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I've Been Blogged

Lately I've been reading a LOT of good writing. None of it is mine. I can speculate and theorize about why I stopped or tapered off but I'd rather not. I'd rather just start writing again. I forgot about the process of it... from random thought to coherent thought to paper to edit and then all over again. I recently found all this 'crap' I wrote in high school, and while it's good writing, it quite frankly scares the shit out of me. I have better things to write about, I think. Who knows? I guess that this is how we'll find out. If you somehow managed to miss the link to my blog then you need glasses.

Three Things Pissing Me Off Today

It's not sunny, it's not cloudy. WTF?
People still suck.
Alcohol is in fact, a drug.

Three Things Not Pissing Me Off Today

Letting the past stay there.
It's FRI-DAY. You ain't got no job, you ain't got no girl, you ain't got SHIT to do!
Derr... Uhm... Yeah. It's Friday.

Cool Sites

The Onion, news reporting at its finest.
My Cat Hates You, the love child of a friend of mine.
Craigs List, everything you could possibly want (stuff, a date, sex, a job) all in one place.
A Person I Used To Know, ok so it's me.
