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A Pirate's Tale


Welcome to my very first comic website. This is the first comic I have drawn that I am willing to show to anyone really! So be kind! :) Anyways,it is called A Pirate's Tale, obviously, and a breif description is below:

Description (no spoilers): A boat of pirates can time travel in look for a certain secret treasure. On there look, they find and kidnap a descedant of the treasure's original owner.

Whole Description: (small spoilers for the first chapter)

The story begins with a young girl sitting at home in present time writting in a journal. Her room over looks the ocean, which is a calm, perfect picture of a summer's night by the sea. Suddenly, a burst of light and wind comes, and with no explanation a ship replaces the light. It is revealed that it is a pirate ship! Oh no! Anyways, the pirates go ashore looting n such, the captain seems to have a alternative reason for coming to this time. He goes and kidnaps the girl and takes her back to his time. Apparently, she is a clue to a big treasure out lost in time. Will they find it? Who knows? bum bum buuuum...

