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Thursday, 4 September 2003
Status Inquiry (2) ...
It's been a long time since I updated on this matter. There's a good news and more good news to come which relate to this matter, I thank God for answering my prayer... Alhamdu-lil-Lah.
The good news are, when I called them for the fifth time, they mentioned that my application for VDR had been accepted and asked me to come to their office. At first I couldn't believe my ears. Few days later, I received a letter from them mentioning the same matter and I must come to their office before 31st Oct 2003. Well, that's another good news and a relief for me...
Here is the drawback, I'm broke... really! Paying somebody else money that I've used and some extra burden that was put on me. I prayed that all this to improve in the coming months.
Luckily, my colleagues and me went to KL to attend the PIPOC exhibition on 26th and 27th Aug, and I took the opportunity to go to their office in PBD (early in the morning of 27th at 7.00 am and finished my business at about 9.30 am, WHEW! Thank God, again.)
More good news is that, I've passed the interview and waiting for the PLS to be approved by their superior. In addition, according to the officer (interviewer) I can renew the Visa at JB office, just by showing them the application letter. That's a really good news and again I thank God for that...
I hope and pray to God that I can solve this matter quickly so that I can prepare for the other matter in mind, planning for my kids future...

THAT'S ANOTHER BIG MATTER!! And it requires a carefully planned action to be fruitful... God help me.

Posted by blog/asby at 8:24 AM
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2003 8:29 AM
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
Helping princess
Princess - her nickname in the forum, having difficulties in her life. With some discussion and advice through postings (from members of the forum), well she manage to go through her crisis. It feel great to know that you can help to change others life for the better through your remarks and advice....

Click here for details of the discussion.

Hope she can benefit from that forum ono and hoping for good fortune in her life... And I hope I too can benefit from that forum (See sidebar Amir Consult Forum)

Posted by blog/asby at 11:39 AM
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Monday, 7 July 2003
Status Inquiry...
I've called them for a third time...
Check on our ID, and what is the answer... it's the *damn* same answer. "Looks like your application is not yet registered in our system, please call back 2 to 3 days later..." What kinda system they're using, too slow and lots of red tape! Is this what the e-Government is all about????
Need lots of explaining to do, but I'm the one to blame in the first place when handing over the letter from hi-com SGP to the PA clerk. That letter should have been handed over personally to the officer in charge. Due to my 'mistake', the glowing hope had turn to distant light far away... I'm hoping that the letter is not missing somewhere else, which meant that I have to do it all over again... which is *damn* difficult...

Posted by blog/asby at 5:12 PM
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Wednesday, 25 June 2003
Welcome introduction
This is my second blog space actually, and will be my personal blog, unlike the first one, which is the team blog. I've chosed not to list it in the directory, as I'm not sure whether this is a suitable blog for the public. However, for those who would like to share their experience, I'll certainly welcome them.
I intend to post my personal experience in life and my view to life, all the things happened to me, how it affect me, and what I think about it etc. This will include events that left some kind of... well, experience that enriching the purpose of my life (and may be yours, as well).
Life continues as long as we live...

Posted by blog/asby at 11:05 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 25 June 2003 11:35 AM
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