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It's Tuesday, and my jamey comes back this friday!! yay!! colorguard camp is goin pretty good..*L* we have fun! We come up with all kinds of weird lookin moves and say "terry!! let's do this!!" and she just laughs and makes fun of us..*L* man..courtney is soo startin to get on my nerves.. like, monday when she finally came..i was all nice and stuff, and said, how was your trip..and she just nodded..didn't even bother to answer made me soo mad..and she's not once tried to be nice to me..or make things even look like she's tryin to. anyway, i'm glad that marchin season is here tho..can't wait for the first football game..*L* i think we play luverne..anyway, i'm tired cuz i just got home from practice.later!! ~!!~DRE~!!~

mkay, i'm back to write again! *L* my colorguard camp starts next week! but like right in the middle of it i have to go get a shot!! *L* so i'll just be there to yell at everbody that day! *L* anyway, my jamey's comin back from his stay up in oklahoma with his mamma in like a week! I'm so excited to get to see him! I've missed him all summer..he asked me what would be the first thing i would want to do with him when he got back..*L* i told him i wanted to play in the rain! and catch frogs! hehe anyway, uumm...i guess i'm kinna excited about school comin! i'll be a junior next year and all..*L* Morgan and tamber'll be seniors next year..imma miss em soo much..but they kinna act like it's no big deal that they're leavin me here..i'll have to go to dance by myself and all that junk, everyday for a whole year without them..*sigh* oh well, it'll be fun! *L* me and lyse done planned the last day of school! we're comin in our pj's with lots of jello and puddin!! we're gonna start a colosal food fight! i on't think opp's really had one of those..*L* i'm willin to change all that tho! hehe..anyways, imma bout to go! bye!! ~!!~DRE~!!~

hey everybody!! *L* kinna new at this but here goes.. mkay, so here's what my summer's been like so far.. it's been pretty coool i guess..*L* me and lyse been out and about for most of it!! *L* love drivin that girl's car! so anyway, i haven't done much with my jamey! he's been gone to oklahoma :( it's okay though, i get to talk to him every now and then, and guess what! he's comin home in 3 weeks!! yay! i'm so excited! i can't wait just to hug him! i'm so glad the he decided to stay here instead of move up there with his mamma..that would totally be a prob! my best friend would be like over 1000 miles away. and that is soo not cool..*L* anyway, i gotta find sumthin to do for the next three weeks till he gets back! *L* i got band camp comin up and i'm pretty excited about that..what with me bein captain of the colorguard and all..*L* i been tellin everybody that all i wanna do is walk around that track!*L* that's pretty pitiful i know..*L* oh well, anyway, i'm out! ~!!~Andrea~!!~

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