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Name: Your Name
Alias: Your Alias
Age: 2002
Gender: Girl/Guy
Hobbies: ^^ Random stuff you come up
Favorite book: Type your book here.
Favorite flower: whatever you want here.
Favorite CD: your favorite group/band/singer here.
Favorite place: um, bed? XD I need
Favorite color: I dunno...
Just fill up this column with whatever you want that is within 150 pixels wide at the most.

September 27,2002 [Usually Date goes here on the blog]

Layout Commentary_______________
This layout features a picture from Clover by CLAMP. Erm, I never really made blog layouts for the layouts in my archive, and it seems that more people use my layouts for blogs rather than sites. So I'll probably make more table layouts from now on. Hehehe, this layout looks sorta decent for usage, but it's a little crude compared to the ones I'm used to using for my own. XD I spent roughly an hour on this one..coding and it's a piece that I'm quite proud of and like. Use with care. LOL.

Installation Instructions___________
Erase all the contents I've written here except the credit link at the bottom. Be sure to change the site owner to your name and change the e-mail link to it as well. Basically, if you're using or Greymatter for a blog, you slip in the blogger post code over here in this table and it'll automatically post for you in this layout. Your personal profile goes on the left of this column. Whatever you do, don't remove the credit link at the bottom, or else you'll lose your rights in using this layout.

Best Viewing Conditions____________
Internet Explorer 5 or above
800x600 resolution or above
16-bit coloring or higher

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Spirit Designs
Site is owned by
Your Name