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Friday, November 4, 2005

Well let’s see, when I first came to this camp I encountered a not so friendly environment to include a management staff that within a matter of days upon my arrival attempted to contract out a hit on my physical well-being and the laziest work crew I had come across in a long time. I have been through about eight managers since then. The crew, a rotating plethora of the whiniest bunch of overpaid….okay, I am being harsh, let me stop. Today the announcement was formally made that yet another manager was being replaced. Mutiny, if you will. This last manager was “by the book” and expected the crew to perform. During his three of four months here he made my life a whole lot easier. Before that it was one headache after another. Considering how much I enjoy what I do, that is saying a lot. So, after one false accusation after another POOF! Another site manager down the drain. It rained a couple of days ago. Early. Sign of the times? Who knows, nothing surprises me anymore. It will be an interesting last three months. I submitted two photos I took to a photo contest that the compay is sponsoring. I don’t expect to win. I imagine that they are rather dark in comparison to what they will get from most other people. I chose two black and whites that I took about a month or so ago. We’ll see.

87 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 5:49 AM
Updated: Friday, November 4, 2005 5:55 AM
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Here now is another entry. Much of the same really. Winding down my journey here. Activity outside never seems to go away for too long. Yesterday just after supper four huge explosions from car bombs went off about a quarter mile away. The whole event was captured by the press as it happened. The hotel is kind of famous for having explosions around it. I wonder if it has anything to do with all the press people and other dignitaries that stay there. Go figure. Some people have lost the links to the photo site so I will list them on this entry. Again, there is one for each month and I am only up to August 2004. Picture taking have slowed a little bit as well. I just haven’t been out too much lately. I heard from a few people from back home. People are trying to get things back to normal. I imagine it is taking a huge economic toll on the area. Seasons. Little Debbie snack cakes should be included in the four basic food groups. Reminds me, I am hungry, again. 25 minutes to chow time.

96 days to go…

MARCH 2004
APRIL 2004
MAY 2004
JUNE 2004
JULY 2004

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 5:45 PM
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Monday, October 17, 2005
October is a little over half way gone. By tomorrow it will be the middle of December. Wishful thinking. Haven’t been updating like I want to. But there is nothing really going on. Even with the Ramadan the action around here is slim and none. I have started to pack some things away the rest of this week I am getting rid of what ever I can. As always, I am behind on paperwork. Go figure. I will be glad to get home. I miss my family and can’t wait to see them again. The bugs are starting to come out now that it has cooled down a little. This should be fun. Yippee. Pictures. I need to upload some more pictures. Tonight. Maybe.

103 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 11:01 PM
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
winding down
October. Which is easier to say? 115 days? Or three months? Time is moving rather quickly right now, so to speak. Ramadan is in full affect right now. There has been a sharp increase in bombings around the camp perimeter the past few days. I imagine that during this lunar month they will continue…there goes another least until they run out of explosives; wait a minute, I forgot, an endless supply of money…never mind. I have heard about the tabernacle, and the big house and other homes. I can almost hear the mockers and hatemongers now. I rejoice in the Lord. Praise his holy name. Suddenly, I am preoccupied. I’ve scheduled an easy month this month. Last month was a little too busy. I should be enjoying my last few months here. I am listening to the KJV on my minidisk player. I not know who the narrator is but his monotone voice is driving me crazy. Don’t fret, you're almost use to it. I guess I am just use to Scourby version. Middle of the day and it’s pretty nice out right now. I think I will swoop down on the power generation department and see what I can find.

116 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 11:01 PM
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
wake up call
10 killed at the Baghdad Police College which is just over the wall. I visit the area from time to time. When the car bomb went off that morning, I was in my trailer. Still waiting for the site manager to come back so things can get back to normal. Speaking of normal, I’m finally getting some information on the aftermath of Rita. Sign of the times, and times to come. Praise the Lord, in Truth there is strength, thank you, Jesus.

125 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 10:13 AM
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Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Lord is good. Let me take you back a little while. I normally drive our convoys to regional. That is we have an armored Suburban that is used to go back and forth to the main camp twice a week to get supplies and take care of administrative tasks. Well, wouldn’t you know it, there were too many people going and too many coming back to have a dedicated driver to make sure the convoy went smoothly. So, I was bumped off. On the way back our vehicle was destroyed by an improvised explosive device (IED). For those of you who have not seen what one can do or perhaps you have heard of the expression on the news I will for the first time put a picture up to show you what one can do. Please understand that our truck have a half inch of solid steel all the way around and inch think bullet proof glass to protect us. If this had been a regular truck there would have been a totally different outcome. I will not be foolish enough to think that it happened by chance. I thank God that he had me removed from the convoy. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.

133 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 9:21 PM
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
having a blast
When was my last entry? Been kind of busy lately. Behind. Again. I should be able to get caught up tonight. Hopefully. Quite a few bombs going off around the camp lately. It’s been kind of quiet as far as bombs go so I am not surprised that there has been an increase. Elections are coming up soon. Listening to a tape at this moment so this will be short. As a matter of fact, I’m getting hungry and wouldn’t you know it he is serving prime rib and t-bone steak. Gotta go.

136 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 10:53 PM
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
mail call
I got a box yesterday. Charmin. You know you have been a third world country too long then the site of Charmin makes you happy. But really, and more importantly, I got some more tapes, thank you, Jesus, and a photo CD and a music CD. Everyone looks great. I was so excited to see everyone and how they look now. It will be even better when I see them in person.

140 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 9:19 AM
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
So, New Orleans fell off the face of the earth, huh? Almost? I hear there are job offers for security there that pay more than here in Iraq. Most are turning them down though. It seems that it is safer here in Iraq than in Louisiana. Go figure. I am sure they will build it again. I would have the Corp of Engineers turn it into a shipping port. Why not, they are already the fifth largest port, or so I am told, why not the forth, even the third. Port New Orleans. Probably not though, don’t want to the party crowd to get upset.

143 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 11:01 PM
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Monday, September 5, 2005
close call
A few more days have passed and the only excitement that I can really mention is the bomb threat that we had yesterday. Turned out to be nothing. Fortunately. Thank you, Jesus. What else? Nothing. I am going to the regional camp tomorrow. I am hoping that my package will be there from home. The chances are slim but we’ll see. There is a guy here acting as the manager while the real one is on vacation. He is an idiot. Perhaps we will not completely run this camp in the ground during the three weeks he is here. Oh well. Back to work…kinda.

146 days to go…

Posted by blog/apostolictraveler at 10:37 AM
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