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Blog Away...

Chances are no one will stumble across this, but if you happen to be a lucky reader then let me explain. Blog away, a title of absence. This title has no meaning and I hardly recall why it was chosen. Funny how something so insignificant can form subconsciously and stump ones mental processes at a later time.

In my life I have started writing numerous stories, books, novels, journals, and poems and I always figured if I wrote a piece of work worth keeping it would start with the only entry to writing I know of: the word "as."

"As I sat staring out the window, I pondered what if..." Such meaningless drivel. How did I even come up with that? Had I read it in a book before? Did a teacher encourage me to start writing off in such a manner? Chances are it was neither. So many times in life people try to make something more out of something than actually exists. I tried to make a statement that would sound intelligent and make someone think as I, but why? The teacher that taught me english my junior year of high school always made us analyze, re-analyze, and over-analyze every literary work we covered. Her name, Mrs. Duncan, her character, one of a kind. She brought out the simplest of stories for us to cover and encouraged us to predict the authors motives for writing such a story. Although there is a possibility the authors may have been trying to subtly relay a message of government, inner hatred, or the physical effects of suppressed emotion, I feel the stories, more often than not, were job opportunities for struggling writers and entertainment for both the writers as well as the audience.

As I sit in this tall relaxing recliner, spinning a clip of my mind into this piece, I suppose I am trying to project a message onto you, my audience. But as you may have realized from the introduction to my previous sentence, my words are a facade of intelligence and the "moral" of this piece has no credentials, no validity, and by no means will be an epiphany to anyone.

Casual conversion is held daily between you and hundreds of people. Your friends, family, co-workers, acquantinces and strangers passing by who catch a wandering word or two. Suppose a lone person was relaxing after a hard days work at a local cafe and, as a different man wearing a long black cloak stands to leave, the words "for which" are cast across the room for the lone person to catch. The possibilites are infinite. Stereotypes are known with more insight than would be discussed publicly by most reputable people; however, any human would think differently (or not at all) depending on who spoke the fragment "for which." Something to think on I suppose, unless this is all merely for our mutual entertainment.