessarily in a bad way ..but she always was kind of closed up anyway..she has been there for me but that time has passed and she is now more of a fun friend than a dependable one. Rob is my true friend he's basically me..well i mean that we're in the same room and i'm so comfortable that it's like he's not even there.if that makes sense.anyways.i find he can be weirder than me sometimes..and that is outlandish..he actually makes me feel not uncomfortable but just out of wack cause i don't know what to do when he acts that's not bad it's just that he'll do something very meaganish but it's the kind of meaganish stuff that i would do on my own..not so much anymore..but i don't expect anyone else to act that way. I'm asking any possible person who could read this..and actually think about when you're alone(this for the people who actually have inner thoughts..not those who look the exact same inside as outwards)and what kind of weird stuff you do..not necessarily intentionally but because no one's around you're really just doing anything that comes to mind..i think a lot about what i used to do when i was a kid..when my step mother would send me outside for the weekend basically, and since all of the other kids were at their mother or father's house i was stuck alone to fend for myself. i remember sitting on the side of the road or sitting in the ditch and just playing with gravel for who knows how long and not even thinking just sort of going into a daze.and i remeber it was always sunny out cause in the rain i would of had to snap back into reality too many times. i wonder if anyone was ever watching me...cause i think at some point i was probably laying on the road staring at what ever was ahead of me and not really thinking but knowing that what i was looking was so much different up close..None of this is supposed to sound profound(rhyme)but it seems like i was writing it to be deep..but i just remember it all that way...everything is really hazy..i suppose because it was a while ago and doesn't seem like much of an important memory but for some reason that's the main stuff i think about from when i was little..being outside alone,, oh here i go again sounding deep by accident my sincerest apologies.

i have a new love and rob doesn't know yet because it's 4:20 in the am and i just discovered i'm in love with this guy now. Arlo that weird? I don't care..he's hot in this dvd of mine ie: WOODSTOCK

oh god..i think i'm going to have issues over this one

he is so fine ..oh yes and i'm going to make him mine when i travel back to Woodstock..don't you worry i can make it happen!