Obscurely. Numbley, the boy whent on. Staggering into the darkness, the cold, hard snow crunching under his limbs, forearms reaching out blindly, promiscuously grasping for a tree. Blindly he whent on, the cold air chilling him as he drew his cloak around him more, to warmthin him. All around him was deadly silence. The winds where soundless . The only noise was the crunching 'neath his feet. Numbly he whent on, into blind Obscurety, staggering through the cold. Looking for the one he was sent out to find. Then...out of nowhere, really, he fell into a large tree. Looking up, he saw the sillouhet of it's limbs and leaves, making a sort of shadowy design against the dimly lit luna. He paused in a mid in-hale of breath; he paused, listening intently through the stillness of cold. The leaves and snow crunching 'neath his feet yet again. Like fragile bones under the weight of a human. Then he heard it...the distant, yet nearby neighing of a hoarse... getting closer and closer. It's hoof's clapping against the terrane like thunder as it came closer.... The boy turned, and gasped at what he saw. It was a large ebony hoarse, large for it's stature, yet phantom-like. Bearing down on him with blood-ruby hued eyes. But its rider...was tall..and dark against the cold, shatterd night. All except for his head...a large pumpkin, with flaming eyes. Eyes that seemed somehow warm, yet all the same damned and forsaken to the core. Of course, thats all that poor Ichabod Crane saw the night...because the Headless Horseman had gone at him; removing his head single-handedly, his other gripping the reins of the horse,. He thrusted the pumpkin head at the boy, hitting him, and that was all Sleepy Hallow ever saw of poor Ichabod Crane....
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