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Chapter1. The beginning

Chapter 1. The Beginning. Daphne John’s lived in a four-story building in the city of Moscow. Her flat was just above her friend Marry’s. Daphne just came after the jogging. She just felt really sick and wanted to be alone. But she didn’t manage to have no privacy that afternoon. “ Daphne, you ate the whole cake again! ”, her mother whined, “ How many times have I to tell you that you may at least leave a small piece for me and your little brother “. “ I know, mum! I’ll buy you the entire cake and I won’t even look at it ”, she assured her. “ No, Daphne, you’re always thinking only about yourself! ”, her mother scolded. “You’re weighting so heavy! It’s high time for you to think about yourself seriously ”, her mother said going away. As her mother came out Daphne began thinking how to afford the extra weight. Her mother was quite right. Daphne was not very tall. She was only 1.52m high but already weighted over 150lbs. She had never been very slim. She was nearly 15 years old but she had never had any boyfriend. Her friends kept saying her that she’d better go on a diet. Daphne popped down on the sofa. She hated starving and she could never be that strong to force herself not to eat. Most of all she loved the sweets. And she also usually ate different extras as potato, much bread and butter and she used to drink fat milk. She tried some diets but that didn’t help her and she ate even more. That moment she felt miserable. Everyone told about her figure. She wondered why did they even bother? She used to wake up at night and go to the kitchen to empty up the fridge. She’d been caught up several times doing this but nobody except her mother even tried to punish her. Or something. But lately the things got even worth. She started to pay attention on Jack, the boy from her school. The problem was that he was very cool and had a very uneasy company. When her friend Tori came up to him and tried to tell him something about Daphne, he laughed at her and said that” The Fat cat had to loose several pounds first, before she could approach him.” And the next morning the terrible thing happened. The boy called Jim went to Daphne and said that Jack would like to talk to her. She didn’t know what she could do better but she gathered all of her courage and made an approach. Jack sarcastically laughed and said to Daphne many nasty things, so she ran off crying. She had a very bad luck with guys. She didn’t know for sure was the reason of it her height or weight or even bad character. Since then she became more attentive to her figure and she made herself to run if not every day but at least twice a week. So this evening she promised to herself not to eat anything what may. Later when mother called for the dinner she didn’t hurry up. She just came slowly and whole the evening sat over her plate looking at the spaghetti in it but not touching any of it. Her father was the first to notice this change in it. “ Honey, Daph, why don’t you eat? What’s up with you? ”, He looked like concerned about her. “ NO, dad, I’m fine. I had eaten lately ”, she explained. “ So you want to say you won’t eat the food and we must throw it away? ”, her brother asked teasing. “I’m not hungry. ”, said she calmly. “ Don’t worry, Alex, she has an appetite at night. “, said he mother. Daphne turned red. She felt ashamed of her needs for the first in her whole life. She went away upstairs. This night she spent without closing eyes. She was thinking. The next day was the beginning of the struggle with the weight. Daphne decided to fight with it and to win.