OK, Because of the lack of story writing done and shown to the general PPT population, i'll thought I'd do something. The only reason I don't show my work is because it doesn't get much attention, because people don't want to read paragraphs of writing. Anyway, I want to bring up your confidence in story writing (hopefully).


So, You want to writing a story? Well here's a few tips to help you.

-Start with 3-5 characters then develop a few characters, don't introduce loads at one time, such as:

The coach stopped and the doors opened to reveal the city, to the students inside, one by one they all got out. Inside, there was excited conversation going on. "Hey Rachel, what do you think the hotel will be like?"

Well, If you think about it, it would be hard for the reader and especially you to introduce a coach load of characters at one point. Moving on...

-Avoid telling the reader the atmosphere of the story, like "It was scary", if a character is sad or scared, don't say "she was sad" or "she was scared", say "her lip trembled" or "she sighed deeply".

-Set the scene quickly as you want the reader to know whats happening and not make him/her read through a paragraph or so to actually learn whats happening and where its set.

-Don't wander, know your ending so you don't add irevalant details.

-Make strong bold characters that have plenty of personality and make them heard if you want them to be the main characters, less weak if you want them to not the main characters.

-Keep it simple. If you want, add another setting into the story after you've given the reader some chance to get to know the characters.


Before I forgot, I'll post a story starters if anyone wants to try.

52 Weeks: John sat looking into what seemed to be his last beer. Tomorrow, he was going to get ready and fly into Vietnam. It was a top-secret mission. No one could find out, or the British Army would be in a very sticky mess, then the media would find out. Ah, the humiliation. Important documents had gone missing, also a MI6 agent had as well. There would be a group of 80 Men, Women, coming from different races. Some came from Asian, some American, they were mostly British, after all this is the British Army.


Umm, if you can think of anything else, post here. :) Um, I deleted it from Ye olde PPT Gallery and put here instead, move if you want. If you want to give the tips to people, you can give them this link.